Peder Knutsen Østerhus av Russ Askland
Birth Date: 1801
Birth Place: Vaula, Strand, Norway
Birth Memo: records show date of baptism not birth
Bapt Date: 25 Dec 1801
Bapt Place: Strand Church, Strand, Norway
Bapt Memo: LDS records
Death Date: 28 Apr 1864
Death Place: Norway
Occ: farmer
Reli: lutheran
Ref#: info taken from Strand Bygdebok #2, page 510, farm Østerhus
Father: Knut PEDERSEN (1767-1829)
Mother: Kari RASMUSDTR (1766-1825)
lived farm #4 Østerhus, Strand, Norway
A very long time ago the main farm in that part of Strand was
Øvre (Upper) Bjørheim, and Østerhus was a part of this farm, called
the farm to the East of (Øvre Bjørheim).
Østerhus was originally one farm and probably early 1700's divided
into two farms what is now farm 1 and 4.
Then farm no. 3 was separated from farm no. 1 in 1853 and the
same year was farm no. 5 separated from farm no. 3.
In 1855 farm no. 2 was separated from farm no. 1.
Farm no. 6 was separated from farm no. 4, and so on.
Peder grew up at Østerhus. His parents rented Vaula farm from 1798-1807
info from Stein
I have a book called "Norges bebyggelse", volume "Mid-Rogaland, Rural
section" published in 1957, where all rural residential houses in Mid
Rogaland are listed together with vital data on the owners and their
families, as well as a small photo of each house. The photo is exactly the
same as in Edgar's photo album. This is what is said about the farm:
info from Stein
"Nerhus, farm no. 26, subfarm 5. Located by busstop. Postal address
Bjørheimsbygd. Size approx. 17.5 acres usable field, hereof 5 acres bearing
crops. Approx. 62 acres outlying fields and wood. Main house built of timber
in 1 1/2 floor, house extended around 1880 and around 1916, 600 square feet,
5 rooms, kitchen, basement. Cowshed built of timber before 1870, barn built
same year. Chicken house built 1920, baking and brewing house 1916. To
present owner 1917. Live stock 4 cows, 1 - 2 calfs, horse, 200 chicken, pig,
20 - 25 sheep. - Owner: Endre Nerhus, born Nov 12, 1884 in Strand,
parents Sevrine and Asbjørn N., married 1919 to Ingeborg Måland, born Dec
29, 1892 in Måland, parents Rakel and Johne M. Children: Sevrine, born Mar
11, 1921, Johne, born Jan 1, 1923. - The owner has passed away."
I think the house on the left, the "grey" one, is a "folga", i.e. a house
for the retired farmer (present farmer's parents, or previous owner if the
farm was bought instead of inherited). The white one is the main house. The
"folga" was usually an older house, and the style of this one (with the shed
built in on the left hand side) suggests that it's from before 1870. The
newest house in my street in Tau that had that feature was from 1881. These
sheds were usually used to store fire wood, by the way. At least when I was
a kid (in the 70's).
info from Arne Sivertsen
People were always buried on the local church's cemetery.
If they belonged to the Årdal church, they also were buried there.
Never on a farm.
The Jørmeland people were buried on the cemetery at Hjelmeland church.
Quite a long way to take the body, but sure they did.
Then one week after the funeral, a big party was held, a socalled "gravøl".
All the neighbors were invited, and it was a duty to participate.
A gravøl was not necessarily a sad party, on the contrary the meaning was
to be lively and have fun, so that the soul of the deceased would better get
peace and rest -.
