February 16, 2015 Merrill Township Board Meeting
Merrill Township Community Complex, 1585 W. 11 Mile Road, Bitely, MI 49309
1.Call to orderBaldwin called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
2.PledgeJackson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3.PrayerBaldwin offered opening prayer.
4.Roll callThe following board members were present: supervisor Barry Baldwin, clerk Marilyn Pembrook, treasurer Debra Fisher, trustee Gene Fisher, and trustee Frank Jackson; absent: none
5.Approval of meeting agenda
G. Fisher moved, seconded by Jackson, to approve the meeting agenda, Ayes all; motion carried.
6.Approval of consent agenda
Jackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, to approve the consent agenda. Ayes all; motion carried.
- Approval of January 19,2015, Board minutes
- Correspondence (no board action required)—Deb Berger, vacancies on the Mental Health Board, Board of Public Works, and Brownfield Authority Board
- Approval to pay bills—checks #14245 - 14265, general account, total $9,247.71; and checks #3116 - 3121, transfer station account, total $2,676.30.
7.Lilley Twp. Fire Department (LTFD) reportFire Chief Scott DeBruyne was present and reviewed the January, 2015, written report (copy filed). He also reported on the following items:
- Calls received/returned, emails, and meetings attended pertaining to the fire department.
- An estimate of the costs to do a controlled burn on the house that the township owns next to the park—$500 for asbestos abatement permit; if there is asbestos to be removed, that could be several thousand dollars; would need to work with Great Lakes Energy due to the close proximity to electric lines.
8.Zoning Administrator’s report None presented. Baldwin noted that he spoke with Ron Corradin on Friday, and that this is a slow time of year, but that camping permits are already being and processed.
9.Supervisor’s reportBaldwin reported on the following:
- He received a call from Abby Watkins of Newaygo County Emergency Services requesting to rent the building on March 27 and 28 for an overnight rescue training. The building would be used to house the participants overnight. Jackson offered to cover the $25 rental fee.
- Pumped well electrical permit fee has been paid and Raymer is waiting for power.
- Road Commission has kept the well area well cleared.
- Spoke with Veronica and Amanda of area non-profit groups regarding possible conversion of this building for housing.
- Took paperwork to Norm Oakes, who will complete the surveys when weather permits.
- Spoke with Kelly Smith of the Road Commission who will put together a bid for Grant Street improvements.
- The Arcadis report has arrived. Henoted that Mrs. Springer from the DEQ is still working on the 1978 railroad chemical spillcontaminationissue.
10.Clerk’s report Pembrook reported the newsletter has been completed and that 2,750 copies were delivered to N.C. Equalization for mailing to property owners with the assessment notices.
11.Treasurer’s reportThe board received the January 31, 2015, written report (copy filed). Cash balances were: general fund, $113,407.30; road fund, $227,332.22; fire fund, $77,857.91; and transfer station fund, $56,514.06. D.Fisher also noted that the last day of tax collection is March 2.
12.Planning Commission reportG. Fisher reported that there was no meeting this past month and that the next meeting will be held February 19.
13.Public comment was received expressing apositive view of board actions.
14.Old business
Merrill Township Zoning Board of Appeals appointmentsThe board reviewed the applications received from Rodger Stroop and Dale Osmolinski.
Pembrook moved, seconded by Jackson, that Rodger Stroop be appointed to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ayes all; motion carried.
Jackson moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that Dale Osmolinski be appointed to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ayes all; motion carried.
Pembrook noted that there is still one vacancy on the ZBA.
15.New Business
a.Date for budget workshop Discussion ensued as to March 2, and March 9, for possible dates.
Pembrook moved, seconded by G. Fisher, that the board hold a budget workshop on March 9, at 7:00 P.M. Ayes all; motion carried.
b.Date for public hearing on budget
G. Fisher moved, seconded by Jackson, that the public hearing on the 2015-2016 budget be held during the March 16 regularboard meeting. Ayes all; motion carried.
c.Budget amendment
Frank Jackson moved, Gene Fisher seconded, that
WHEREAS, the Merrill Township General Appropriations Act, 2014-2015, Section 13: Budget Monitoring, states, “Whenever it appears to the Chief Administrative Officer or the Township Board that the actual and probable revenues in any fund will be less than the estimated revenues upon which appropriations from such fund were based, and when it appears that expenditures shall exceed an appropriation, the Chief Administrative Officer shall present to the township board recommendations to prevent expenditures from exceeding available revenues or appropriations for the current fiscal year. Such recommendations shall include proposals for reducing appropriations, increasing revenues, or both.”
WHEREAS, The Chief Administrative Officer has presented the following proposed changes to the budget to the Board regarding the 2014-2015 expenditures.
In the Fire Fund, transfer $21,000.00 from unappropriated money to Capital Improvement, account number 206-336-970.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed budget amendment be adopted this day.
Upon roll call vote the following voted “aye”: Frank Jackson, Debra Fisher, Barry Baldwin, Marilyn Pembrook, and Gene Fisher; “nay”: none. The Supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
d.Approval to authorize payment to Raymer
Pembrook moved, seconded by D. Fisher, to approve payment of $18,680.00 to Raymer per invoice #16827. Ayes all; motion carried.
16.Public comment None received.
17.AdjournBaldwin adjourned the meeting at 8:00 P.M.
Marilyn L. Pembrook, Clerk
February 16, 2015 Merrill Township Board Meeting Minutes