In the Chair: Councillor W Graham
Members Present: Councillors M Black, S Blaney, H A Harding, C McCambridge, A P McConaghy, R D McDonnell, R A McIlroy, O McMullan, C McShane, P McShane, C Newcombe.
Also Present: Mr R G Lewis, Clerk and Chief Executive
Mrs M Quinn, Assistant Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Services
Mr P Mawdsley, Head of Environmental Health and Enforcement
Mr D Kelly, Head of Building Control
Mrs E Mulholland, Head of Development
Mrs L McAreavey, Member Services/Clerical Officer
Apologies were received on behalf of Councillors O Black, Hartin and McAllister.
Boundary Commission Public Hearing
The Clerk informed members that he had attended the Boundary Commission Public Hearing. Because of a number of written submissions regarding the name of the Lurigethan Ward, he had informed the Hearing of the Council’s views regarding this matter. and had spoken to the commissioner. He stated that he had informed him of Council’s view that the Cushendall Ward should be called L?
Expression of Sympathy
Councillor Graham stated that he wished to convey Council’s condolences to the death of the four young PSNI officers on Saturday 22 November. He informed members that there had been seven road accidents in Northern Ireland over the weekend and four in the Republic of Ireland.
Councillor McConaghy stated that he hoped the hoodlums who were responsible for this calltragedy were thinking of the consequences of their actions.
Councillor Graham stated that this was very sad and that a lot of young families had been left behind.
Councillor McConaghy stated that one of the officers involved, Mr Declan O’Neill, was from the same family which had lost three generations in the boating accident in Kilkeel.
The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27 October and 21 January 2008, having been circulated, were taken as read.
After discussion,
Councillor McConaghy proposed,
Seconded by Councillor M Black and resolved,
“That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27 October 2008 be adopted.”
After discussion,
Councillor M Black proposed,
Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved,
“That the minutes of 21 January 2008 be adopted.”
Tree Planting
Councillor McMullan stated that it was agreed at the 24 October that a replacement tree would be planted for the one that he had previously planted at Quay Road, Ballycastle but that this had not been stated in the minutes.
After discussion, it was agreed that the minutes would be amended to show this and it would be actioned by the HTS.
What’s On Guide
Councillor M Black stated that she had phonedrang the Council offices that day to enquire about the next publication of the Moyle What’s On Guide and was told that this would not be published again due to lack of funding and would instead be replaced by a photocopied alternative. She informed members that she felt that this was a shame as this booklet had been 4-5 years in development and was a very helpful and substantial book. She asked if anything could be done to save this publication.
The Clerk stated that he was unsure of the details but informed members that the Tourism Events post was coming to an end due to an end of funding for the post. He stated that the information would be displayed on the Council’s website but that this issue could be discussed at the rates meeting next year if Council wished.
Councillor M Black stated that the booklet was a great tourism tool and that Council should try to save it.
After discussion, it was agreed that the possible funding of the Moyle Events Guide could be discussed at the rates meeting.
Councillor Graham welcomed Ms Julie McMath, , Planning Officer to the meeting.
E/2006/0252/F Connolly, 190 Ballymoney Road, Ballymena, Bt43 5HG. Location, Whitehall, 12 Whitepark Road, Ballycastle. Proposed conversion of existing terraced building into 5 No. dwelling units, with provision for 10 No. parking spaces, associated landscaping works and the demolition of 4 No. agricultural sheds.
E/2006/0438/D Mr & Mrs R Spence, 6 Old Coastguard Station, Ballycastle. Location, 154 Main Street, Bushmills. Proposed removal of the existing building, reduce ground levels to suit new road and footpath levels of new development and Main Street. Make good to adjoining properties where necessary.
E/2006/0439/F R Spence, 6 Old Coastguard Station, Ballycastle. Location, 154 Main Street, Bushmills. Proposed erection of new shop, amenity area and car parking to ground floor and 6 No. two bedroom apartments to first and second floors.
There were no objections to the above three applications, they were recommended for approval.
E/2007/0191/F McManus, 24 Ballyvennaght Road, Coolnagoppagh, Ballyvoy, Ballycastle. Location, outbuildings of 24 Ballyvennaght Road, Coolnagoppagh, Ballyvoy, Ballycastle. Proposed conservation and internal conversion of 2 No. existing single storey vernacular outbuildings to a single dwelling.
Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to insufficient information to determine the application, being contrary to DPPS 14 and due to no demonstration that the property was structurally sound and capable of conversion.
Councillor McCambridge asked if the application could be deferred for two weeks to allow the applicant to provide further information.
After discussion, it was agreed that the application would be deferred for one month to allow for further information.
