Sparrows Point Country Club
Rules and Regulations Booklet
The constitution and by-laws provide information concerning the general operation and government of your Club.
The rules and regulations presented in this booklet are for your information and guidance when participating in your various Club activities. They are subject to change at any time.
It is hoped that the entire membership will observe these rules for the benefit of all. Failure to follow these rules by any member or by the guest of any member, if in the opinion of the Board of Governors, the violation is detrimental to the general membership, may subject such member to action by the Board in accordance with the by-laws.
Board of Governors
Picnic & Playground Facilities
Revised November 2010
Mission Statement
“Sparrows Point Country Club will maintain its reputation as a superior, member-owned, family-oriented club; proud of its history and committed to excellence for the benefit of its members.”
A. All guests must be accompanied by members. A limit on the number of times a guest may attend can be imposed by the Board of Governors.
B. Members and guests must conform to the Club dress code policy. See the SPCC website for details.
C. Children under the age of 14
1. Must be accompanied by a parent or adult while in the clubhouse.
2. Are not permitted in the locker rooms.
3. Are not permitted on the pier unless accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult.
D. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the Lounge during designated happy hours.
E. Food brought in by members should only be consumed in the picnic areas. Boat owners may also bring food aboard their boats for consumption.
F. Parking lot
Vehicles are restricted from entering the Club:
-Trucks, other than pickup or vans
-Tow-type campers
-Motor homes
Under certain conditions, the Club Manager may allow these vehicles on Club property.
1. Bicycles are permitted on the premises but must be placed in the bicycle rack.
2. The parking of vehicles on any portion of the Club property, other than in designated areas and reasonable boundaries within the area, is prohibited.
3. The circle roadway to the main entrance of the clubhouse may be used for the discharge and pick-up of passengers. Parking on this roadway, at any time, is prohibited.
4. Members shall not drive their motor vehicles on any Club maintenance road.
5. Trailers with or without boats are not permitted on the parking lot. They should be parked in the area designated.
G. Alcoholic Beverages
Regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages, under the terms of the Club’s Alcoholic Beverage License, provide that:
1. It is unlawful for the Club to sell or loan alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises.
2. The consumption of alcoholic beverages on the Club premises, not purchased at the Club, is prohibited.
3. Persons under age (as established by the State legislature) may not purchase or consume any alcoholic beverages at any time on the Club premises. The adult member will be held strictly responsible for the observance of this rule.
4. A bottle of wine purchased during a meal may be re-corked by SPCC staff and taken off Club grounds.
H. Damage to the Club
1. Members shall be responsible for all damage to or loss of Club property by them or their guests.
2. No property of any kind or description belonging to the Club shall be removed from Club premises by any member or guest.
I. Locker Rooms
1. The Club Manager shall administer and control all locker room facilities.
2. The Club Manager will assign lockers to members in the chronological order in which requests are received.
3. Upon termination of membership, the member shall relinquish the locker for reassignment.
4. The locker room facility is not to be used by members or guests attending the swimming pool.
5. Bath towels may not be removed from the locker room facility.
6. Golf Clubs may not be stored in lockers.
J. Members and guests are not permitted to bring pets on Club property. However, boat owners may transport their pets to and from their boats and must be under the control of their owners at all times. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets and disposing of it properly.
K. Reservations for dinner and other special affairs
- Requested for dinner
- Required for all other special events
- Reservations for Club affairs, not cancelled 48 hours prior, arechargeable at full price to member.
L. Purchases will be on Club Member Charge System unless otherwise specified.
M. Service Charge
- 15% is added to your guest check for tipping purposes. Payment is at your discretion and may be increased, decreased or eliminated entirely by written order on your guest check.
- Cash tipping is permissible at the snack bars, coat room, for valet parking or beverage cart person when provided.
N. Members are not to censure or discipline Club employees. All complaints should be referred to the Club Manager as soon as practicable.
O. Skateboards, fireworks or other hazardous objects or activities are not permitted.
P. Fishing is not permitted on Club grounds unless sponsored by the Club for a special event.
Q. Club operating days and hours
- Posted on the Club website (, bulletin board and the monthly Point of Interest
- Governed by the House Committee and subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.
A. Dues and other fees
- All dues and fees for Club members and their guests, including carts, greens fees, golf shop purchases, bag and cart storage, shall be billed monthly to member’s account.
