May 2011
Dear Colleagues,
Leading R.E. Teachers Support Network
I am delighted to launch this new initiative to support the development of religious education in all schools throughout the Diocese of Lincoln.
A number of experienced and talented teachers with expertise in religious education are willing to share their good practice with colleagues in other schools. You will see from the attached database that we have a team of Leading R.E. teachers with different specialisms located around the Diocese.
They are able to provide support through a range of approaches according to the needs of your school. It may be that you have a new subject co-ordinator and needs guidance on where to start with subject leadership or it may be that you have an experienced teacher who wants advice on developing creativity in R.E.
Support may come in the form of a telephone conversation, sharing documents and resources, face to face meetings or staff training. Training could take place in your school or in the school of the Leading Teacher. Basically, there are many options to be explored.
How do I access support from a Leading R.E. Teacher?
The database attached enables you to contact the Leading R.E. teacher of your choice directly to discuss your needs. The Leading Teacher will inform you if they can provide the support you require or they will refer you to me or another Leading Teacher.
If the Leading Teacher is able to offer the support required and it involves more than just a telephone call or e-mail they will agree a ‘programme of support’ with you. Together you will need to agree the training activity, timescales, success criteria and costs if any. It is important that the schools providing Leading Teachers are reimbursed for any costs incurred including supply cover and travel expenses. These costs will be agreed in advance and the school in receipt of support will need to meet these costs.
Monitoring and evaluation
To ensure that this initiative is highly regarded for sharing good practice and developing partnerships between schools, it is important that schools provide feedback on the support received. Please complete the evaluation form (available from the Leading Teacher or from the website and return to Paul Thompson.
How can I be a Leading R.E. Teacher?
The position of ‘Leading R.E. teacher’ is a very rewarding experience in terms of professional development. If you are interested in advisory work, have expertise in R.E. and are willing to share good practice with other schools, then why not become a Leading Teacher of R.E? If you would like to know any more information about the Leading teacher support network, please contact me at
Yours sincerely,
Paul Thompson
Diocesan Deputy Director of Education