E/2007/0035/RM D & T McHenry, C/O Halliday Ramsay, Alexander House, 17A Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, BT2 8HD. Location, opposite Drumawillan House, Whitepark Road, Drumawillan, Ballycastle. Proposed erection of 50 bedroom hotel, separate staff accommodation block, 24 hoilday cottages and associated landscaping.
E/2007/0360/RM McCombe and Thompson, Springfield Industrial Estate, Antrim, BT41 4NT. Location, 400m NWN of 93 Magheramore Road, Armoy. Proposed 2 storey dwelling & garage.
E/2007/0414/F Mr P McNeill, 51 Coleraine Road, Ballycastle. Location, 135 Hillside Road, Armoy. Proposed change of house type.
E/2007/0446/F Mr McBride, 13 North Street, Ballycastle, BT54 6BN. Location, 32 Drumaroan Road, Ballycastle. Proposed replacement dwelling (renewal of previous permission) and amended.
E/2007/0463/F Old Bushmills Distillery Co Ltd, C/O R Robinson & Son Ltd, Albany Villas, 59 High Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6BG. Location, Old Bushmills Distillery, 2 Distillery Road, Bushmills. Proposed new car park.
E/2007/0484/F Mr S Christie, 5 Carrowcrin Road, Ballymoney. Location, 50 Magheramore Road, Armoy. Proposed change of house type from that approved under E/1994/0194/F, including removal of existing dwelling and existing foundations, demolition of existing sheds and outbuildings and redevelopment of the site including new landscaping.
E/2008/0018/RM Messrs H & S McGill, 1 Leyland Park, Ballycastle, BT54 6DL. Location, adjacent to St. Mary’s Church Graveyard, Ballinlea Road, Bushmills. Proposed 1 ½ storey dwelling.
E/2008/0064/F Dk 1 Developments Ltd, 19 Kirk Road, Magherafelt, BT45 6BT. Location, 7-9 Quay Road, Town Parks, Ballycastle. Proposed reduction of site numbers from 8 No to 7 No as previously approved under application E/2005/0351/F and change of house type for 8 @ the rear of 7-9 Quay Road, Ballycastle.
E/2008/0065/F Mr & Mrs J Mullan, 8A Hillside Road, Ballycastle, BT54 6HZ. Location, 8A Hillside Road, Ballycastle. Proposed change of use to bed and breakfast.
Councillor McCambridge welcomed the approval of this application, she informed members that Ballycastle was short on Bed and Breakfasts and stated that she welcomed this new business.
E/2008/0078/F O’Connor’s Bar, 7 Ann Street, Ballycastle, BT54 6AA. Location, 5-7 Ann Street, Ballycastle. Proposed 2 storey rear extension (smoking balcony)
E/2008/0152/F Mr C Freeman, C/O R Robinson & Sons, Albany Villas, 59 High Street, Ballymoney. Location, 23m east of 2 Riverside Road, Bushmills. Proposed two free range poultry houses – up to 20,000 birds per unit.
In reply to Councillor Graham, Ms McMath stated that this application was now for one house as it had been amended to gain approval.
There were Mr W Spratt, 5 The Ferns, Armoy, BT53 8XE. Location, opposite 5,6 & & Fernmount Park and adjacent to 1 & 4 The Ferns Armoy. Proposed site for dwelling.
Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to failure to provide a quality residential environment, being contrary to PPS12 and unsatisfactory access arrangements.
E/2008/0154/F Mr R McQuillan, 32 Glendun Road, Cushendun, BT44 0TF. Location, rear of 71-73 Knocknacarry Road, Knocknacarry. Proposed 3 No. dwellings.
Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to failure to provide a quality residential environment, being contrary to PPS12 and unsatisfactory access arrangements.
Councillor McMullan requested that this application be deferred for one month to allow for further information to be provided.
This was agreed.
E/2008/0156/RM Mr A McHenry, C/O GM Design Associates Ltd, 22 Lodge Road, Coleraine, BT52 1NB. Location, site adjacent to44 Whitepark Road, Ballycastle. Proposed erection of storey and a half dwelling.
There were no objections to the above application, it was recommended for approval.
E/2008/0161/F Mr G Kane, 27 Rathlin Road, Ballycastle, BT54 6AG. Location, 4 Moyle Park, Ballycastle. Proposed demolition of existing single storey dwelling and construction of 2 No. single storey dwellings.
Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to failure to provide a quality residential environment, being contrary to PPS12 and unsatisfactory access arrangements.
Councillor M Black requested that this application be deferred for one month to allow for further information.
This was agreed.
