Councillors’ Allowances

The Council pays Councillors' allowances to acknowledge the real costs associated with being a Councillor as well as the time they put into doing the job. While most Councillors stand for election out of a sense of public duty, many of them would not be able to play a full part in the work of the Council if they were not compensated to some extent.

Councillors are paid according to the Royal Borough's Members' Allowances Scheme, which follows the recommendations made to all London boroughs by an independent panel of experts. The panel's report (which can be made available on request) sets out the recommended 'ranges' of allowances for particular levels of responsibility. The Royal Borough pays its Councillors below the recommended rate because local Councillors decided they wished to take into account their long-standing commitment to part of their duties being unpaid and to reflect their desire to keep Council Tax as low as possible.

As well as a basic allowance, some Councillors can claim an additional Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) where provided for under the Scheme. Councillors can only claim one SRA.

The following table shows the agreed allowances payable to Councillors from 1 April 2007.

All 54 Councillors (basic allowance) / 9,965
Leader of the Council / 51,191
Deputy Leader of the Council (also a Cabinet Member) / 38,801
Cabinet Member for Family and Children's Services / 37,801
Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environmental Management and Leisure / 37,801
The six other Cabinet Members / 32,705
Six ‘Lead Members’ (who support Cabinet Members) / 5,520
Leader of the Minority Party / 18,750
Chief Whip of the Minority Party / 5,520
Chairmen of the Licensing, Planning and Overview and Scrutiny Committees / 18,750
Chairmen of the Audit, Investment and Regulation and Enforcement Review Committees / 5,520
Minority/Majority Party spokesmen on OSCs / 5,520
The Mayor / 9,000

By law the Council is required to publish details of the total sums paid, each year, to each recipient of an allowance under its Members’ Allowances Scheme. These details are set out in full below, in respect of all 54 Councillors, for the period year April 2006 - March 2007.

Councillor (and position for which any special responsibility allowance paid) /

Basic allowance


/ Special
Resp. Allowance
£ / Travel/
Dependent carers' allowance
£ / Total received
Tim Ahern (The Mayor from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 4,983 / - / 14,948
Marianne Alapini (in receipt of Licensing SRA until July 2006) / 9,965 / 1,029 / 138 / 11,132
Catherine Atkinson (Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Robert Atkinson (Councillor and Minority Party spokesman, OSC on Family and Children's Services until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / 419 / - / 1,437
Judith Blakeman (Minority Party Whip from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 6,193 / - / 16,158
Simon Blanchflower (Councillor and Minority Party spokesman, OSC on Housing, Leisure, Arts and Regeneration until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / 539 / - / 1,557
Victoria Borwick / 9,965 / - / - / 9,965
Christopher Buckmaster (Chairman, OSC on Health) / 9,965 / 14,950 / - / 24,915
Fiona Buxton (Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health and Environmental Health) / 9,965 / 24,266 / 143 / 34,374
Terence Buxton (Chairman, OSC on Housing, Environmental Health and Adult Social Care) / 9,965 / 14,950 / - / 24,915
Miss Barbara Campbell (Lead Member to the Leader) / 9,965 / 5,488 / 80 / 15,533
Councillor Elizabeth Campbell(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
David Campion (Cabinet Member for Corporate Services) / 9,965 / 24,266 / - / 34,231
James Cecil(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Jonathan Clamp (Councillor until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / - / - / 1,018
Professor Sir Anthony Coates / 9,965 / - / - / 9,965
Merrick Cockell (Leader of the Council) / 9,965 / 43,393 / - / 53,358
Timothy Coleridge (Chairman, Western Riverside Waste Authority) / 9,965 / 4,104 / - / 14,069
Mrs Maighread Condon-Simmonds / 9,965 / - / - / 9,965
John Corbet-Singleton, CBE (Lead Member for Regeneration, Environmental Management and Leisure) / 9,965 / 5,488 / - / 15,453
John Cox (Chairman, OSC on Family and Children's Services from 25 May 2006 and Chairman, Investment Committee*) / 9,965 / 12,100 / - / 22,065
Keith Cunningham (Leader, Minority Party and Chairman, OSC on Cabinet and Corporate Services from 25 May 2006*) / 9,965 / 16,248 / 192 / 26,405
Mark Daley(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Andrew Dalton / 9,965 / - / - / 9,965
Emma Dent Coad(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / 176 / 9,123
Ian Donaldson / 9,965 / - / 28 / 9,993
Jeremy Edge (Chairman, OSC on Public Realm) / 9,965 / 13,920 / - / 23,885
Thomas Fairhead (Cabinet Member for Finance and Property) / 9,965 / 24,266 / - / 34,231
Rock Feilding-Mellen(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Mrs Priscilla Frazer (Chairman, Licensing Committee) / 9,965 / 13,920 / - / 23,885
Robert J. Freeman / 9,965 / - / 40 / 10,005
Joanna Gardner / 9,965 / - / - / 9,965
Nicholas Halbritter (Councillor until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / - / - / 1,018
Dr Iain Hanham (Lead Member for Regeneration, Environmental Management and Leisure) / 9,965 / 5,488 / - / 15,453
The Lady Hanham, CBE / 9,965 / - / - / 9,965
David Harland (Councillor until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / - / - / 1,018
Bridget Hoier (Minority Party spokesman, OSC on Housing, Environmental Health and Adult Social Care from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 4,556 / - / 14,521
Stephen Hoier (Councillor and Chairman, OSC on Cabinet and Corporate Services until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / 1,257 / - / 2,275
Tony Holt (Chairman, Planning Services Committee from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 12,100 / 79 / 22,144
Rima Horton (Councillor and Minority Party Whip until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / 539 / - / 1,557
James Husband (Cabinet Member for Education and Libraries from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 22,914 / 13 / 32,892
Margot James (Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Dominic Johnson (Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Jennifer Kingsley (Councillor until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / - / - / 1,018
Andrew Lamont (Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / 32 / 8,979
Mushtaq Lasharie (Minority Party spokesman, OSC on Family and Children's Services from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 3,851 / - / 13,816
Bryan P. Levitt (in receipt of Licensing SRA until July 2006) / 9,965 / 1,029 / - / 10,994
Warwick Lightfoot (Cabinet Member for Community Safety from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 21,095 / - / 31,060
David Lindsay (Lead Member for Housing Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health and Environmental Health) / 9,965 / 4,458 / 293 / 14,716
Pat Mason (Minority Party spokesman, OSC on Health from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 4,458 / - / 14,423
Julie Mills(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Daniel Moylan (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning Policy, Housing Policy and Transportation) / 9,965 / 26,668 / 109 / 36,742
Dez O’Neill (Minority Party spokesman, OSC on Public Realm from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 4,881 / - / 14,846
Nicholas Paget-Brown (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environmental Management and Leisure) / 9,965 / 25,540 / - / 35,505
Matthew Palmer(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / - / 8,947
Barry Phelps (Majority Party spokesman, OSC on Cabinet and Corporate Services from 25 May 2006) / 9,965 / 3,851 / - / 13,816
Steven Redman (Councillor until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / - / - / 1,018
Shireen Ritchie (Cabinet Member for Family and Children's Services) / 9,965 / 26,569 / 56 / 36,590
Stuart Shapro (Councillor until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / - / - / 1,018
Mrs Frances Taylor (Lead Member for Planning Policy, Housing Policy and Transportation) / 9,965 / 4,881 / 161 / 15,007
Ernest Tomlin (Councillor and Majority Party spokesman, OSC on Cabinet and Corporate Services until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / 419 / - / 1,437
Richard Walker-Arnott (Councillor and Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks, Arts and Museums until 4 May 2006) / 1,018 / 2,191 / - / 3,209
Paul Warrick (Cabinet Member for Service Improvement) / 9,965 / 24,266 / - / 34,231
Mary Weale (Chairman, Audit Committee) / 9,965 / 6,627 / 16,592
Miss Doreen M. Weatherhead (Chairman, Regulation and Enforcement Review Committee* and Lead Member for Planning Policy, Housing Policy and Transportation) / 9,965 / 5,488 / - / 15,453
Charles Williams(Councillor from 4 May 2006) / 8,947 / - / 92 / 9,039
Totals paid under this Allowances Scheme (April 2006 – March 2007) / 538,110 / 443,648 / 1,632 / 983,390