Spouse: Gunhild ASBJØRNSDTR
Birth Date: 1808
Birth Place: Nedre Bjørheim, Strand, Norway
Birth Memo: records show date of baptism, not birth
Bapt Date: 8 May 1808
Bapt Place: Strand Church, Strand, Norway
Bapt Memo: LDS records
Death Date: 13 Nov 1894
Death Place: Badger, IA
Burial Date: 14 Nov 1894
Burial Place: Hovey Cemetery, Badger, IA
Burial Memo: name on marker, Julia Peterson. buried at same plot as son Rasmus Peterson
Census Date: 1880
Census Place: Champaign County, Ill
Census Memo: found a Cornellia Peterson living with son Thomas
Reli: lutheran
Ref#: info taken from Strand Bygdebok #1, page 487, farm Nedre Bjørheim
Father: Asbjørn RASMUSSEN (1785-1853)
Mother: Siri KNUTSDTR (1782-1856)
Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild
Steamer Adriatic
Page 1 of 2
Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland to New York
5 June 1876
135 Gabriel Ostenhens 24 m laborer Norway USA
136* Gundla Ostenhens 68 f wife Norway USA
137* Kurd Ostenhens 42 m laborer Norway USA
138* Kristna Ostenhens 35 f wife Norway USA
139* Per Ostenhens 11 m child Norway USA
140* Kristen Ostenhens 9 m child Norway USA
141* Tollat Ostenhens 7 m child Norway USA
142* Kund Ostenhens 2 m child Norway USA
info from Bygdebok
Gabriel born 1851 was living together with his mother in 1865.
In 1875 he worked with spinning and sale of yarn.
( He is the only one listed with spinning as a profession, but it is probably the poll clerk who has
been inaccurate. it was more likely Gunhild who did the spinning and Gabriel sold the yarn?)
Tollak b. 1855 emigrated to America in the spring 1865 only 10 years old.
He probably joined the group leaving Rodabakken the same spring.
Pedar and Gunhild took over the farm after his father in 1830. Gunhild was
later provided for by the new owner. In 1875 she had 15 sheep and 1 pig, and
she seeded 1/5 barrel barley and 1/2 barrel potatoes.
We havn't found her or Gabriel as dead in Strand, and they have probably
emigrated to America as so many others in the family did.
Gunhild Asbjørnsdatter, born 1808 on the Nerhus farm, Strand parish,
Rogaland county, Norway.
(Nerhus is also called Nedre Bjørheim).
Gunhild probably went to the US after the Civil War to live with one of her
children there.
1865 Norway census (Strand) (farm Nedre Bjorheim)
Gunla Asbjørnsd. Føderaadskone e 59 k Strands Prgj.
info from data base of Dick (Research):
Left Strand for America on Ma;y 5, 1862.
On May 9, 1862, another family from Strand emigrated:
Husband: Per Person Tjøstheim, 51.
wife: Gunhild Torsdotter, 47 (First cousin of Gunhild , Ole's wife).
5 Children
Gunvor Persdotter Østerhus, 32
Kari Persdotter Østerhus, 15
1886 Badger Lutheran Church, Badger, IA
shows a Gunnhild Asbjornsdtr as a member of church
notes from Iowa Cemetery records for Hovey Cemetery, Badger, Iowa
Julia Peterson/ 13 Nov. 1894/ age: 87/ lot 6
Federal Census 1880
Cornellia Peterson f 70 mo wid N N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois
believe this is Gunnhild, living with son Thomas and near to son Rasmus, daugher Kari, and Siri
1885 Iowa Census, Badger Twp, Webster County, Iowa
Thomas Aanenson, age 47, farmer
Anna, age 15
Mary, age 13
Julia, age 12
Carrie, age 53, keeping house
Julia Peterson, age 77
Martha thompson, age 50
andrew Rasmusson, age 22, laborer
1880 Federal Census
Cornellia Peterson f 70 mo wid N N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois,
living with son Thomas
Fort Dodge Messinger Newspaper, Fort Dodge,IA
Well I made it back from Iowa & Mn.
I stopped at Hovey Cem. NW of Badger. I found Julie Petersons grave. It was hard to read. It was at Rasmus Petersons plot.
I checked the Ft. Dodge newspapers. Here's what I found.
Mrs. Peterson of Badger, mother of Rasmus Peterson died Tuesday, and was buried Wednesday in the Badger cemetery at 10 o'clock. The old lady was quite aged and had been very feeble for some time.
another paper. Mrs. Julie Peterson died at her home at Badger yesterday of old age. Mrs. Peterson is a grandmother of Mrs. Severt Thompson, who has the sympathy of her many friends. The funeral will be held from the church at Badger tomorrow morning.
