Instructions for running ATRANS
- Download the files from ATpack.zip under the ATRANS tab on the Geology 727 course web site.
- In the Atpack zip file you will find files for running three different programs that solve analytical solutions, including ATRANS. These codes with instructions for assembling the input files are described in the pdf file in the zip file. Copy the following files into a folder on your computer: atrans20.exe, atrans20.inc. You will need these files to run ATRANS. You may also copy the source code (in FORTRAN), atrans20.for, and the following two sample input files: atrans_1.inp, atrans_2.inp.
- Find the command prompt on your computer (usually under start>programs). Click the command prompt and a dos window should appear. You need to run ATRANS in dos.
- In the dos window (dos box), change directories by typing
until you see the c drive prompt appear as follows
- Then use the cd (change directory) command to find the folder you just created that contains the ATRANS files. For example, if you put the folder on the d drive and called it myatrans, you would first type
to change to the d drive and then once the d:\> prompt appears, you would type
cd myatrans
When you are in the myatrans folder (or whatever name you used to hold your ATRANS files), type
to see the contents of your folder.
- Now run ATRANS by typing
You will see the following on your screen
- Type in the root name of your input file. For example, you could use one of the sample input files as a test and type:
Note that when you create your own input file, the file must have the .inp extension, as in atrans_1.inp. However, when you type in the jobid, do not type in the extension. Type only the root name (e.g., atrans_1).
- If the program runs successfully, two output files will be generated and will appear in your directory. Use the dir command to see if they are there. One of the files contains information about the input and the other contains concentrations for constructing a breakthrough curve.
- To exit the dos box and return to Windows, type
- You can read the output files in Windows using notepad or wordpad. Copy and paste the times and concentrations into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) to construct the breakthrough curve.