Maryland 4-H Volunteers’ Association
General MembershipMeeting
April 30, 2016
1:00 p.m.
Ageneral membership meeting of the Maryland 4-H Volunteers’ Association was held on Saturday,April 30, 2016 during Maryland Day at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Those in attendance were Jennifer Hiscock, Kara Barnhart, Mary Thomas, Gina Degreenia, Cheryl Hill, Alyssa Degreenia, Karen Al-Faleh, Jane Burke, Wesley Cory, Josh Hiscock, Sue Knower, and Meredith Smith. Sandy Corridon from the State 4-H Office was able to join the meeting after the State 4-H Communications Contest.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. by President Jennifer Hiscock who thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Cheryl Hill moved to accept the minutes from the February 13, 2016 general membership meeting as corrected and Meredith Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried and the minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report: The current balance in the Volunteers’ Association General Account as of April 12, 2016 is $3,761.10. This included $150.00 in 4-H car magnet sales and a deduction of $471.00 from the Maryland 4-H All Stars Spring Silent Auction, which was credited to the Association’s account in error by the Maryland 4-H Foundation. The current balance in the Volunteer Forum account is $27,709.77.
Cheryl Hill reported that Putt Putt Golf and Silent Auction deposits from the Volunteer Forum have been made to the correct accounts. Jenn Hiscock added that they are working on reimbursing Arlene Lantz for the initial cost of the car magnets.
Committee Reports: Jenn Hiscock reported that we had a few volunteers sign up for a committee after our last meeting. The committee sign-up sheets will be available after the meeting.
Program Committee: Jennifer Hiscock
Becky Ridgeway did a presentation at our last meeting on the Senior Portfolios. The program for our June meeting will be a new initiative by the Maryland 4-H All Stars on the Diamond Clover Program. Presenters will be Kendra Wells, Anne Schnappinger and Marvin Beckman.
Publicity Committee: Kara Barnhart
Kara is working with Jenn on posting items through our social media accounts - Gmail account and Facebook page. If you have any county news that you would like to have posted, please send them to Kara.
Membership Committee: Mary Thomas
The committeepromotes membership to our volunteers and provides information regarding the Volunteers’ Association at venues such as Maryland Day.
Finance Committee: Gina Degreenia
The finance committee is currently working on redoing the way the 4-H car magnets are being distributed. We still have a lot of magnets available. If you would like to purchase any, please contact Gina.
Nominating Committee: Jennifer Hiscock for Arlene Lantz
The nominating committee’s job is to identify volunteers to run for office. We are looking for 3 volunteers to work on the committee.
Young Alumni Committee: Alyssa Degreenia
They haven’t had very many people sign up yet. Alyssa and Cynthia Davey will be reaching out to the 4-H Educators to get a list of 4-Hers aging out. They also have a Facebook page - Maryland4-HYoungAlumni. They have an online form for young alumni to complete with their contact information. Seasoned volunteers can also be on the committee to help mentor the young alumni.
Karen Al-Faleh commented that she received an e-mail asking for alumni contact information. Jenn Hiscock asked that if you know of someone who has or is aging out of 4-H to have them send their contact information to Alyssa.
Jenn added that Cynthia Davey is working with Collegiate 4-H. You don’t have to go to college at College Park to be involved. They have a call-in option for their meetings.
Volunteer Awards: Jennifer Hiscock for Ellen Larrimore
The awards committee has 11 people lined up to serve as judges. Ellen will contact them in June so they can begin reviewing the nomination forms in order to get the paperwork out earlier this year.
Unfinished Business:
2016 Cluster Trainings: Jenn Hiscock reported that the cluster trainings will be held on Saturday, November 19th. The cluster trainings will be held every other year due to the cost of holding a Forum every year along with the Maryland 4-H Congress and also to having a smaller State 4-H staff.
Each region will have access through a Connect session. We’ll be able to reach both traditional and non-traditional 4-H club volunteers. A possible training topic is Risk Management. 4-H Educators will conduct the training. We will also have our annual Association meeting through the Connect sessions.
Educators were asked to submit names of volunteers to serve on the planning committee and only one Educator submitted a name. The planning committee will be comprised of 4 State Council members, 4 volunteers from across the state, and 4 Maryland 4-H Staff/Educators. Planning was supposed to start in March. If you would like to be on the development team or have any suggestions for training, let Jenn Hiscock know and she will forward them to Dr. Howard.
Jenn talked about the site for the next Volunteer Forum. We have received one proposal from GarrettCounty, but a site visit will have to be done. There is a temporary hold on the Carousel Hotel in OceanCity until a decision is made on the location.
Volunteer and Teen Picnic: Jenn Hiscock reported on the Volunteer and Teen picnic. The majority of those responding to the survey would like to hold the picnic in May or June. The top 2 choices for a location were Central Maryland and the Shore. Shannon Haines has volunteered to chair the picnic committee.
Possible dates for the picnic are June 11th, June 12th, June 18th or June 19th. Gina Degreenia suggested early June before schools let out. The Association will buy all the meats and families are asked to bring a side dish or dessert and their own drinks.
Jamie Kenton and Becky Ridgeway are also working on a picnic for the Maryland Association of Extension 4-H Agents (MAE4-HA) and would like to partner with the Association. They are looking at June 18th (Father’s Day weekend).
New Business:
Upcoming 4-H Volunteer Opportunities: Jenn Hiscock reported for Sandy Corridon on upcoming volunteer opportunitiesavailable through the 4-H program. UME4-H volunteer training webinars are conducted monthly via Connect sessions.
Maryland 4-H Congress: Jenn Hiscock reported that Maryland 4-H Congress will be held from June 26th-30th. Each county participating must provide 1 adult chaperone. Volunteers are needed to serve on the adult committees - Operations, Program, Headquarters and Facilities. You can sign up when you register.
Participants must submit all the paperwork through their county 4-H office along with the registration fee including any county scholarships.
Karen Al-Faleh asked if Maryland 4-H Congress was going to be held every year and Jenn replied that Congress will be held every other year. Wes Cory added that the registration fee is reasonably priced so once the word gets out, it should fill up.
Maryland Day: Jenn thanked Mary Thomas for chairing our Maryland Day committee. Mary then thanked all the volunteers who manned our booth today and invited everyone to take a Maryland Day T-shirt.
Other Business: Jenn asked the members present if they are receiving the Association’s information. Sue Knower from CharlesCounty responded that their county compiles the 4-H news and sends it out. Jane Burke from St. Mary’s County added that their program assistant forwards all the e-mails.
Important Reminders:
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- June 25th at 3:30-5:00 p.m. - General Meeting at HowardCounty Fairgrounds
- September 4th at 3:00-5:00 p.m. - General Meeting at MarylandState Fair
- November 19th - Regional Cluster Trainings and Association Annual Meeting (Locations TBA)
Stay Connected with Us
- Email:
- Facebook:
- MD 4-H Volunteer Website:
Final Remarks: Jenn reminded everyone to sign up for a committee. Include your name, e-mail address, and the committee name.
The next meeting will be held on June 25th at the Howard County Fairgrounds. A call-in option will be available.
With no further business, Josh Hiscock moved to adjourn the meeting and Sue Knower seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.
Mary J. Thomas