B. General
1. Games of golf on Club property will be regulated by rules adopted by the Board of Governors.
2. All Team matches or golf tournaments will be held under the jurisdiction of the Golf Committee.
3. Members must register in the Golf Shop prior to starting play. Members must use their membership account when registering.
4. Each player must play from their own golf bag.
5. Non-playing people are allowed on the course when approved by the golf professional in charge.
6. Merchandise, club repair and services are made available, and shall only be purchased through, the Golf Shop.
7. Practice areas are available to all golfing members.
8. Motorized carts may not be operated by anyone under 16 years of age. All operators must have a minimum valid learners permit.
9. No more than two people at a time may ride in a cart.
10. The golf information booklet (or “green book”), includes additional information regarding golf and the local rules of golf at Sparrows Point.
11. Clubs may be stored in the Golf Shop at the owner’s risk. The storage fee will be charged to the member’s account.
C. Guests
1. Members must register the name of each guest and will be responsible for any charges incurred by a guest, as well as the conduct and attire of the guest.
2. The same guest may not play more than once each calendar month, unless an exception is approved by the Golf Committee and the Board of Governors. House guest fee is available.
3. Members must accompany guests on the golf course. A member may entertain up to seven (7) guests on the golf course simultaneously, providing the two groups are playing in consecutive tee times.
4. On weekends and holidays, guests may only play before 8:15AM or after 12:00PM, unless an exception is approved by the Golf Committee and the Board of Governors.
5. All outside golfing events shall first be cleared through the Club Manager, the Head Golf Professional, the Greens Superintendent and the Golf Committee Chairman. Any event that closes the nine or eighteen hole course must have Board approval.
D. CourseMaintenance
1. Players shall not pick, cut or damage any flowers, shrubs, trees or plants of any kind.
2. All paper, cans and trash must be placed in the proper receptacles. Cigars and cigarettes must be extinguished before being disposed and should not be left anywhere on the golf course.
3. The course will be closed whenever play on it might cause unreasonable damage due to heavy rains or other conditions. A notice will be promptly posted to this regard for the members.
4. Golf bags and push/pull carts must be kept off tees, greens, aprons and bunkers. Push/pull carts may not travel between bunkers and greens.
5. Putting and chipping practice on any of the regular greens, tees and fairways is prohibited – as is chipping to practice putting green. Chipping in the vicinity of the first tee is prohibited. Designated areas are provided for this purpose.
6. Players must replace all divots, smooth damaged areas in the bunkers and repair ball marks on greens.
7. Tee markers may not be moved.
8. The use of all carts (powered or manual) must comply with the posted requirement for that day.
General Rules of Play
1. Players must start from the first tee at all times, unless directed otherwise by the Golf Professional.
2. Players who have been directed to start at any tee other than the first tee will alternate with matches starting at the first tee.
3. All holes must be played in numerical order.
4. Contestants playing matches, except for the finalists in official tournaments, do not have a special right-of-way on the course.
5. Not less than two (2) or more than four (4) players in a group will be permitted on weekends, holidays or any other time when the course is crowded without permission from the Golf Professional.
6. USGA and local rules govern all play. It is recommended that all golfers read the official USGA rules, which are available in the Golf Shop. All local rules are posted yearly in the Club’s “green book.”
7. Information outlining Club tournaments, special golf events, social activities, etc. is posted by the Golf Committee in the “green book,” the Point of Interest, via email and on bulletin boards.
Schedule of Play
The following course restrictions must be observed:
1. CHILDREN – Children under 14 years of age will be allowed on the golf course with the approval of the Golf Professional. Practice areas and putting greens may be used under the direction of the Golf Professional or adult golf member. However, these exclusions will not apply during a Junior tournament sanctioned by the Golf Committee.
2. LADIES’ DAY– All Wednesdays, from the first Wednesday in April to the last Wednesday on October, are designated as “Ladies’ Day.” The first tees of the eighteen and nine hole courses shall be reserved for participants until 11:00AM. However, the Golf Professional may open the course to non-participants before the termination of the reserved time if the first tee is clear.
3. JUNIOR PROGRAM – On the designated day when the Junior program is in effect, the nine hole course will be closed to all other golfers until all Juniors participating in the program are on the course, and permission to play is granted by Club Professional.