Marr Date: 12 Jun 1830
Marr Place: Norway
Children: Kari (1830-1920)
Siri (1832-1905)
Knut (1834-1893)
Asbjørn (1836-)
Peder (1838-)
Gunhild (Died as Child) (1840-1848)
Rasmus (1843-1912)
Gabriel (Died as Infant) (1845-1846)
Gunvor (1847-1890)
Gabriel (1851-)
Thomas (1855-)
Birth Date: 2 Aug 1830
Birth Place: Strand, Strand, Norway
Birth Memo: LDS records
Bapt Date: 29 Aug 1830, age: <1
Bapt Place: Strand Church, Strand, Norway
Bapt Memo: LDS records
Emig Date: 1862
Emig Place: Norway
Death Date: 17 Jul 1920, age: 89
Death Place: Badger, IA
Burial Date: 19 Jul 1920
Burial Place: Hovey Cemetery, Badger, IA
Ref#: info taken from Strand Bygdebok #2, page 510, farm Østerhus
Alias: Caroline Peterson
note in records of Badger chruch shows birth date as Aug 20, 1831
website of marriages in Illinois
Digitalarkivet: Emigrants from Stavanger 1825-1970
Stravanger 1862
Kari Pedersdtr K 15 1862 Østhus,strand NORGE
Cemetery index Webster County, IA
shows birth as 19 Aug 1828, death 1 Jul 1929
Badger Church records show death as 17 Jul 1920
1910 Federal Census, Badger, Twp, Webster County, IA
Aanensen, Kari, head, age 80
Aanensen, Julia, dau, age 30
1920 Federal Census, Badger, Webster County, IA
Oneson, Kari, head, age 90, immigrated 1865
Oneson, Julia, dau, age 47
Spouse: Thomas OWENSON
Birth Date: 12 Aug 1835
Birth Place: Svinelid under Egland, Årdal, Norway
Birth Memo: Look at message 101 - Aardal-folk - no. 1.1.3 - Thomas Owenson. You listed his birthdate as 12. aug. 1835. Look at the census 1885 when he is given age 47 - that match ca. 1838.The church record fpr Aardal said he was born 7. june 1838 at Svinelid, Egland.
Death Date: 9 Mar 1892, age: 56
Death Place: Badger, IA
Burial Place: Hovey Cemetery, Badger, IA
Emig Date: 1866
Emig Place: Norway
Emig Memo: came to America on ship named Eos with his parents
Reside Date: 1880
Reside Place: Compromise township, Champaign County, Ill
Reside Memo: federal census
Reside Date: 3 Oct 1882, age: 47
Reside Place: Badger Township, Webster County, IA
Reside Memo: purchased 160 farm from Thomas Chantland for $4,400 plus had to pay off mortage of $1,250.
Ref#: info taken from Årdal Bygdebok, page 433, #44 farm Egland
Alias: Torgeir Anundson
Father: Ånund OWENSON (1806-)
Mother: Maria EINARSDTR
became US citiizen in Champaign County, Ill Oct 26 1882, signed with name of Thomas Onenson
Thomas, Kari and family came to Badger, Iowa in a covered wagon in 1882
1880 Federal Census
Thomas Owenson m 40 f N N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois
Caroline Owenson f 49 N N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois
Annie Owenson f 10 Ill N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois
Mary Owenson f 8 Ill N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois
Julia Owenson f 6 Ill N N 94 Compromise Champaign Illinois
passanger list of ship Eos, 1866
Aanen Pedersen Svinelien 60 m countryman
Marie Svinelien* 55 f wife
Torger Aanensen* Svinelien* 30 m son
Ingebreth Aanensen* Svinelien* 18 m son
Peder Aanensen* Svinelien* 20 m son
Bertha Aanensdatter* Svinelien* 13 f daughter
Anna Aanensdatter* Svinelien* 24 f daughter
Marie Aanensdatter* Svinelien* 13 f daughter
Passenger list 1866 - bark Eos
Captain T. C. Hausken
depart Stavanger May 3
arrive Quebec June 6
1883 Badger Lutheran Church, Badger, IA
info shows member of church, also members of church include:
Torger Aanensen
Kari Pederson
1885 Iowa Census, Badger Twp, Webster County, Iowa
Thomas Aanenson, age 47, farmer
Anna, age 15
Mary, age 13
Julia, age 12
Carrie, age 53, keeping house
Julia Peterson, age 77
Martha Thompson, age 50
Andrew Rasmusson, age 22, laborer
Marr Date: 5 Nov 1866
Marr Place: Grundy County, Illinois
