13 JULY 2016
1. To invite the Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel to consider its work programme for the 2016-17 municipal year.
2. That the scrutiny panel identifies the topics it would like to include in its work programme for 2016/17, for consideration/approval by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
3. Each of the Council’s scrutiny panels agrees an annual work programme of topics for investigation. The work programme is then considered and approval by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
4. Following approval of the work programme topics, the panel will generally begin consideration of each topic by receiving an overview of the subject area. Terms of reference are then agreed by the scrutiny panel for its investigation. These outline the areas that will be examined by the panel during the course of its work. Each scrutiny investigation results in the panel producing a ‘final report’, including its conclusions and recommendations on the topic under consideration. Final reports are then:
· Considered/approved/amended by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
· Submitted to The Executive.
5. If approved by The Executive, scrutiny recommendations then become Council policy.
6. All Council Members have been consulted on possible topics for inclusion in the work programme for 2016-17. In addition, suggestions have been requested from Council officers and the public. Suggestions received and topical issues are set out below.
7. To assist in determining possible topics, appropriate officers from relevant service areas will be at the meeting to provide an overview of service areas covered by the scrutiny panel’s remit. Further information will be presented at the meeting. Members may also wish to use the flowchart attached at Appendix 1 to prioritise issues where scrutiny can make an impact, add value or contribute to policy development.
Possible topics for the 2016-17 work programme
a) Youth unemployment
b) Bus lanes
c) Road safety in Russell Street (near Wilkinsons)
d) Regeneration grants
e) Impact of selective licensing of landlords
f) Concessionary fares
g) Linthorpe Road regeneration
h) Town centre parking
i) Night-time economy, including parking
j) Disabled access across Middlesbrough
k) Disabled access to transport (taxis and trains)
l) Linthorpe Road/night time economy – parking (and bus lanes) including Teesside University
m) Pot hole repairs
n) Dock bridge
o) Taxi and private hire licensing – policies and practices compared to other boroughs
p) Disposal of capital receipts from land sales to housing developers.
q) Promoting and protecting Middlesbrough’s heritage.
r) Middlesbrough tourism.
s) Supporting Middlesbrough Town Centre.
t) Cycling strategy/cycle lanes
u) Council Travel Plan (promoting car share etc).
v) Roads/resurfacing/highways maintenance.
w) Selective landlord licensing
x) Speed humps - policy (current policy is to remove them only if a road needs resurfacing)
8. Members are advised that the list of possible topics is not exhaustive and that any additional topics can be considered and discussed at the scrutiny panel meeting. In addition, the panel is asked to note that it will be necessary to complete the scrutiny panel’s investigation of the subject of Community Hubs. Finalisation of this topic has been carried over from the 2015-16 municipal year.
9. In addition to undertaking the agreed work programme, scrutiny panels may respond to emerging issues throughout the year - for example by considering relevant new legislation, guidance or Government consultation documents. This approach occasionally results in further topics being identified for investigation or review throughout the year.
10. Ad-Hoc Scrutiny Panels may also be established throughout the year by the Overview and scrutiny Board to undertake additional investigations - for example to examine areas of work which overlap more than one scrutiny panel.
11. The scrutiny panel is also advised that, under the terms of the Local Government Act 2000, local authorities have a responsibility of community leadership and a power to secure the effective promotion of community well-being. Therefore, in addition to the scrutiny panel’s generally recognised powers (of holding the Executive to account, reviewing service provision, developing policy, considering budget plans and performance and financial monitoring), panels also have the power to consider any matters which are not the responsibility of the Council but which affect the local authority or the inhabitants of its area. For example, the Council’s scrutiny panels have examined issues such as flood prevention, local bus services and post office closures.
12. The scrutiny panel is asked to consider and agree its work programme for the 2016/17 municipal year. To assist in this task, appropriate officers covering Regeneration and Transport service areas will be at the panel meeting. The officers will provide an overview of the main services within the scrutiny panel’s remit and an outline of priorities, key issues and challenges for the year ahead.
13. In accordance with guidance contained in the Council’s Scrutiny Handbook, the scrutiny panel is asked to ensure that topics agreed for inclusion:
· Affect a group of people living within the Middlesbrough area.
· Relate to a service, event or issue in which the Council has a significant stake or over which the Council has an influence.
· Are not issues which the Overview and Scrutiny Board or the scrutiny panels have considered during the last 12 months.
· Do not relate to an individual service complaint; and
· Do not relate to matters dealt with by another Council committee, unless the issue deals with procedure.
14. The panel can include a mixture of working styles in its agreed programme. This can include detailed and in-depth reviews, shorter topics, or one-off investigations.
15. Once the scrutiny panel has identified the areas of priority, these will be included in a programme for approval by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
16. There were no background papers used in the preparation of this report.
Contact Officer:
Alan Crawford
Scrutiny Support Officer
Democratic Services
Tel: 01642 729707