
Minutes of Meeting held in Appin Village Hall

Thursday 10th January 2013 at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Issy Silkowski, Paul Zvegintzov; Peter Baker, Linda MacLeod, David Craig; Councillors Elaine Robertson & Duncan MacIntyre; PC’s Stuart Johnston and Mark O’Donnell + 11 members of the public

Apologies: Councillors Louise Glen-Lee & Iain MacDonald; Tina Scorgie; Fiona Thomson

Minutes of the last meeting (08/11/12) were approved and signed.

a). Traffic Calming – A828: Paul has written to Transerv to push for white lines between Creagan and Appin, but still awaiting a reply. Request for extra signage in that area (ie Accident Blackspot, etc) has been turned down. Cllr Robertson reported that MSP Michael Russell had contacted MSP Keith Brown (Minister for Transport) about the Communities concerns. An A828 Safety Group meeting is scheduled for February and our concerns will be raised again. Local Liaison Group has also got this on their agenda. Still awaiting feedback from Transerv/Argyll & Bute Council on the ferry sign for Lismore to be changed to read “Passenger Ferry Only”.

Marina Curran-Colthart, Bio-Diversity Officer, reported that she is liaising with Transerv/Transport Scotland to try and get “Beware of Otters” signs between Tynribble and Creagan as there have been many killed over the years. Some thought that the introduction of signs would be a distraction for drivers, who may in fact take their eyes off the road to look out for otters. Iain McNicol asked if we could write to Transerv about possibility of getting 40mph signs on entrance to Appin (south end) moved further back so that drivers have already slowed down to that speed before they hit the downhill section to make deceleration better. Letter to go to Transerv.

b). School Transport/Public Transport: Nothing at present.

c). Port Appin and other Council Roads: A letter was sent to Argyll & Bute Council about rumour that Council Yard at Portnacroish was up for sale. Their reply indicates they are looking at options but have no plans at this time.

d). Recycling/GRAB: Nothing new at the present. Query raised as to why some areas in Appin only get Paper & Cardboard collection every 4 weeks (Routes 10) and some areas are every 2 weeks (Route 1). Letter to go to the Council about this.

e). Cycle Track: Sustrans have more money available which will allow our area to be completed before they move onto the Great Glen section, which is scheduled to be finished by 2015. No date set yet for re-scheduled local Sustrans meeting.

f). Jubilee Bridge: Mike Rayworth reported that work on the approach paths has started. The bad news is that LEADER; Heritage Lottery and the Prince’s Trust have all turned us down for grant aid, which is a major blow. Mike to try Scottish Sea Farms again but we really need bigger funders. Ideally we need to build up a pot of money so when grants comes in, we will be able to move quickly on the bridge work. The Commonweath Games are doing Grants of up to 50% but Community would have to find at least 25% themselves. The bridge will need permanent/temporary repairs and suggests a Work Party in the Summer to repair the bridge walkway with sterling board and wire netting.

Ronnie Laing then spoke regarding ownership of the bridge. As the bridge is part of a Right of Way, then this makes the bridge the ownership of the public. The Community Council would be acting on behalf of the public to repair bridge. The public have the right of access and a right to repair the bridge. The Commonwealth Games would not give funding for repairing an existing structure if it was owned by the Community Council so there is benefit in the bridge not having an owner. A notice should maybe be put up indicating that anyone using bridge does so at their own risk, etc. Marina will check out about funding possibility through LEADER in relation to a public Right of Way and also re Community Landfill Tax.

Mike reported that individual donations have been made through the Community Trust. Report at next meeting.


