Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) 2016-07-28
Residential Common Plan
(This SWPPP Template is for the Common Plan Permit Only, and
does NOT address SWPPP requirements found in the CGP.)
Common Plan SWPPP for
Facility Site/Project Name
Facility Site/Project Address
Facility Site/Project City, State, Zip
Owner/Contractor Street Address
Owner Street Address
Owner City, State, Zip
Contractor Name (if not the same as Owner)
Contractor Street Address
Contractor City, State, Zip
SWPPP Preparation Date
1. Project Information
Project Name:Click here to enter text.Address:Click here to enter text.
City:Click here to enter text. / State:UT / Zip:Zip Code
Latitude:Degrees, Decimal Minutes
Longitude:Degrees, Decimal Minutes
UPDES Permit Tracking Number:Click here to enter text.
Owner:Click here to enter text.
Contact Person:Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text.
City:Click here to enter text. / State:State / Zip:Zip Code
Telephone Number:Contact Person Phone
Email Address:Contact Person Email
General Contractor:Click here to enter text.
Contact Person:Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text.
City:Click here to enter text. / State:State / Zip:Zip Code
Telephone Number:Contact Person Phone
Email Address:Contact Person Email
Unknown Features(although this may be a law under another program, it’s not a permit requirement).Discovery of Historical, Archaeological or Paleontological Objects, Features, Sites, or Human Remains
A.Immediately suspend construction operations in the vicinity(100 foot minimum buffer) of the discovery.
B.Verbally notify the Public Works Department and provide them the exact location.
C.Protect the discovery and provide written confirmation of the discovery to the City and State Historic Departments within two calendar days.
D.Contractor and City follow State mitigation laws.
2. Best Management Practices
{Not all standard control categories listed below are necessary nor are they all inclusive. It is encouraged to only include BMPs for pollution sources that are uncontrolled and apply to the site. Some BMPs may be used to control multiple categories however some categories may require multiple BMPs to control and contain the pollutant sources indicated in the category. Treat each unique BMP option independently because most BMPshave different performance and maintenance requirements. Include a copy of necessary details, instructions or contracts for the BMPs in appendix L} –[Delete blue instruction text, typical all pages -]
2.1 SWPPP Sign(see permit part 1.10, 4.2.11)
Description of construction board is filed in Appendix L
{The construction board shall include but not limited to; NOI, Local permits and SWPPP contacts and shall be in view of the public.}
{See permit part 1.10, 4.2.11 for specific requirements}
2.2Sensitive Features Control(see permit part 2.2)
{Including but not limited to the standard features below, and wells, UIC’s, irrigations ditches, diversion gates, unique vegetation features…}
{Add unique site features as needed}
2.2.x Wetlands
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.2.xWater Bodies within or 30’ from Disturbance Boundary(see permit part 2.3.5)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Refer to the regulation part 2.3.5 for specific requirements}
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.3Sediment Control(see permit part 2.1.2, 2.1.3 & 2.3)
{Including but not limited to the standard controls below}
{Add unique operations or site conditions needing control as needed}
2.3.xTrap/Filter Sediment at Property Boundary(see permit part 2.1.2)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally boundary BMPs are necessary on all sites whether the boundary is controlled by topography, existing vegetation and improvements, or BMPs installed on the site.
Design controls to contain pollutants in the project legal/permit boundary during a significant precipitation or wind storm event. Generally these BMPs are installed at property lines and roadway boundaries. Including but not limited to: swales, berms, waddles, vegetative barriers, silt fence, swale in park-strip and behind sidewalk (“cut-back-curb”).
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.4.x Inlet Protection(see permit part 2.1.3 & 2.3)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Inlet protection is secondary containment usually intended to compensate for the limitations of other BMPs intended to keep sediment off roads, or permitted construction envelope.
Design controls to prevent pollutants from affecting the public and environment that breach the Primary Boundary Controls. BMP shall be designed to prevent flooding in large storm events. These are usually intended to be secondary and a redundant control measure. Including but not limited to: drop inlet bags, inlet waddles, filter fabric, gutter dams
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.4.x Steep Slopes (see permit part 2.3.2)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Control the high potential for erosion on steep slopes within the area of influence including beyond the property boundary; see BMP templates in Appendix L}
{Refer to the regulation for specific requirements}
{Repeat as Needed}
2.4.x Street Maintenance(see permit part 3.2.2)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Sediment removal BMPs should not be expected to be used in place of an inadequate track out BMPs. It is intended to compensate for limitations of good track out BMPs that are employed to the maximum extent practicable. An appropriate track out BMP will minimize the frequency that this BMP will need to be employed.
Design controls to be in place or ready to mobilize for cleanup or otherwise contain construction materials that breach the other BMPs. Including but not limited to: manual sweeping policy(broom and shovel), removal by mechanical sweeping (washing dirt and sediment with water into a storm drain is a violation of this permit)
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.4Top Soil Preservation(see permit part 2.5)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Reuse and or blend topsoil; see BMP templates in Appendix L }
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.5 Dust Control(see permit part)
{Including but not limited to the standard controls below}
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally, dust prevention is necessary for projects with cleared vegetation, and involves excavation and grading.
