
Subject: International and Area Studies


There will be two question papers, Paper-II and paper-III(Part A & Part B) paper –II will be cover 50 objective type question(Multiple type, matching type ,true/false, Assertion Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks Paper-III will have two parts Part-A and Part-B

Paper-III will have 10 short essay type question (300 words) carrying 16 marks ach. In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit (i.e 10 question form 10 units Total marks will be 160) Paper-IIIB will be compulsory and there will be one question form each of the elective. The candidate will attempt only one question (One elective only in 800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of paper-III will be 200

Paper-II and Paper-III A

[core Group]


Nature of international Politics

Theories and approaches to the study of international Politics (including the area studies approach)

Nationalism , Nation-State and challenges to Nation -States


Contemporary World Order: End of cold war, United States as are-Eminent power and Multiplicity (European Union, China and Japan)

Globalization and Its implications

Environmental and Ecological Problems

human Rights


International Economic issues: Trade regime (WTO) and economic groupings role of international Financial Institutional

role of Multi national Corporations


Trans-national threats am security : International Terrorism Drug trafficking, Proliferation of small arms

Weapons of mass destruction-Nuclear, biological chemical and weather weapons and arms control and disarmament


India Foreign Policy

Basic Objectives and Principles

India and its neighbor

India and Major Powers

Major issues of Indian Foreign Policy


United National
Collective security, peace keeping and peace making

Role of international law

UN Agencies and other international Organizations

Restructuring of the United Nations


South Asia in World Affairs

South East Asia in World Affairs


Russia and the CIS( Commonwealth of Independent States)in world affairs


West Asia in World affairs

Africa in World Affairs


America and Europe in World Affairs

Latin America in world affairs

Paper-III (B)



theories of international politics: Realist, Idealist, Systems and Decision making

Role of Power in international Politics: Balance of Power, bipolarity, Unipolarity and Multiplicity

The Concept of Nation, National interest ad national Security Collective security, the role of the United Nations

Post Cold war and the emerging world order

Politics of Liberalization Globalization and World Trade organization

Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence an World peace


Concept , components and model of national and international security

Challenges and threats to India ’s security since independence-external and internal dimensions

defense mechanism of nations state: India, US and Peoples republic China

India’s Security policies and Nuclear doctrine

Problems of Armament and Disarmament-Economic, political and Scientific dimensions

Concept and theories of conflict and conflict resolutions including confidence building Measure (CBMs)

Evolution of strategies Thoughts-Kautilya, Clauseqitz, A.T.Mahan, MAckinder and Douhet

New model of welfare-Low intensity conflict Electronics and Cyber warfare



Historical Background-Empires

Geo-Political set-up

Interaction with the west

national Awakening

Disintegration of Ottoman empire

palatine problems

Inter war developments








West Asia and the World

Major power’s interest in west Asia

Cold war

Oil Dynamics

West Asia and India

General Themes:

Regional Organizational

Intra Arab Relations/rivalries

Post-Cold war scenario-Continuity and change

Social Transformation


Islamic resurgence’

State Systems


Basic Features of the region:

Land and People-geo-political ad Socio-economic settings

Colonialism And nationalism:

Pattern , major features and Impact of western colonalism-inependet movement- Maintenance of Independence by Thailand thought its history

Development in Post Independence Period:

Problems of communalism and nation0Building_Communist Challenge

role of Military-Challenge to democracy-secessionist Movements

Economic Transformation -Intra Regional conflicts and Cooperation

Foreign Policies of South East Asia Countries:

Determents, Objective an Goals, Role of external Powers-USA Russia, China, Japan and India


geo-cultural Aspects:

land, People, Ecology. Environment, Languages and culture

Historical Aspects:

Ancient African Empires

Indigenous Political System

Atlantic Slave trade -its impact and implication

Colonialism in Africa:

European partition of Africa

Asian (Indian) migration into Africa

Patterns of colonial rule in Africa

Legacy of Colonialism

Growth of nationalism and Liberation movements in Africa

Political Aspects:

Political independence and constitutional changes in Africa

Growth of political parties and party system

the role of military

Democratization process in Africa

Rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa

concepts of Pan-Arficanism and African socialism

Economic Aspects:

