Early Intervention Child & Family Single Assessment Checklist
Complete the pre-assessment Checklist to determine if an EI Child & FamilySingle Assessment should take placeYou identify unmet needs/concerns of a child you are working with.
Explain to the parent/carer/young person the reason why the assessment or EI panel referral will help you better understand what their needs are and tell other professionals information without the family having to repeat their story again. Explain the Lead Professional role.
Obtain written consent and explain reasons why this is needed to help you gather information from other people who are already involved with the child/family and who may need to become involved in the future.
Contact the Early Intervention Assessment Coordinator or Business support to ensure that the child has not already an open Single Assessment with Early Intervention/ Children Social Care.
Gather information from other professionals to build a clear picture of the needs of the family and incorporate this information to the particular sections of the form.
The voice of the child should be evident within the assessment and TAC meetings. The child Booklet 7-11 years / Calderdale Communication toolkit can be usedto communicate and engage with children and young people.
Meet with the parent/carer, young person or child to complete the assessment and agree actions to address the identified unmet needs
The assessment should be completed within 15 days of obtaining consent. This is to ensure that support for the family is identified in a timely manner and prevents the situation from deteriorating
Centrally log your assessment with the Early Intervention Business Support or by inputting the information yourself on the early intervention electronic system
The assessment MUST be stored centrally and shared with the parent/carer/young person and professionals you are inviting to the first TAC.See TAC Meeting Checklist
At point of closure agree with family and TAC members that the TAC’s can be closed
Complete Evaluation Impact Tool, reasons for closure and feedback section and return to the EI Assessment/Business Support so that the Assessment can be closed and information recorded for data purposes