Children: Annie (1869-1926)
Maria (1871-)
Julia (1872-1921)
Birth Date: 10 Jun 1832
Birth Place: Østerhus, Strand, Norway
Birth Memo: LDS records
Bapt Date: 12 Jun 1832, age: <1
Bapt Place: Strand Church, Strand, Norway
Bapt Memo: LDS records
Census Date: 1865
Census Place: Østerhus, Strand Norway
Census Memo: Norwegian Census
Emig Date: 1876
Emig Place: Norway
Emig Memo: Siri Pedersdtr Østerhus K 1832 1876 G Strand NORGE Illinoisemigrants records show came to USA with 7 members
Census Date: 1880
Census Place: Rantoul Township Champaign County, Ill
Census Memo: Federal Census
Death Date: 7 Oct 1905, age: 73
Death Place: Badger, IA
Burial Place: Blossom Hill Cemetery, Badger, IA
Reli: lutheran
Ref#: info taken from Strand Bygdebok #2, page 510, farm Østerhus
Ref#: info taken from Strand Bygdebok #2, page 511, farm Østerhus
may have been living her brother Rasmus Peterson when first came to USA. Rasmus Peterson is listed in the 1880 Federal Census for Stanton Township, Champaign County, Illinois. Rasmus is listed as being 38 years old. Age is close to the age of Rasmus, brother of Siri.
lived with son Serinius in Noble County, Mn after the death of her husband.
from Stein
I have a book called "Norges bebyggelse", volume "Mid-Rogaland, Rural
section" published in 1957, where all rural residential houses in Mid
Rogaland are listed together with vital data on the owners and their
families, as well as a small photo of each house. The photo is exactly the
same as in Edgar's photo album. This is what is said about the farm:
Østerhus #3
"Østerhus. Farm no. 27, subfarm no. 3. Located by bustop. Postal address
Bjørheimsbygd. Size 12.5 acres usable fields, hereof 7.5 acres yielding
crops. 17.5 acres outlying fields, some wood. Main house built 1926 of
timber in 1 1/2 floor, 390 square feet, 6 rooms, 2 kitchens, basement.
Cowshed built of timber 1926, barn built same year. Insurance value 10,000
kroner. In the family since 1867, to present owner 1937. Livestock 12 cows,
horse. - Owner farmer Utne Østerhus, born Jan 8, 1907 in Strand, parents
Udbjørg and Knut I. Ø.
Østerhus #4
Østerhus, farm no. 27 subfarm no. 4. Located by busstop. Postal address
Bjørheimsbygd. Size 12 acres of usable field, whereof 9 acres yeilding
crops, approx. 137 acres of wood. Main house built of timber 1935,
modernized 1952, approx. 670 square feet, 9 rooms, kitchen, basement.
Cowshed bulit of brick 1946, barn built same year. Insurance value 23,000
kroner. In the family since 1896, to present owner 1945. Livestock 7 cows, 3
calfs, horse, chicken, 20 sheep. - Owner farmer Teodor Jørmeland, born Aug
15, 1898 in Strand, parents Anna and Ole J., married to olava Vasstveit,
parents Rakel and Ola V. Children Ruth, born Jun 22, 1926, Astrid, born Jun
21, 1928, Olga, born Jan 5, 1931, Olaf, born Jan 12, 1934, Solveig, born Feb
25, 1937, Tordis, born Jun 27, 1939, Else, born Mar 7, 1946.
Spouse: Halvar HALVERSON
Birth Date: 27 Sep 1816
Birth Place: Songesandsbakken, Forsand, Norway
Census Date: 1865
Census Place: Østerhus, Strand Norway
Census Memo: Norwegian Census
Emig Date: 1876
Emig Place: Norway
Emig Memo: Halvor Halvosen Østerhus M 59 1876 G Strand NORGE Illinoisemigrants records show came to USA with 7 members
Census Date: 1880
Census Place: Rantoul Township Champaign County, Ill
Census Memo: Federal Census
Death Date: 22 Jan 1892, age: 75
Death Place: Badger, IA
Burial Place: Blossom Hill Cemetery, Badger, IA
Occ: Farmer
Reli: lutheran
Ref#: Info Taken From Forsand Bydebok, Page 413 & 414, Farm Songesandsbakken
Father: Halvard OLSON (1775-1842)
Mother: Joren TOLLAKSDTR (1778-1857)
1865 Norwegina census (Strand)
Halvor Halvors.Gaardbruger, Selveier g 52 m Høgsfjords Prgj.
