Mentorship Steering Group Action Plan July 2013 – July 2015
In order to continue to implement the Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (NMC 2008) in the preparation of mentors, HEIs and service providers require an implementation project plan. This locally developed plan needs to be developed and implemented in partnership across Edinburgh Napier University, the University of Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University and all placement service providers within NHs Lothian and Borders and other NHS partners across Scotland.
The implementation plan will involve creating a robust and transferable programme of Mentor and Sign off mentor development activities which will utilise the framework developed by the NES/SEHD funded National Approach to Mentorship Preparation for Nurses and Midwives.
This project plan will involve ensuring that there is adequate mentorship and Sign Off mentor and updating utilising Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice1 (NMC 2008)1 and National Approach to Mentorship Preparation for Nurses and Midwives2.
Outcome 1: Mentorship Steering Group Meetings reviewed to consider the representation and ensure active participation of all members.Stakeholders / Mentorship Steering Group leads in HEI and SP; Head of School (SNMSC);LME;Nurse Directors/Associate Directors; Link lecturers; PEFs; Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses; Human Resources; Allocations (Edinburgh Napier University); Mentors
Leads HEI/SP / Convenor Barbara Neades Mentorship Steering Group Members / Date to be achieved
Staged key components / 1.Consider the membership of the MSG to ensure M.D.T. representation and expertise across different fields of practice together including mentor and student participation.
2.Re-engage Chief nurses service side representatives and non NHS representatives on the MSG to improve communication
3.Develop clear action points from meetings held bimonthly
4. MSG members to take increased responsibility to ensure identified actions are achieved
5.Additional MSG meetings should be identified for key areas of work to be undertaken /
- September 2013
- November 2013
- September 2013
- September 2013
- November 2013
Progress with actions
Use NHS Lothian Joint Education forum meeting September to establish communications with Chief nurses
Clarify of the key links with practice in NHS Grampian, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, Fife / Lead person (s)
B. Neades
W. Watson
Outcome 2: A programme for preparation of mentors will be continue to be offered which will meet the standards as set out by the NMC standards (section 3) and NES framework and formally approved by HLSP.
Stakeholders / Mentorship leads in HEI and SP; Head of School (SNMSC); LME;Nurse Directors/Associate Directors; Link lecturers; PEFs; Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses; Human Resources; Allocations (Napier University); Mentors
Leads HEI/SP / Module leaders Mike Parkinson and Wendy Watson Shona Montgomery / Date to be achieved
Staged key components /
- Consider the current method of delivery of the mentorship module of 2 programmes in Tri 1 & Tri 2 of >90 students with a 80% pass rate in with the option to gain credits when additional module undertaken
- Review the IT skills of some students and challenges of working with moodle
- Evaluate the delivery of a programme over tri 3 relation to the high numbers on waiting list
- Review methods of prioritising waiting list for mentorship module
- Review the current assessment system which uses the NMC requirement of a portfolio of evidence with a view to the introduction of e-portfolio using new technologies e.g. pebble pad linking with E portfolio group in ENU
- Consider the poor involvement of the SOM in the student participation in the mentorship module and development of the portfolio of evidence and develop methods of engaging these.
- Review no access for SOM or other service users to the content of the mentorship module and develop information on Community moodle
- September 2013
- October 2013
- October 2013
- October 2013
- October 2013
Progress with outcomes
Discussions between WW & MP Exploration of SOM document from NHS Borders
Exploration of E portfolios and linking with SNM&SC E portfolio group
Establish Dates for SOM Sessions Tri 1 &2 / Lead person (s)
Outcome 3:Accurate Mentor and SOM databases to be available for all student placement areas throughout NHs and Non NHS placements used be the HEIs.
Stakeholders / Mentorship leads in HEI and SP, Head of School (SNMSC), LME;Nurse Directors/Associate Directors, Link lecturers
PEFs, Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses, Human Resources in NHS, Allocations (Edinburgh Napier University)
Leads HEI/SP / Database/ Update Up skill Group/ Charge Nurses / mangers / Date to be achieved
Staged key components /
- Charge nurses in NHS should continue to co-ordinate mentor databases for their individual placement area with the support of the Link lecturer and PEF using NHS database systems.
