UN Programme ‘Dialogue for the Future 2 – Promoting Social Cohesion and Diversity in BiH’ in selected communities
Recognizing the need to create space in BiH for cross-cutting dialogue, reconciliation and building of trust, and given the long-standing expertise and comparative advantage of the United Nations in these areas of work, the BiH Presidency in 2011 requested assistance from the Secretary-General to further advance these efforts in the country. The Presidency identified education and culture as priority areas, with a focus on youth, underscoring that these subjects can act as a springboard to strengthen dialogue, diversity and trust among the country’s citizens and communities and between BiH’s citizens and their leadership. In response to this request, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in BiH, represented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator and support from the Resident Coordinator’s Office, developed and implemented a project to promote Dialogue, Coexistence and Diversity in BiH funded by the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO)/Peacebuilding Fund (PBF).Jointly implemented in 2014-2016, the “Dialogue for the Future (DFF)” initiative established a set of peacebuilding standards, networks and tools around the country. The outcomes formed the basis for the BiH Presidency’s request for a subsequent round of DFF work for the country but also for the sub-region. Following the UN Secretary-General’s and PBF’s endorsement, the UNCT initiated the development of a second phase of peacebuilding work which builds upon “DFF 1” and its lessons learned.
Through providing spaces for dialogue and continued interaction between different groups living in BiH at the local and BiH levels, the project will support the collective identification of issues that affect all citizens in BiH, and further contribute to enhanced interaction and collaboration between groups. Joint collaboration on common issues would further contribute to a community-based development visioning (specifically taking into consideration BiH’s efforts around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Agenda). The project has a major focus on youth, connecting young opinion-makers, future leaders and key stakeholders with their leadership (both at the local and highest level) in BiH and across the neighboring countries.
Programme theory of change
If sustained dialogue and joint problem solving is supported between different groups and mechanisms for local peacebuilding are established, then collaboration and trust between groups is enhanced and social cohesion promoted, because different groups will identify common goals and realize positive change can only be achieved through collaboration and harnessing the strength of diversity.
The programme will be organized around two main outcomes:
Outcome 1: Increased interaction and collaboration between different groups at the local level (within and between municipalities)
Outcome 2: Increased interaction and dialogue between different groups at the BiH level
Outputs and specific results related to this particular call for the expression of interest
Output 1.1
In accordance with the Dialogue for Future Integrated Results Framework:
1.1.Local communities lead local assessments on common problems and priority issues of concern
Result 1: Stakeholders identified in selected municipalities/clusters of municipalities
a)Identify conveners and stakeholders for the local assessments together with local authorities, service providers, youth (breakdown by age to reflect adolescents age 10-19) group leaders media and civil society in 9 municipalities/clusters of municipalities.
Result 2: Stakeholders empowered
b)Support the capacity of the conveners to facilitate multi-actor processes by provision of a set of trainings
c)Empower youth to play a leadership role in the assessments and set up mechanisms for youth led community consultations
Result 3: Local assessments completed
d)Assist youth, local leaders and groups in undertaking local (self) assessments on common priority issues hindering social cohesion
e)Support the ‘group leaders’ to convey meetings
Result 4: Local assessments validated
f)Support a participatory process to validate the findings of the assessments and a local prioritisation process
Output 1.2.
In accordance with the Dialogue for Future Integrated Results Framework:
1.2.Social cohesion at the local level enhanced through establishment of local dialogue platforms
Result 5: Local dialogue platforms established specifically for peacebuilding/youth/local dialogue with adopted TOR and possible municipal funding
g)Coordinate efforts with other actors in peace-building area and supporting the institutionalisation of the process at the municipal level
Throughout the implementation, the aim is to achieve following target indicators:
- 80% of selected conveners and facilitators demonstrate ability to regularly convene local stakeholders
- selected municipalities/clusters of municipalities agree to lead local dialogues on priorities and local social cohesion initiatives.
- 75% of target locations report increased interaction between community members and local leaders
- 25% of respondents in target locations report increased trust between members of the community
- 75% of target communities and youth participants express satisfaction in the prioritisation process following the local assessments
- A local dialogue platform is established in at least 75% of target locations consisting of representatives of local authorities (municipalities, relevant ministries, youth, interreligious council/local religious organisations and civil society organisations representing diverse groups in each location).
LOT 1Stakeholders mappingIdentify conveners and stakeholders for the local assessments including the local authorities, service providers, youth (breakdown by age to reflect the group of adolescents age 10-18), media and civil society in 9 municipalities/clusters of municipalities.
- Stakeholders mapping report with SWOT and peacebuilding capacity analysis and directory by 30thJune 2018
LOT2 Capacity building content for trainings and methodology development
Support the capacity of the conveners to facilitate multi-actor processes by provision of a set of trainings.
Empower youth to play a leadership role in the assessments and set up mechanisms for youth led community consultations.
Assist youth, local leaders and groups in undertaking local (self) assessments on common priority issues hindering social cohesion.
Support the ‘leaders of the group’ to convey meetings.
- Developed modules/curricula for trainings of youth (age 18+) and adolescents (adapted to age groups of 12-15 and 15-18 years) in selected municipalities in:
- Local assessment and participatory research
- Key peacebuilding competencies (Cooperation and Teamwork, Identity and Self Esteem, Empathy and Respect, Gender mainstreaming, Goal Setting, Problem Solving and Managing Conflict, Critical Thinking and Decision Making, Coping with Stress and Managing Emotions, Creativity and Innovation, Media literacy and Hate speech prevention)
- Civic education, leadership and social activism
- Communication and advocacy
LOT3Delivering of trainings for the local stakeholders and local event management to conduct local self-assessments
Support the capacity of the conveners to facilitate multi-actor process by provision of set of trainings.
Empower youth to play a leadership role in the assessments and set up mechanisms for youth led community consultations.
Assist youth, local leaders and groups in undertaking local (self) assessments on common priority issues hindering social cohesion.
Support the ‘group leaders’ to convey meetings.
Support a participatory process to validate the findings of the assessment and a local prioritisation process.
Coordinate efforts with other actors in peace-building area and supporting the institutionalisation of the process at the municipal level
- Facilitated trainings of local NGOs, youth (age 18+) and adolescents (adapted to age groups of 12-15 and 15-18 years) in selected municipalities in:
- Local assessment and participatory research with definition of key local priorities
- Key peacebuilding competencies (Cooperation and Teamwork, Identity and Self Esteem, Empathy and Respect, Gender mainstreaming, Goal Setting, Problem Solving and Managing Conflict, Critical Thinking and Decision Making, Coping with Stress and Managing Emotions, Creativity and Innovation, Media literacy and Hate speech prevention)
- Civic education, leadership and social activism
- Communication and advocacy
- Support provided for organisation of focus groups, round tables and local debates during the locally led assessment process in selected municipalities
- Municipal local dialogue platforms established in selected municipalities
- Terms of Reference for the local dialogue platforms developed
- Feasibility plan for institutionalisation of the local dialogue platforms developed in selected municipalities