Nature of African economy

Underdevelopment and Dependency patterns in Africa

Ne-colonial penetration and problems of economic independence

Development strategies in post independence period

Structural adjustment programme in Africa-an evolution

Problems of poverty in Africa

Africa’s debt crisis

Globalization and its impact on Africa

Regional economic cooperation and development ( ECOWAS,SADC,COMESA, EAC and AEC)

Social Aspects:

Problems of nation building in Africa

Role of education

State of human rights in Africa

State Role of civil society and Women

Problems of AIDS in Africa

Ethnic conflict in Africa

Social change and structural transformation

Africa and the World:

Africa and the emerging International System

Africa and European dominance

Africa db the cold war

Post cold war scenario in Africa

Africa and the new world order

Africa and the United Nation

Africa Interregional Cooperation

Role of Organixsationla of African Unity (OAU)

Africa and non-aligned Movements (NAM)

The role and relevance of African Union (AU) 2001

Africa and the Arab world

India-African Relationship


Societ Period form Lenin to Stalin:

Civil war in Russia and its impact on polity and economy

War, Communism and new economic policy

Nationality Policy after the revolution and the formation of the USSR

Industrialization debate and Economic development under the Five year plans

Societ Foreign policy

Constitutional Theories and Societ federalism

Soviet Union Under Khrushchev and Brezhnev:

Twentieth congress of the CPSU and Desalinization

New approaches to third world and non aligned movement

Brezhnev and Kosygin Leadership in world affairs

Constitutions of 1977

Mikhail grace Period:

Gorbachev’s New political thinking-Political and economic reforms

Foreign policy under Grouched and end of the cold war

Break-up of the USSR

Post Societ Russia and CIS:

Russia under Boris Yeltsin-Political and economic dimensions

Systematic transformation of Russia and the CIS’

New orientation in Russia’s foreign policy

Russia and the CIS

Indo-Russian Relation

Development in Central Asia and the Transcaucasia


Land and People:

Geo-political setting

Multi-culture social structure -diversities of race, language and religion

Resource endowment-natural and human resources

Colonialism and Nationalism:

pattern of colonialism

Major features of Colonialism

Nature of colonial impact on South Asian societies

Nationalism and nationalism movements

Communal and Separates Movements-Genesis of Pakistan and Bangladesh

Society and culture of South Asia:

Population-general attributes and migration pattern

Major Social institutional and Groups

Dynamics of social change

Political System of South Asian States:

Organization of Government Order an Underlying Principles

Pst-indepednece Era-Constitutional developments and movements for democracy-Election , political and parties and pressure groups

Problems of nation building and issues of national, integration-Communalism, Regionalism Linguism, Ethnic cleavage, ideology and Strategies of leadership

Economic Profile ad Development Strategies:

tradition economic-nature and bases

Pattern of economic development and growth strategies

Trade , aid and investment

Problems of economic development

Foreign Policies of South Asia States:

Determinants and objectives

Role of external powers

Intra regional cooperation an conflict -India’s relation with its neighbors

Regional Cooperation in South Asia:

Historical antecedents-Political and economic imperatives

Genesis and growth of South Asian Association of regional Cooperation (SAARC)

challenges and prospects of regional cooperation in south Asia


Making of the constitution- Development of the Republic and making of the nation

Constitutional Amendments- Structural changes, political and social movements

Presidency, congress and judiciary in recent times

US role in UN and other international organizations

United States Economic and Global role in post cold war era

Problems of minorities , Afro-American and Asian Americans Diasporas experience

Contemporary American Society and polity


Development of Constitutional process in Latin Amrica-Tranformation form Authoritarianism of democracy

US-Latin America relations and its implication in inter America Affrays

Cultural , economic and trade relation between Europe and Latin America

Problems of Human Rights in Latin America

The role of multilateral agencies in containing international and narcotic terrorism, Legal mechanism to preserve peace and security in the region

Role of Latin America and the Caribbean in global and regional organizational

Trade and economic grouping in Latin America

India and Latin America -growing partnership