* SRA not claimed.

The Council also pay allowances to co-opted members – those independent persons who play a valued role on various Council forums. Co-optees allowances were paid as follows during year April 2006 to March 2007:


/ Co-optee allowance
£ / Travel/ subsistence £ / Total
Samar Al-Zaher (OSC on Family and Children's Services from May 2006) / 1,066 / - / 1,066

Zino Benatia (OSC on Family and Children's Services from November 2006)

/ 515 / - / 515

Richard Bernays (Investment Committee from May 2006)

/ 1,030 / - / 1,030

Robert Binyon (OSC on Family and Children's Services)

/ Not claimed / - / -

Marcelo de Campos (Adoption and Permanency Panel from 1 January 2007)

/ 326 / - / 326
Roger Clark (Investment Committee) / 1,093 / - / 1,093
Sir Michael Craig-Cooper (Investment Committee) / Not claimed / - / -
Fraser Ealey (Adoption and Permanency Panel until 31 December 2006) / 979 / - / 979
Shally Gadhoke (Fostering Panel until December 2006) / 566 / - / 566
Sophia Lambert (Chairman, Standards Committee from 25 May 2006) / 1,610 / 113 / 1,723
Tonisha Lewis (Fostering Panel from December 2006) / 326 / - / 326
Andrew Ling (Audit Committee from July 2006) / 1,672 / - / 1,672
Ian Luder (Audit Committee from July 2006) / 1,672 / - / 1,672
Frankie Merz (Chairman, Adoption and Permanency Panel (until 31 December 2006) and Chairman, Fostering Panel) / 7,182 / 320 / 7,502
Sir Michael Ridley (Chairman, Standards Committee until 25 May 2006) / 41 / - / 41
Graham Ross Russell (Investment Committee) / 1,093 / - / 1,093
Peter Sandiford (Adoption and Permanency Panel from 1 January 2007) / 326 / - / 326
Junice Shaw (Adoption and Permanency Panel and Fostering Panel) / 1,306 / 59 / 1,365
ElizabethSidley (Chairman, Adoption and Permanency Panel from 1 January 2007) / 1,026 / 43 / 1,069
Rachel Stone (OSC on Family and Children's Services until 30 September 2006) / 520 / - / 520
Rev. William Taylor (OSC on Family and Children's Services) / 1,173 / - / 1,173
Brenda Walkington (Adoption and Permanency Panel and Fostering Panel) / 2,612 / 136 / 2,748
Jennifer Ware (Vice Chairman, Standards Committee) / 1,125 / 49 / 1,174
Kathleen Williams (OSC on Family and Children's Services) / 1,173 / - / 1,173
Totals paid under this allowances scheme (April 2006 – March 2007) / 28,423 / 720 / 29,152