STM E-Production Seminar 2011:
1st December2011
Hilton London Kensington Hotel
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Outsourcing and Offshoring – latest developments
Moderated by Frank Stumpf, Consultant and Board Advisor
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
To Outsource or not to Outsource? Tips and tools for the society publisher
Caitlin Meadows, Publishing Services Director, Charlesworth Group
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Outsourcing and the Changing Face of Production
Will Wilcox, Journal Content Management Director, Life Sciences Division, Wiley-Blackwell
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
John Wheeler, Vice-President for Strategy and Emerging Technologies at SPi Global
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Mobile Technologies – a case study
Shaun Barriball CEO and Founder of Mobile IQ
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
David Payne, Editor
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
What is new in Online Hosting?
What's New (In Fifteen Minutes or Less)
Kevin Cohn, Vice-President of Operations, Atypon
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Finders KeepersThe importance of content discovery, semantic enrichment and the user in an online information economy
Louise Russell, Chief Operating Officer, Publishing Technology
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Dr. Jeff Deneen, Director of Sales and Marketing, Metapress,
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
E-Content Integration
Louise Page, Director of Publishing Strategy, Highwire,
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Joy Moore, Chief Product Strategist, Silverchair Information Systems
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Focus on Books
EPUB3: Not Your Father’s EPUB
Bill Kasdorf, General Editor of The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing and Vice President of Apex Content Solutions
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Challenges in eBook production
Bruce Rosenblum, CEO Inera Inc.
Topic content and value:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Speaker’s presentation of material:
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
Overall Seminar
1. How do you rank this seminar in terms of:
a. Content & Usefulness
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
b. Meeting with colleagues and other professionals
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
2. Was the seminar well organized?
ExcellentAbove AvgGoodFairPoor
3. What was the best feature(s) of the seminar?
4. Which part of the seminar could you do without?
5. Do you have any suggestions for future speakers and/or seminars?
6. Are you a member of STM?
Thank you very much!