Amendment # __ to the Basin Planning Agency Clean Rivers Program FY 20xx/20xx QAPP

Prepared by the Basin Planning Agency in Cooperation with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

Effective: Immediately upon approval by all parties

Questions concerning this QAPP should be directed to:

Name (Basin Planning Agency Representative)



City, Texas Zip Code



Basin Planning Agency QAPPPage 1

Amendment # __FYxxxxQAPPamendment.docx

The Clean Rivers Program Guidance and Reference Guide provides additional information concerning QAPP preparation and submission. Questions concerning QAPP requirements may be directed to TCEQ Clean Rivers Program Project Managers and the TCEQ Quality Assurance Specialist.


Summarize the reason(s) for amending/revising the document and the change(s) being proposed. Examples of changes include; parameters, sampling or analytical procedures, or project organization. Note: if the changes mare are funded by Federal programs, you may be required to create a standalone QAPP document. Please contact your CRP Project Manager about these Changes

Detail of Changes

List each section in which a change is proposed and provide a description of the change(s) in the table below. Include a copy of the changed language (e.g., Table A7.1, Monitoring Schedule) in its entirety.

Note: Be sure to address all sections that are impacted by the change. For example, if a new parameter has been added, then a new DQO table will need to be referenced and attached, as well as a new holding time table, sample container information, etc.

Section/Figure/Table / Page / Change / Justification


QAPP Amendments and Revisions to Appendices will be distributed to all personnel on the distribution list maintained by the Planning Agency.

These changes will be incorporated into the QAPP document and TCEQ and the Basin Planning Agency will acknowledge and accept these changes by signing this amendment.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Water Quality Planning Division

Kelly RodibaughDateSarah Eagle, Work LeaderDate

Project Quality Assurance Specialist Clean Rivers Program

Clean Rivers Program

Name, Project ManagerDate

Clean Rivers Program

Basin Planning Agency QAPPPage 1

Amendment # __FYxxxxQAPPamendment.docx

Monitoring Division

Sharon ColemanDate

Acting Lead CRP Quality Assurance Specialist

Laboratory and Quality Assurance Section

Basin Planning Agency QAPPPage 1

Amendment # __FYxxxxQAPPamendment.docx

Basin Planning Agency


Basin Planning Agency Project ManagerBasin Planning Agency Quality Assurance Officer

Laboratory (if there are changes related to the laboratory)


Laboratory ManagerLaboratory Quality Assurance Officer

Note: Additional signatures may be required based on parties affected by the amendment.

Basin Planning Agency QAPPPage 1

Amendment # __FYxxxxQAPPamendment.docx