E/2008/0164/F Mr P Wylie, C/O T J McDowell, 25 Dowgry Road, Clough, Ballymena, BT44 9SB. Location, lands opposite 115 Castlecatt Road, Ballymoney. Proposed 2 storey dwelling and garage.
E/2008/0165/F Mr A Johnston, C/O Geoff Smyth, 19 The Knockans, Broughshane, Ballymena, BT43. Location, 61 Middlepark Road, Cushendall. Proposed replacement dwelling with integral garage.
E/2008/0167/O Mr S Connor, 1 Toberdoney Road, Liscolman, Ballymoney. Location, adjacent to No 1 Toberdoney Road, Liscolman. Proposed site for dwelling and domestic garage.
E/2008/0168/F L Milne Esq, C/O Russell Finlay, 12 Drumrammer Road, Ahoghill. Location, Public Toilets at Woodvale, Bushmills. Proposed conversion of disused toilets to shop.
There were no objections to the above four applications, they were recommended for approval.
E/2008/0174/O Mr R Morrison, 215 Moyarget Road, Armoy, Ballymoney, BT53 8UB. Location, 243 Moyarget Road, Dervock, Ballymoney. Proposed site for replacement 2 storey house and garage.
Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to being an off-site replacement and failure to integrate.
Councillor Graham stated that the off site location was due to the nature of the field and this being the only available site.
Ms McMath stated that the site could be moved back away from the road.
Councillor Graham stated that the applicant was a diary farmer and informed members that if the site was moved back he would then have cattle grazing in front of his house. He stated that the other side of the field housed a huge lorry store and so this would not be suitable either. He enquired if the applicant would be allowed to build on site.
Ms McMath stated that the applicant would probably be granted permission to build in-on situ and agreed to defer the application for one month to see if any possible new policy would make a difference in this case.
This was agreed.
E/2008/0186/F Gerry Corrigan & Dominic McKay, 5 Drummond Manor, 176 Finaghy Road South, Belfast, BT10 0DH. Location site directly opposite the rear of No. 2o Strandview Road, Ballycastle. Proposed new 1 ½ storey dwelling & associated garden area and parking provision.
Ms McMath stated that this application had been withdrawn.
E/2008/0196/F Mr P McConaghie, C/O Hunter Associates, 8 Charlotte Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6AY. Location, 230 Whitepark Road, Lisnagunogue, Bushmills. Proposed change of existing post office with alternations and extensions to provide one dwelling unit.
Councillor McConaghy declared an interest in this application.
E/2008/0199/F Mr F Jamison, C/O Studiorogers, The Egg Store, 1 Mountsandel Road, Coleraine. Location, site adjacent to 12 Ballynarry Road, Bushmills. Proposed detached 1 ½ storey dwelling with double garage and landscaping. Change of house type and change of access position from that originally approved under E/2008/0031/RM
E/2008/0206/RM Mr McKendry, C/O Hunter Associates. Location, 40m North of Riverside Road, Bushmills. Proposed new dwelling & domestic garage.
E/2008/0208/F Mr J Nicholl, 54 Moycraig Road, Bushmills, BT57 8TB. Location, approximately 90 m NE of 54 Moycraig Road, Bushmills. Proposed relocation of 15 metre domestic wind turbine
E/2008/0221/L O’Connor’s Bar, 5-7 Ann Street, Ballycastle. Location, 5-7 Ann Street, Ballycastle. Proposed 2 storey extension, smoking balcony.
E/2008/0225/L Bushmills Hotels Ltd, Bushmills Inn Hotel, Bushmills. Location, Bushmills Inn Hotel, 9 Dunluce Road, Bushmills. Proposed internal alterations to original hotel block to provide new lounge/conference accommodation.
There were no objections to the above six applications, they were recommended for approval.
E/2008/0233/F Mr & Mrs S Delargy, 62 Gaults Road, Cushendall. Location, adjacent to 62 Gaults Road, Cushendall. Proposed retention of mobile home as dwelling for temporary period.
Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to insufficient case of need, detrimental impact on AONB and lack of integration and erosion of rural character.
Councillor McMullan stated that the applicant should be allowed to retain the mobile home on a temporary basis. He informed members that this was allowed before and that this arrangement had also then been extended. He informed members that this was a young couple who needed somewhere to stay and asked that a site meeting be granted.
Ms McMath stated that she was not able to grant a site meeting and that the procedure for this was to write to the Divisional Planning Manager. She informed members that with policy PPS14 in dealing with residential caravans an exceptional case of need must be shown and this had not been fulfilled.
After discussion, it was agreed that council would write to the Divisional Planning Manager to request a site meeting.
In reply to Councillor McMullan, Ms McMath stated that a reply should be reasonably quick on receipt of Council’s letter.