Ch 7 Nervous System Review
1. What are the four principle parts of the brain?
2. What are the three layers of the cranial meninges, from superficial to deep?
3. What structures are the site of CSF production, and where are they located?
4. Define decussation of pyramids. Why is it important?
5. Explain why the hypothalamus is considered to be part of both the nervous system and endocrine system.
6. Which area of the cerebrum controls skilled muscle movements?
7. Which 2 areas of the cerebrum are most important for language?
8. Which area of the brain is responsible for vomiting, sneezing, coughing, and swallowing reflexes?
9. What is gray matter? White matter?
10. Name the 4 major regions of the adult brain. Shade the most inferior in light red, next light blue, next light green and most superior gray.
11. Name the ventricles of the brain
12. What is the function of the ventricles?
13. Name the major lobes, fissures and give major function of the lobes.
14. Describe the function of the basal nuclei (basal ganglia)
15. Name the diencephalon, its subdivisions and their major functions.
16. Name three major regions of the brain stem and the functions of each
17. Label and describe the structures and functions of the cerebellum
18. Locate the limbic system and explain its functional system.
19. Name of location of the reticular formation and explain its function.
20. Describe the formation of CSF and trace its circulatory pathway
21. Explain the functional details of the hypothalamus.
22. The tough outer meninx protecting the brain and spinal cord is the
23. The subarachnoid space contains the ____________________ .
24. Vital centers are found here.
25. Contains the corpora quadrigemina
26. Helps maintain posture and equilibrium
27. Controls voluntary movement
28. Link between nervous and endocrine systems.
29. Contains nuclei of cranial nerves V through VIII.
30. Which lobe contains Broca’s speech area?
31. Which lobe contains auditory area?
32. Which lobe contains visual areas?
33. Which lobe contains olfaction?
34. In most persons the_________ cerebral hemisphere is responsible for speech.
35. The __________________ functions to maintain consciousness.
36. The white matter of the cord consists of ________ and_____________ tracts.
37. How do the right and left hemispheres communicate, name this structure.
Identify the part of the brain most closely associated with the following functions:
38. regulation of body temperature
39. regulation of heart rate
40. reflex center for pupil constriction
41. interpretation of language
42. maintenance of posture
43. How have scientists pinpointed functions of various parts of the cerebrum?
44. What is the pyramidal system? Describe its functions.
45. What is the RAS and what does it do?
46. Draw and label a cross section through the spinal cord. Label functions
47. How does the arrangement of gray matter and white matter differ in the cerebral hemispheres and the spinal cord?
48. What are the two functions of the spinal cord?
49. What is the function of the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system?
50. How can the sympathetic nervous system have the opposite effect on an organ that is stimulated by the parasympathetic branch as well?
51. Name the two great controlling systems of the body.
52. Healthy aged people maintain nearly optimal intellectual function. What disease is the major cause of declining mental function with age?
53. Kevin , a futon potato, likes to eat all of his brunch as fast as he can at the beginning of class. Mrs. C asks him to come up to the board to draw and explain the parts of the brain. But he is “too tired” and promptly goes to sleep. What seems to be his problem?
54. A semiconscious young woman is brought to the hospital by friends after falling from a roof. She did not lose consciousness immediately, and she was initially lucid. After a while, though, she became confused and unresponsive. What is a likely explanation of her condition?
55. Elderly Mrs. Baker has suffered a stroke. She is able to understand verbal and written language, but when she tries to respond, her words are garbled. What cortical region has been damaged by the stroke?