Siri Pedersd. hans Kone g 33 k Strands Prgj.
Gunla Halvorsd. deres Datter ug 12 k Strands Prgj.
Halvor Halvors. deres Søn ug 10 m Strands Prgj.
Jørgine Halvorsd. deres Datter ug 7 k Strands Prgj.
Peder Halvors. deres Søn ug 4 m Strands Prgj.
Halvor Halvors.deres Søn ug 1 m Strands Prgj.
Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild
Steamer Adriatic
Page 1 of 2
Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland to New York
5 June 1876
I, Hugh Hamilton Perry, Master of the Steamer Adriatic, do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board the said Steamer Adriatic at Liverpool & Queenstown from which port said Steamer Adriatic has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, the sex and the occupation of each of said passengers, the part of the vessel occupied by each during the passage, the country to which each belongs, and also the country of which it is intended by each to become an inhabitant; and that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the number of said passengers who have died on said voyage, and the names and ages of those who died.
Sworn to this 5 June 1876
So help me God,
(signed) H. Perry
before me ______(illegible signature)
List or Manifest of all the passengers taken on board the SS Adriatic whereof H.H. Perry is Master, from Liverpool & Queenstown burthen 2458 tons.
144 Helen Osterhus 60 m farmer Norway USA
145* Lipid Osterhus 44 m farmer Norway USA
146* Jorgina Osterhus 17 f spinster Norway USA
147* Halon Osterhus 10 m child Norway USA
148* Ano Osterhus 7 m child Norway USA
149* Lerancers Osterhus 3 m child Norway USA
150* Unger Osterhus 1 m child Norway USA
1880 Federal Census, Rantoul Twp, Champaign County, IL
Halver Halverson m 62 f N N N 245 Rantoul Champaign Illinois
Sarah Halverson f 48 N N N 245 Rantoul Champaign Illinois
Peter Halverson m 18 f N N N 245 Rantoul Champaign Illinois
Halver Halverson m 14 f N N N 245 Rantoul Champaign Illinois
Syruz Halverson m 9 N N N 245 Rantoul Champaign Illinois
Inger Halverson f 5 N N N 245 Rantoul Champaign Illinois
immigrants from Stavanger 1825-1970
Stavanger 1876
Halvor Halvosen Østerhus M 59 1876 G Strand NORGE Illinois
Siri Pedersdtr Østerhus K 10061832 1876 G Strand NORGE Illinois
Jørgine Østerhus K 02031859 1876 Strand NORGE Illinois
Halvor Østerhus M 20101865 1876 Strand NORGE Illinois
Anne Østerhus K 02121868 1876 Strand NORGE Illinois
Serinius Østerhus M 07111871 1876 Strand NORGE Illinois
Inger Østerhus K 07091874 1876 Strand NORGE Illinois
1885 Iowa Census, Badger Twp, Webster County, IA, living sec 20
Halvor Halverson, age 68, farmer
Sarah, age 53, keeping house
Halvor, age 27
Peter, age 23
Halver, age 19
Sirinius, age 12
Anna, age 16
Inger, age 9
info from Bygdebok:
owned farm #5 Østerhus. They were farmers on Østerhus since their marriage. In 1865 they had 4 cows and 10 sheep. They seeded 1 barrel of oats and 2 barrels of potatoes. In 1867 the farm consisted of about 2.5 acres, both field and cutivated meadow. They had 4 acres of inferior meadow, but still cutlivable. At the turn of year 1875-76 they might have been starting to abolish the farm. At that time they had only 2 cows and 1 pig, while they had been seeding for the last time 1/5 barrel of barley, 1 barel of oats and 3 barrels of potatoes. Halvard met with the minister in early May of 1876 and announced that he considered to emigrate to Illinois in the United States.
In america Halvard and Siri dropped the farm name and went by the last name of Halvardsen.