
by the direction of

regional state administration

from ______№ ____


on contest

for the assessment of the best investment proposal concerning the development of the Carpathians tourist, recreation and sport infrastructure in the Ivano-Frankivsk region

І. General provisions

1.1. This regulation determines the stages, conditions of organization and procedure for the assessment of the best investment proposal concerning the development of the Carpathians tourist, recreation and sport infrastructure in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (the Contest), list of the documents and basic requirements for the investment proposals.

1.2. The Contest is held within the arrangements’ framework of the Carpathians terrirories’ planning scheme of the Ivano-Frankivsk region including Kosiv, Kolomyya, Verhovyna, Nadvirna, Bohorodchany, Dolyna, Rozhnyativ, Kalush districts and Yaremche city.

1.3. Investment proposals which should be or are already implemented on the territory of the Carpathians of the Ivano-Frankivsk region are accepted for participation in the contest.

1.4. The development of tourist, recreation and sport infrastructure of the aforementioned districts is the main target of investment proposals. Economic, geographical, ecological, historical and cultural traditions as well as the basic requirements of International Olympic Committee on the development of sport infrastructure to host Winter Olympic Games in the Carpathians in 2022, are considered during the investment proposals’ working-out.

1.5. The objective of the Contest lies in the identification of the perspective proposals regarding regional infrastructure development aiming at the assessment of their feasibility, consideration during the submitting of investment proposals to potential investors and set up of Ukraine’s sport touristic infrastructure able to host Winter Olympic Games of 2022

1.6. Regional state administration is the organizer of the contest.

1.7. The Contest is open for everyone. The principles of equity and objectiveness constitute the basis of the selection process.

1.8. To participate in the Contest, enterprises of any ownership form and private entrepreneurs are accepted.

ІІ. Preparation and implementation of the Contest

2.1. The Contest organizers compose the organizing committee, assure its implementation, information support and decide on the winners.

The composition of organizing committee is approved by the direction of regional state administration.

The organizing committee members are: deputy head of regional state administration, chiefs of the main department of economy, cities’ construction and architecture, department of tourism, European integration, foreign relations and investments, department of construction and regional development, department of family, youth and sport of the regional state administration.

2.2.Organizing committee coordinates the passing of investment proposals on all the stages of selection process and supports the implementation of the Contest.

2.3. Organizing committee considers and assesses the proposals, decides on the winners of the Contest.

ІІІ. Conditions for submitting and registration of application form

3.1. To participate in the Contest, the applicants submit application form to the organizing committee which includes the following set of documents:

- letter of request concerning the participation in the Contest:

- brief summary of investment proposal;

- visual materials:

- information about the applicant i.e. experience in the particular field.

3.2. Intended structure of the application form:

- name;

- general description ( situation on the territory of the Carpathian region, the emerging problems and the reasons behind them, the essence of suggested decisions and their impact on the problems’ solutions);

- innovative character of the proposals, particularly with regard to the sustainable development of the territories;

- expected results from the implementation of investment proposal;

- actions for the implementation of investment proposal and implementation schedules;

- administration structure of the actions’ implementation;

- intended expenditures on the implementation of actions;

- sources of financing.;

- financial-economic analyses of proposals or the key issues considered by such analysis;

- promotion plan of investment proposals;

- ecological, economic and public aspects of the investment proposals’ implementation;

- legal aspects of investment proposals’ implementation (conformity with the legal norms i.e. the grounds or the documents which form the basis for the preparation of investment proposal; obstacles and legal procedures necessary to be observed during the implementation of actions).

ІV. Contest’s implementation procedure

4.1. To participate in the contest, the contester submits the list of documents to the organizing committee.

The application forms are submitted in person or with the recommended letter.

4.2.The organizing committee considers on and evaluates submitted application forms.

Based on the work results, one of the following decisions is rendered:

- approve the application form – the contestant becomes the participant of the Contest;

- send the application form for revision – recommendations are specified;

- reject the application form – argumentative rejection is formulated.

Revised investment proposals together with the corrected application form are sent to the organizing committee again for the final decision.

Best investment proposals will be employed during the working-out of presentation materials for the potential investors.

The best proposal will be included to the planning scheme for the further implementation.

Chief of the main department

of tourism, European integration

foreign affairs and investments

of regional state administration V. Semkiv


by the direction of

regional state administration

from ______№ ______


of organizing committee for the implementation of the Contest to assess on the best investment proposal concerning the development of the Carpathians tourist, recreation and sport infrastructure in the Ivano-Frankivsk region

Ruslan / deputy head of regional state administration
head of organizing committee
Maria / first deputy chief of the main department of tourism, European integration, foreign affairs and investments of regional state administration
secretary of organizing committee
Members of the organizing committee:
Petro / chief of the main department of construction and regional development of regional state administration
Мyroslav / chief of the main department of
family, youth and sport of
regional state administration
Volodymyr / chief of the main department of economy of regional state administration
Igor / chief of the main department of cities’ construction and architecture of regional state administration

Approved with the members of

organizing committee: V. Semkiv