The Kite Runner and Contemporary Issues Essay
Amir is told by Farid, “You should write about Afghanistan… Tell the world what the Taliban are doing to our country,” to which he replies, “I’m not that kind of writer” (235-236). However, it seems that Amir has become that type of writer in telling his story, exploring the complexity of Afghanistan in the story he tells.
For your final assessment for The Kite Runner, you will be exploring a topic or theme that is addressed in the novel and also speaks to a contemporary issue (political, social, ethical, local, national or international). You will locate at least 1 article that addresses this issue in contemporary society, and then connect this issue to specific episodes and passages in the novel. Pay special attention to passages that will help you identify contradictions, tensions, and multiple perspectives in the novel.
Here are some potential topics:
gender relationships/gender politics - Soraya discusses the double standard that exists for Afghan women, as she is seen as “damaged goods” for her previous relationship. Hassan’s mother, Sanaubar, reflects the negative reaction to female sexuality. Soraya’s mother must promise to never sing in public again after her marriage, thereby silencing her.
Here are some potential ideas for contemporary connections:
- Hillary Clinton, politics and gender
- Girls and education, or the lack thereof, throughout the world (remember Malala?)
- Women and the pay gap
- Free Kesha
race/ethnicity - The story shows how the lives of ordinary people are affected by domestic and international power politics. Hosseini shows the division between the two factions of Afghan society. Other power struggles and political tensions also exist in the novel, such as the soviet invasion, the rise of the Taliban, Amir’s feelings of inadequacy in regards to his father, Soraya’s rebellion against her parents, Amir’s physical fights with Assef. How is power related to one’s class, gender or ethnicity?
- How is this still relevant to world conflicts or society today?
- Consider hate crimes, ethnic cleansing, almost all of the wars and conflicts in the world right now.
- Three muslim students murdered in Chapel Hill
- San Bernadino shootings
- Immigration (Syrian refugees, Mexican immigrants, etc.)
Father/son dynamics - Fathers and sons often have complicated relationships in the novel. Amir struggles to live up to his father’s expectations and is jealous of Baba’s affection for Hassan, Hassan and Ali have a close relationship, yet Baba is actually his father. Amir eventually becomes a father to Sohrab. What do you notice about this dynamic and how it impacts the characters? There are many modern-day examples of this father/son dynamic and how it impacts an individual’s choices.
- consider the Bush political family - was Jeb trying to live up to family pressure?
- the Oregon standoff - was Bundy trying to live up to his father’s dynasty?
- Here’s an article about politicans and their fathers:
religious extremism - Early in the novel, Baba tells Amir, “God help us all if Afghanistan ever falls into” the hands of the mullahs. We later see evidence that religious power is corrupt when there is a cleric present at Ghazi stadium during the public stoning, and he claims, “God says that every sinner must be punished.” Assef later claims that God wants him to “live for a reason,” which reflects the arrogance of those in power who think their actions are sanctioned by God. The Taliban further reflects the horrors of religious extremism.
What are some examples of religious extremism in our current world?
- The Taliban, ISIS
- Current politics in our country
- Terrorism for religious purposes
- Here’s a link to some topics:
master/servant relationships - What is the nature of master/servant relationships and is betrayal inherent in this type of dynamic? Baba betrays Ali, Amir betrays Hassan. Both men have betrayed someone who is “like a brother” or literally a brother to them. Is there something about the master/servant relationship and the power dynamic it represents that encourages this type of betrayal?
Are there other issues in our society that reflect this same dynamic?
- employee/employer relationships
- human trafficking
- modern day slavery
redemption - despite the shame and violence depicted in the novel, the ending offers hope and a chance for Amir to “be good again.” What is redemption? Does Amir deserve redemption, and does he achieve it? Can people in our society gain redemption for their wrongs or sins?
- In “On War and Redemption,” Timothy Kudo reflects on the morality of war and the possibilities for redemption after his return home in 2011 from fighting in Afghanistan.
- In “A Bachelor’s in Redemption,” Carin Rubenstein tells the story of the transformative power of education in her profile of inmates at Sing Sing graduating from college.
rape culture Hosseini claims that rape in the novel is a metaphor for how Afghans felt they were treated after the Soviet Union left and the Western countries failed to help. Rape is a way to exert power or control over another. The instances of rape in the novel reflect this power dynamic, both literally and metaphorically.
Here are some starting points for considering rape in our current society:
- rape on college campuses
- in the N.F.L
- via high school hazing
- Bill Cosby
- rape in India
For this essay, you must:
- include a thesis statement that sets forth your theme or claim and applies it to both the novel and a contemporary example or issue
- analyze your issue or theme in all its complexity with textual evidence from the Kite Runner as well as your outside source(s)
- integrate all evidence (direct quotations as well as paraphrased material) properly and explain how it is significant to your central focus
- use MLA format for headings as well as all citations and your Works Cited page
- Your essay should be around 3 pages in length, and should be uploaded to
Due dates:
topic proposal: due Thursday, March 3
article/research due: Friday, March 5, by the end of class
first draft due:
final draft due:
Introduction / 10Thesis/Overall Premise / 10
Choice of evidence from the novel
Integration of evidence from the novel / 15
Choice of evidence from outside research
Use of evidence from outside research / 15
Analysis/Logical Progression of Ideas / 20
Conclusion / 10
MLA Format
Works Cited page / 10
Mechanics/Editing / 10