·  Letter to Mike Rayworth – from Donald Hutchison 5/11/12 (copied to CC) – Jubilee Bridge

·  Planning applications 11/11/12 – Replacement of workshop/garage Woodhall, Appin; and erection of polytunnel, land SE of The Croft, Port Appin

·  E-mail 13/11/12 – A&B Public Partnership Forum Meeting – 27/10/12 (Agenda)

·  Letter 15/11/12 – Scottish Water – Your Views Count – Consultation until 12/2/13

·  Sustrans Newsletter (November 2012) Oban to Fort William Path news

·  Planning applications 18/11/12 – Change to roof finish & windows (new house), land NW of Camus Fear na, Appin; and Erection of dwellinghouse, land South of Blarchasaig Farm, Appin

·  Letter 26/11/12 – Transport Scotland – A828 Appin – reply to letter regarding extra road signs

·  E-mail 28/11/12 – Newsletter – Scottish Ambulance Service

·  E-mail 3/12/12 – Planning legislation to Scottish Parliament

·  Letter 3/12/12 – Judi Dench – Reply to our letter re Jubilee Funding event

·  E-mail 4/12/12 – Inequalities Event 30/4/13

·  E-mail 14/12/12 – Argyll & Bute Alcohol & Drug Partnership Strategy Consultation

·  Letter 19/12/12 – NHS Highland Argyll & Bute Public Partnership Forum Meeting Notes – 27/11/12

·  E-mail 19/12/12 – Funding Extra Third Sector Early Intervention Fund

·  E-mail 20/12/12 – Nominations from Community Councils for My Place Awards

·  E-mail 21/12/12 – Community Council Training – Oban 31/1/13

·  E-mail 4/1/13 – Invitation to Annual Patient Focus Public Involvement Self Assessment 2013

·  E-mail 8/1/13 - Climate Challenge Fund Grants available for Community Councils

·  E-mail 8/1/13 – Funding Alert (January 2013)

·  Letter 7/1/13 – Cllr Louise Glen-Lee, Argyll & Bute Council – Viability Assessment Report – Low Maintenance Dialysis Unit, Lorn & Islands Hospital

Treasurer’s Report: No cheques written since last meeting.

Any Other Competent Business

1.  Clach Thoul– Still nothing done regarding trees overhanging Clach Thoul area despite ongoing contact with Bidwells. PC Johnston will speak to Estate about this.

2.  Dangerous Trees, Portnacroish –Report back from Argyll & Bute Council reporting that they, along with Argyll Timber Transport Forum and Transerv are unable to help as they have no responsibility for the site. They say it is a private issue which they have limited influence over. Cllr MacIntyre to follow up with Jim Smith the possibility of Argyll & Bute Council removing the tree and charging the owner for the costs.

3.  Defibrillator – Appin & Lismore – Dr Mary reported that defibrillators (heart start machines) have been fitted to the outside walls of Appin and Lismore Halls. The Appin one has a 5 digit code to get access to the box (C123X) and also a key within a “Break Glass” box which allows it to be accessed by anyone at any time in an emergency. Anyone calling an ambulance will also be able to get the key code from them. The boxes will be checked fortnightly by individuals in the community. Any shortages/out of date items will be replaced by the Surgery. The defibrillators were bought from money in the Medical Funds (Appin & Lismore), which is money donated by the Community. A vote of thanks was given for the Medical Fund being used to supply this equipment.

4.  New Car Park, opposite Village Hall – Iain McNicol said car park is finished except for couple of small changes requested by Transport Scotland. Sign to go outside church so that parking on that side of the road is reserved for “Disabled” and “Minister” parking spaces. Plaque to be finalised recognising Brigadier Stewart and this will go on display in the car park. Lighting is being considered for the car park as it can be dangerous especially when there are icy conditions.

5.  All Weather Pitch – Strath of Appin School – Marina reported that work has re-started on this following delay before xmas due to the weather (rain/frost). Lights are now working and there is improved access. Two Sports Co-ordinators have been appointed (job-share). Work should finish this week with low-key opening later this month with official opening (with funders, etc) nearer Easter. Congratulation to all involved in seeing this project through.

6.  Policing Update – PC Stuart Johnston reports that there has been another spate of fuel thefts in Argyll area with some local ones. Also theft from Linnhe Marina. People should be vigilant and report any strange vehicles to Stuart by phone or a note through his door. This is a nationwide problem with fuel thefts and the Police are collating data from all areas.

7.  Community Emergency Plan – Cllr Robertson stressed the importance of each Community having an Emergency Plan in place. There may not be much information required for our area but it should be put in place. Paul Zvegintzov to look through the lengthy document to see what this entails.

Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting: Thursday 7th March – 7.30pm – Appin Village Hall