- ENU placements team will continue to co-ordinate the mentor databases Non NHS placements –
- Undertake a scoping of number of mentors required in practice settings to support students allocated during placement audits
- PEF/ CHEFS will continue to provide face to face mentor updates whenever possible and develop mentor update resources on NHS intranets
- Mentor database group will develop a range of mentor update sessions available via the mentorcentre–
- Consideration should be undertaken of the new NMC advice on mentor due regard arrangements for – first year students
- The development of an equity tool for by the Hub and spoke Group should be reviewed to assist in the development of new placements
- Ongoing
- Ongoing
- November 2013
- December 2013
- January 2014
- November 2013
Progress with outcomes Progress
Mentor Upskill / Update group reviewing all F2F updates to convert these to electronic versions
MP&BN uploading 2 available electronic update sessions to new mentor update site / MP BN, mentor upskill / update group
Outcome 4: Continued development of the mentorcentre as main method of communication with mentors / practitioners across Scotland
Stakeholders / Mentorship leads in HEI and SPHead of School (SNMSC); LME; Nurse Directors/Associate Directors
Link lecturers, PEFs, Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses
Leads HEI/SP / Mike Parkinson F Carver, S Montgomery, M. Crawley, K.Dick / Date to be achieved
Staged key components / 1.Identify other members of the MSG to support MP in the maintenance and development of the mentorcentre
2.Consider the development of a practice learning project for a Student from IT or marketing
3.Improve interactivity of the mentorcentre for practitioners by development of new portal on mentorcentre and use of new technology such as POD cast
4.Advertise the availability of the mentorcentre via Facebook & Social Media
5.Improve access for and communication with practitioners by using the discussion forum to community of practice on mentorcentre
6.Develop an opportunity for practitioners to join mentorcentre discussions and get automatic email when something new is added
7.Develop more specialist input to mentorcentre from different fields of practice. /
- August 2013
iii November 2013
iv October 2013
v September 2013
vi February 2014
vii October 2013
Progress with outcomes
New team identified to work on the development of the mentorcentre including staff from different fields of practice
Initial meeting and plan of action to develop materials undertaken / Mike Parkinson F Carver, S Montgomery, M. Crawley, K.Dick
Outcome 5:Continue to provide a process for the development of sign-off mentors and update SOM in practice
Stakeholders / Mentorship leads in HEI and SP; Head of School (SNMSC); LME; Nurse Directors/Associate Directors; Link lecturers; PEFs; Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses; Human Resources; Allocations (Napier University); Mentors
Leads HEI/SP / Sign off Mentor Prep Delivery Group / Date to be achieved
Staged key components /
- Communicate the role of the SOM to practice assisting practitioners to understand this in relation to the mentorship preparation programme using the mentorcentre
- Continue to provide 3 part SOM preparation programme with the opportunity to deliver this practice settings and develop range of staff involved in the delivery of this preparation
- Develop dates for Tri 1 and Tri 2 2013/2014.
- Review the numbers of practitioners who have undertaken the initial stages of this 3 part process and identify those who are not completing process facilitating an opportunity to complete
- Undertake a Scoping of number of SOM’s required in practice settings to support consolidation student allocated during placement audits
- PEF group to continue to deliver SOM updates for nurses’midwifery SOMs.
October 2013
December 2013
Progress with outcomes
Review of names of people undertaking SOM gathered and all emailed by MH to establish current progress
Access information on SOM developed by Lucy Page
New members of MSG identified to assist with SOM session delivery
Dates of SOM sessions for Tr1&2 developed / Mike Parkinson , Sarah Rhynas
Bill Lawson
Shona Montgomery
Mags Crawley
Fiona Carver
Wendy Watson
Outcome 6:Continue to Develop capacity to provide the LTA module overseas
Stakeholders / Head of School (SNMSC); International Group/ Subject Group leader for International Group / Partners in Singapore and China
Leads HEI/SP / LTA module team/ Overseas Programme Leaders / Date of Achievement
Staged key components /
- Continue to deliver the successful LTA Module in Singapore
- Requirement to expand Small LTA module team already committed to Singapore module to
- Requirement to adapt LTA module for Development of 2 programmes in China for pre registration LOH 60 students commencing Jan 2015 & TUTCM 120 students commencing September 2016
October 2013
February 2014
Progress with Outcomes
LTA Singapore group active and delivering module for 3rd time
Initial information on China developments discussed by A.Gibbs with MSG
4 team members expressed and interest in developing China initiative and these communicated to A.Gibbs
BN to Attend initial planning meeting with A Gibbs and international group and report back to LTA group / B. Neades,
S. Sikora A.Gibbs Mike Parkinson F Carver L King
I Dosser
J Nicol
Outcome 7:Improve Communication with Link lectures within HEIs in relation to mentorship and engage them with this.
