Hill and Plain School
PTO Meeting
October 1, 2012
Attendance: Megan Christian, Trish Mink, Maura Kaschube, Heather Tietjen, Amy Gaudio, Dawn Curry, Maureen Natale, Leah Reid, Kim Rogg, Clare Zimmitti, Trish Haldin, Ashley Phanh, Becky Passero, Eileen Shields, Julie Hartmann, Jessica Poodiack, Jessica Ryan, Kim Hassiak, Jen McSherry, Liberty Andreotto
Maryann Ness, Kara Gray
Teacher’s Reports:
1st Grade: How much money in grants? $2,000
When is 1st grade science cart starting? October, The 5 Senses
Science Cart:
Point people:
K – Heather Tietjen and Megan Christian
1st – Becky Passero and Michelle Freeman
2nd – Becky Passero and Lisa Jackson
3rd – Megan Christian and Michelle Freeman
Wrapping paper sold over $15,000 will make an estimated profit of $7,000. The teacher raffles for the free products have started. The student raffle for that will do the slingshots during the assembly will be held. Excel and kindergarten will have a chance to practice before the event. There is a parents’ raffle as well.
Looking into another fundraiser. Perhaps David’s cookie dough soups or pies. Something to be delivered in time for Thanksgiving.
Principal’s Report:
Speech pathologist left. Replacement Christina Lee Dwyer, very good fit.
There is still an issue with parents parking in the same lot as the buses during afternoon pick-up when buses are present. This is illegal and all parents are to be reminded to avoid this area of the parking lot. The Board is looking into outside mounted cameras on the buses to catch offenders.
All is going normal and well in the classrooms.
There are many more bi-lingual families at Hill and Plain. We are trying to be more sensitive to those families. Finding those who speak Spanish to help those families. Have already started printing PTO newsletter in both English and Spanish.
Treasurer was not present, Jen McSherry gave report.
Welcome Back Carnival made a profit of $73. Usually we expect to take a loss. The game vendor proved to be disappointing this year. We were probably mis-charged for the prizes given out. Were called a week later saying we were mischarged and OWED another $100. Looking into potential new vendors for next year. Maybe someone more local.
Old Business:
Minutes: Heather motioned, Maureen 2nd and they were approved.
Box Tops: Oct 12 deadline. What should the winning classes get? Pizza, ice cream, etc…?
New Business:
Another fundraiser idea, movie night in the cafeteria. Free but charge for concessions. Look to call Deb Knipple at the high school for volunteer help from the high school kids.
Parent Pick-up is a mess. Are there ways to simplify it so parents are waiting forever.
Only 1 library book is being allowed to go home. Last year it was 2. Can this be changed to what it was last year?
Science Program:
It was noted that more information should be posted about the garden, who is maintaining it etc. Many thought the garden wasn’t used this past year. A proposed garden week was brought up to take the kids into the garden to evaluate what it’s doing, maybe Art and Music could get involved. Talk with Sandra Sullivan in Food Service about using the crops in the school kitchen.
Notable Dates:
Picture Day - October 10th. Volunteers needed
Vision Testing – Week of October 15th, Nurse needs volunteers
Pumpkins in the Park – October 20th – Volunteers needed
Make a Difference Day – October 27th Volunteers needed, there will be a food drive at HPS to benefit the Social Services Food Bank.
Please submit grant proposals well in advance of event as anything over $500 needs to go to Town Wide for a vote.
3rd Grade will have an in-house event with CT Legends & Folklore $485 for performance and travel expenses May 2013. Motion made and it was approved.
Last week in November during conferences
Next meeting is November 5th, 1:30pm AND 7pm.
Adjourned at 2:31pm