Design controls to effectively suppress dust during construction activities and at end of the work day. Including but not limited to: State Fugitive Dust Plan Requirements, dampen with water, provide a water source, chemical stabilization, selective operation during low wind conditions
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.6EgressControl(see permit part2.4)
2.6.x Track Out(see permit part 2.4.1)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally track out control is necessary for projects that involve machinery moving from non durable ground to pavements. Whether BMPs are a system or policy that will prevent mud from sticking to tires or a BMP that will remove mud or require the manual removal of mud from the vehicle, it is the same. Many sites will benefit from multiple track out BMPs.
Design controls to prevent mud and dirt from being tracked out onto the streets. Including but not limited to: track out pads, parking pads, access policies, access barriers, cobble, gravel, rubble strips, tire washes, and manual tire cleaning, selective access during dry weather conditions, any structure, system or policy that prevent track out onto the street.
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7Waste Management Control(see permit part 4.2.6)
{Including but not limited to the standard features below}
{Add unique operations needing control as needed}
2.7.x Solid Waste(see permit part 2.4.3)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally, projects will need solid waste BMPs when any waste can potentially be carried off the site by flowing water, precipitation or wind.
Design controls to prevent construction trash from being be carried off the site by precipitation and wind. Also prevent liquids from spilling onto pavements while onsite and at haul off. Including but not limited to: dumpsters, covered dumpsters, receptacle w/lids, waste policies, storing waste inside the building, bagging lightweight trash, sloping dumpsters so precipitation will drain on to property and infiltrate, fences
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7.xConstruction Spoil(see permit part 2.1.1)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally apply this BMP for project sites storing spoil where the spoil can bury BMPs, erode and reach waterways, track out during transport or blow off the site. Generally containing spoil material can be as simple as locating spoil material behind perimeter controls and controlling track out BMPs during haul off.
Design controls to prevent pollutants associated or created by material spoils storage and removal operations(typically from excavation or site clearing activities). Including but not limited to: covering erodible materials, runoff containment, track out control for spoil removal, haul off policy, operational controls such as not spoiling material near inlets or hard-scape directly connected to drainage system, etc.…
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7.xSanitary Waste(see permit part 2.4.4)
Replace text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally apply this BMP for project sites storing spoil where the spoil can bury BMPs, erode and reach waterways, track out during transport or blow off the site. Generally containing spoil material can be as simple as locating spoil material behind perimeter controls and controlling track out BMPs during haul off.
Design controls to prevent pollutants associated or created by material spoils storage and removal operations(typically from excavation or site clearing activities). Including but not limited to: covering erodible materials, runoff containment, track out control for spoil removal, haul off policy, operational controls such as not spoiling material near inlets or hard-scape directly connected to drainage system, etc.…
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7.xCement ProductOperations(see permit part 2.4.5, 2.9.2)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally, apply cement waste control for projects requiring concrete supply trucks, concrete truck chassis, pump truck hopper, mortar hopper, miscellaneous hand tools, and other large concrete operations or operations that involve high PH materials
Design BMPs to contain concrete waste, and other related waste, on the site from runoff and leaching. Including but not limited to: onsite depression, lined depressions, steel bins, waste disposal policies, signage directing supplies where to dump, directions for washing concrete truck chassis
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7.xConcrete Cutting Operations(see permit part 2.9.2)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally, concrete cutting operations BMPs are necessary where the coolant waste and cutting dust can reach waterways or affect adjacent properties.
Design BMPs to prevent pollutants from entering storm drain inlets. Contain cutting coolant and removal of dry cuttings prior wet or windy conditions. Including but not limited to: temporary dams, cleanup procedures, filters(BMPs that allow a discharge must be accompanied by a wastewater discharge permit, UTG070000), etc
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7.xNon Aqueous Waste(see permit part 2.8.2)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when aseparate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally, this applies to projects generating liquid construction waste material such as but not limited to paint, solvents, stucco, dyes, etc.
Design BMPs to contain concrete waste, and other related waste, on the site from runoff and leaching. Including but not limited to: onsite depression, lined depressions, steel bins, waste disposal policies, signage directing supplies where to dump
{Add BMPs as Needed}
2.7.x Construction Wastewater(see permit part 2.7, 2.9, 2.9.4)
Replace this text with the BMP name or explain why it DOES NOT APPLY.
BMP description, rational for use and specifications, and details are filed in Appendix L. {Delete this sentence when a BMP is not necessary or replace it with a BMP description when a separate detailed BMP document is not necessary}
{Generally apply this BMP for project sites that anticipate high water table or when stormwater or other water sources will need to be discharged or pumped away from a construction zone.
Design controls to prevent the disposal of polluted construction wastewater that encumbers the site. Including but not limited to: file required state permit for disposal, filter discharges, discharge onsite in containment/retention area. Any direct discharges requires State Permit UTG070000 be attached in appendix.{Add BMPs as Needed}