Stakeholders / Mentorship leads in HEI and SP; Head of School (SNMSC); LME; Nurse Directors/Associate Directors; Link lecturers; PEFs; Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses; Human Resources; Allocations (Napier University); Mentors
Leads HEI/SP / Barbara Neades LL / Date of Achievement
Staged key components /
- Develop a strategy to communicate the work of the MSG to link lecturers within
University, University of Dundee, NHS Lanarkshire, University of West of Scotland
- Use of Mentorcentre and Link Lecturer Form to discuss Mentorship and improve LL engagement in the development and maintenance of mentors and SOM is practice placement areas
- Use meeting of Link Lecturer Forums in September to promote mentorship
- Link Lecturers within the HEI should assist the PEF/ CHEF to deliver Mentor Updates in placement areas
ii November 2013
iii October2013
ivJanuary 2014
Progress with Outcomes
LL forum established with quarterly meetings
Use next LL in September to promote the LL role on supporting mentorship
Develop links with key people in other HEI’s and other placement areas out with L&B setting
Invite new members to LL forum and MSG
Notes of MSG to be available on mentorcentre / BNeades W.Watson
Outcome 8: Develop a strategy to support mentors in new placement areas across Scotland out with L&B
Stakeholders / Mentorship leads in HEI and SL for Practice Education Head of School (SNMSC); LME; Nurse Directors/Associate Directors; Link lecturers; PEFs; Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses; Human Resources; Mentors
Leads HEI/SP / Barbara Neades, Wendy Watson and Janet Smith / Date of Achievement
Staged key components /
- Review range of placements for ENU students out with L&B to identify new areas
- Communicate with PEFs/ colleagues in these placement areas scoping current mentorship models and arrangements in these areas
- Explore current approaches to recording mentors / SOM within these settings and consider how this data would be accessed by ENU placements team
- Identify approaches to the preparation and updating of these mentors in placement areas out with L&B
- Identify deficits in mentor capacity within these new placement settings and develop an action plan with local health boards to increase mentor capacity
- Develop an action plan to ensure adequate communication and ongoing updating of mentors in these settings.
iiOctober 2013
iiiOctober 2013
ivOctober 2013
v November 2013-09-24 viNovember2013
Progress with Outcomes
Clarify of the key links with practice in NHS Grampian, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, Fife
Discuss with WW and Placement task force arrangements for communication of mentor databases in new placement settings / Barbara Neades Wendy Watson and Janet Smith
Outcome 9: Mentorship Steering Group will improve their dissemination of the work of the MSG developing this publication and research activities.
Stakeholders / Mentorship Steering Group leads in HEI and SP; Head of School (SNMSC); LME; Nurse Directors/Associate Directors; Link lecturers; PEFs; Clinical Nurse Managers/Charge Nurses; Human Resources; Allocations (Edinburgh Napier University); Mentors
Leads HEI/SP / Convenor Barbara Neades Mentorship Steering Group Members / Date to be achieved
Staged key components / 1.MSG to Undertake a writing for publication workshop
2.Redevelop a MSG publications working group
3.Review potential activities by the MSG identifying potential publications and establish plan of action for any potential publication.
4. Develop small groups to work on individual publications / May 2013
September 2013
November 2013
January 2013
Progress with Outcomes
Worksop undertaken
Key members of group to form publication group identified. / BNeades, WWatson , IDosser, JNicol SMontgomery, MCrawley