


Lesson 4 – Shooting (based on Progress Maps & Outcomes and Standards Framework)

At the end of the lesson the students should:
-  Be able to know how to successfully perform a high release shot, Caribbean shot and step before a shot.
-  Have a clear understanding how they are implemented in a game situation.
-  Combine their previously learnt skills and they are used when getting to the shooting position.
Pre-lesson organisation:
A ball for each student.
Four hoops.
Before the start of the lesson, make sure there is enough goal post out to each pair of three will have their own goal. Set up on both side lines so there is enough space.
Learning Area Outcomes:

Time / Task(s) / Observations / Task Management
2 min
10 min / Introduction:
Today will be learning the correct way in which we shot netball.
The different styles of shooting we will be covering will be:
-  The Australian high release.
-  The Caribbean shot.
-  The step before a shot.
-  Points to remember of a shoulder pass?
-  When catching hand position?
-  How do we perform a dodge?
-  How do we land in Netball?
Warm up:
-  Dived class up evenly.
-  One team makes a circle 6m in diameter.
-  Other team line up at one point of the outside of circle.
-  When whistle sounds circle team has to pass bass clock wise around circle.
-  Outside team must run around back to tag next player, and back of line.
-  Circle team continues passing, counting each pass. Till all outside team player have run around.
-  Swap over. Team with least passes win.

-  Throw anticlockwise.
-  Stretch out all major muscles.
-  Stretch out the arms they will be used in shooting. / -  Are interested in learning
-  Can remember point of previous lesson.
-  Can demonstrate a shoulder pass.
-  Working in a team.
-  Communication.
-  All students involved.
-  Are encouraging each other. / -  Be positive.
-  Clear voice.
-  Ask specific questions.
-  Ask for a demonstration.
-  Explain task.
-  Encourage.
-  Actively involved.
3 min / Bridging organisation
Australian high release:
·  Preparation
1  face the goal post, 2 feet shoulder-width apart, 3 body balanced, 4 eyes on front of rim, 5 ball resting on fingers, 6 wrist under ball,
7 wrist and elbow centred to goal post, 8 knees bent.
·  Execution
1  drop wrist backwards a few inches behind the head, 2 flick ball with fingers and wrist, 3 aim to place ball high over rim,
4 guide release with index finger, 5 impart slight backspin with index finger, 6 extend knees slightly.
·  Follow - through
1  Point index finger to ground, 2 follow with fingers and wrist, 3 bring arms down.
Demonstrate each step, and then put it together in one full motion.
Time / Task(s) / Observations / Task Management
5 min
5 min / Task One (1):
Drill 1
-  In pairs.
-  Find a space on the court.
-  One student act out the steps of the high release shot.
-  The other makes sure they are doing the correct steps.
-  Repeat x5 then swap.
-  Use a ball.
Drill 2
-  Place in a trio.
-  Move to own goal post.
-  One ball in each group.
-  One student practices the shot while the other two evaluate him.
-  x 5 then swap.
-  Every shot they make take a step back.
-  One student stands in front of shooter hands directly up, no touching. / ·  Common errors
-  The shot is flat.
-  The shot falls short.
-  Not in control of the shot.
-  Shot skews left or right. / ·  Corrections
-  Use three middle fingers on the release and impart backspin.
-  Extend your knees and legs before release.
-  Spread fingers wider on the ball; shorten the drop of wrist before release.
-  Follow through until all fingers point to the ground.
3 min / Bridging organisation
Caribbean shot:
·  Preparation
1  focus on centre rim of the goal ring, 2 body balanced, 3 shooting foot forward, 4 weight on back foot, 5 ball on fingertips,
6 elbow bent, 7 ball at head height, 8 elbow and wrist centred to goalpost, 9 hand under ball.
·  Execution
1  climb arm until straight, 2 release just before full extension, 3 flick ball wrist and fingers, 4 guide ball with index finger,
5 impart backspin with index finger, 6 ball travels in high arc to ring.
·  Follow - through
1  Point fingers and wrist down, 2 bring arm down, 3 transfer weight to front foot.
Demonstrate each step, and then put it together in one full motion.
Time / Task(s) / Observations / Task Management
5 min
5 min / Task two (2):
Drill 1
-  Same pairs.
-  One on third line other 3m in front.
-  Each pair with a ball.
-  Practice the shot going for goal, at the partner.

Drill 2
-  Group into four.
-  Three throwers and one shooter.
-  Two balls.
-  At their own goal post.
-  The shooter continuously moves in circle.
-  Receiving passes from throwers
-  And passing back.
-  Till shot is called out.
-  Catch the ball and shot the ball into goal.
-  Repeat x5 then rotate.
/ ·  Common errors
-  The shot hits the ring.
-  The shot is too long.
-  The shot skews right or left. / ·  Corrections
-  Raise wrist and fingers straight up above your shoulder. Release the shot at the height point of the climb.
-  Focus on the rim of the goal circle, reduce leg power.
-  Place feet half stride apart, shooting foot forward, facing the post. Keep body well balanced as transfer weight from back to front foot.
3 min / Bridging organisation
Step before the shot:
·  Preparation
1  Line the ball, 2 focus on front of ring, 3 elbow and wrist centred to goalpost.
·  Execution
1  Step away from defender, 2 transfer weight, 3 hold grounded foot in air, 4 balance on ball of non- grounded foot, 5 release ball.
·  Follow - through
1  Bring grounded foot down, 2 move to post for rebound.
Demonstrate each step, and then put it together in one full motion.
Time / Task(s) / Observations / Task Management
10 min / Task three (3):
Drill 1
-  Teams of four.
-  One player is the thrower.
-  First player runs towards goal receives pass from thrower, thrower then runs to end of line.
-  Pivots and does a step shot.
-  Collects rebound and becomes the new thrower.

-  Move to other side.
-  Place a defender in front of the player running in now dodge past to receive the past.
/ ·  Common errors
-  The defender is still able to pressure the release.
-  Off balance when taking the shot.
-  The shot is too long. / -  Corrections
-  Lengthen the step. Gain sufficient distance with the step.
-  Shorten the step. Too long and over balancing.
-  Take step then pause momentarily and focus on the goal ring before the release.
2 min / Bridging organisation
Blow whistle
Gather students in.
Place balls in bag.
Dived into four even groups.
Time / Task(s) / Observations / Task Management
5 min / Game
-  Four teams.
-  Each gets a number.
-  Line up on side line.
-  You call out a number, that numbered student runs out to their ball.
-  Run into hoop.
-  Take a shot.
-  First team to score gets one point.
-  Pass it back to each group member then last one pass it in the goal circle.
-  Use different shooting styles. / -  Team work.
-  Use different shooting styles correctly in a game situation. /
1 min / Closing Organisation:
Blow whistle
Ball to you
Students sit in front of you.
1 min / Closure:
What different shooting styles there are?
Demonstrate each one.