SAMPLE Job Application
Fill out all information and print neatly.

WeareanEqualOpportunityEmployerandfullysubscribeto theprinciplesof EqualEmploymentOpportunity.Applicantsand/oremployees are considered for hire, promotion and job status, without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, age, physical or mental disability.

NameDate of application


AddressCity State Zip



Are you able to perform the essential job functions of the position for which you are applying with or without reasonable accommodation? Yes No


convictionwillnotautomaticallybaremployment,butwillbeconsideredonlyasitreasonablyrelatestoyourfitnesstoperforminthe position for which you are applying.) No Yes If yes,



Circle last grade completed - Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College 1 2 3 4 Masters Doctorate

NameAddress ofSchool / Major
Course studied / Graduated
or degree (Y orN) / Average
Last Middle School Attended
Specialty Training

List any academic honors, awards or special achievements:

3. SKILLSPlease list any skills you have that are appropriate for this course:

If required, will you work extra?
Lunch Time / YES / NO / If no Why?
After School / YES / NO / If no Why?

State fully why you believe you are qualified for this position

SAMPLE Job Application
Fill out all information and print neatly.

INTERESTS / ACCOMPLISHMENTS:You may wish to list significant experience, interests & accomplishmentsgainedwhileworkingasavolunteerorasahobbyistthatmaybeusefulintheposition (s) you are seeking.Names ororganizations designating religion, race, etc. need not be mentioned.

SAMPLE Job Application
Fill out all information and print neatly.

READCAREFULLY: I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any misstatement or omission of informationmayresultindenialofemploymentordischarge. Iauthorizethereferenceslistedabovetogiveyouanyandallinformationconcerningmypreviousemployment andany pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing same to you.

Signature Date