4. NINE HOLE COURSE – Members and their guests may play on the nine hole course at all times, except during Ladies’ Day events, Junior events, special Club nine hole tournaments and when the rules of the eighteen hole course apply. The rules of the eighteen hole course apply to the nine hole course on weekends and holidays when the eighteen hole course is closed for a Club tournament. However, there are no restrictions for any members during these events.
a. The eighteen hole course will be open on weekends and holidays to non-primary members at 11:00AM. However, after the tee times requested through the Club Card System are published on Thursdays at noon, non-primary golf members may fill in open tee times after 9:30AM with the approval of the Golf Professional.
b. Primary member group may play whenever the course is available and playable. Members are encouraged to submit their written tee request to the Golf Shop prior to 6PM on Wednesdays. Times will be available after noon on Thursdays.
c. The eighteen hole course is open to play on weekends and holidays for members and their guests from 6:30AM until 8:15AM, and after 12:00PM.
6. The rules regarding schedule of play and the restrictions thereof may change from time to time. These changes will be posted on bulletin boards, on the Club’s website ( and sent to golf member email addresses.
G. Pace of Play
1. It is the responsibility of each group to maintain their pace of play with the group in front of them.
2. Any group which fails to keep its place on the course and loses one clear hole to the preceding group, may be passed or “played through.” It is the duty of players causing a delay to give prompt notice to those playing behind to play through without waiting for a request. The SPCC play policy is 4 hours, 30 minutes.
3. Groups of two, three or four players have equal rights on the course. Single players and more than four players have no standing.
H. Handicap System
1. Participation in the Handicap System is mandatory for all golf members. All scores between March 15 and November 15 should be recorded in the computer, including scores from other courses. Your handicap will be updated twice a month during the season.
2. Members will not be permitted to play any Club handicap event without an official handicap. In order to obtain an official handicap, five 18-hole course scores, or the equivalent, must be properly posted.
3. All members shall record their adjusted score for each round following play. Failure to do so could result in a score being posted for you by the Handicap Committee.
Repeated lack of postings will result in disqualification for a period of one year from any Club handicap events.
I. Golf Etiquette Highlights
1. No one should move, talk or stand too close to or directly behind the ball, or the hole, when a player is making a stroke. Golf requires concentration. Very small distractions can disrupt a stroke which, in turn, can ruin the enjoyment and competitive allure of the game. You are expected to make yourself as unobtrusive as possible while another player is taking their stroke.
2. The player who has the honor should be allowed to play before their opponent tees their ball. Remain off the tee box while others are teeing off.
3. No player should play until the players in front are out of range. Never underestimate your hitting limits.
4. When the result of the hole has been determined, players should immediately clear the putting green. This reduces the possibility of being hit and it speeds up play. Your golf bag, push/pull cart or power cart should never be left in front of the green when going to hole out. Scores should also be recorded on score cards after leaving the green.
5. As a respectful golfer, it is helpful to assist your opponent in finding their lost ball. According to USGA rules, the maximum search time should not exceed 5 minutes, whereby a player should declare the ball lost and return to the spot where the lost ball originated and replay the shot with a one stroke penalty. Players looking for a lost ball should allow other groups coming up to pass them. They should signal the approaching group to play through and then wait until they are out of range before resuming play.
6. A player should see that any turf cut or displaced by him is at once replaced, pressed down or filled with the turf mix available on the carts and tee boxes. Out of consideration for all golf members, you should take pride in preserving the turf as carpet-like as possible. The USGA rules do not permit moving your ball without penalty. If the turf is not maintained properly, the grass at the bottom of the divot will die and turn into bare earth.
7. It is especially important to repair all ball marks on the greens. Every golf member should have a divot tool on hand and they are available in the Golf Shop.
8. Players should carefully rake all bunkers smooth after taking a shot. Enter bunkers on the low side to prevent turf and structural damage, as well as for your own safety. Please leave bunker the same way you found it and leave rake just outside the edge of the bunker.
9. Players should not injure the holes by standing too close to them, hooking the ball out of the hole with a golf club or carelessly replacing the flagstick. When tending the flag, stand at least an arms length away from the hole as not to create irregularities to the putting surface around the hole.
A. Responsibility and Authority of the Pool Manager
The Pool Manager is in full charge of the pool’s operations. He/she has been directed to continue the Club’s high standards for safety, cleanliness, and order. He/she is authorized to restrict any action on the part of the pool users which, in his/her judgment, may be prejudicial to the interests or enjoyment of the members as a whole.