0-10 SCoG (Children’s Partnership)
Date: / 27 January 2010Venue: / Conference Room 3, Erlas Centre / Time: / 1.30 pm
Apols / NAME / ORGANISATION / Attend/
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Cilla Robinson / (CP Chair) BCU Health Board / A / √ / A / Louise Hulme / WCBC PSD / √ / √ / √
Lyn Millen / WCBC P and I / A
Angela Roberts / BCU Health Board / A / √ / A / Margaret Southall / WCBC HoS: Family Support / √ / √
Carol Gardner / Third Sector: Dynamic / √ / √ / √ / Mike Barclay / WCBC Play Development / √ / √ / A
Caroline Selby / Third Sector: EYF / √ / √ / A / Nia Lloyd (for Laura Williams) / AVOW/Cymorth CYP Devel Officer / √ / √ / √
Colin Powell / Third Sector:GVICC / Lauren Pilling / WCBC PSD / √ / √ / √
Head teacher / Primary School TBC / TBC / Pat Kearsley / Third Sector: CPEYF / √ / √ / √
Helen Edwards / WCBC P and I / A / Phyllis Matthews / WCBC WFIS / √ / √ / √
Hilary Harriman / WCBC : HoS 0-8 / √ / A / √ / Ray Wells / Governors’ Wales / A / A
Cllr. James Kelly / WCBC CYP Scrutiny Co-Chair / A / Sharn Jones / BCU Health Board / A
Jan Jones (Chair) / HoS: PSD and CYFWP Co-ord / √ / A / √ / Sue Aston / BCU Health Board / √ / √ / √
Nick Williams / WCBC : HoS 8-14 / A / A / A / Tricia Hughes / Third Sector: Homestart / √ / √ / A
John Gallanders / (11-25Chair) AVOW / A / A / Susan Evans / HoS : Children and Family Inclusion / √ / √ / A
Cllr. Arfon Jones / WCBC Lead Member CYP / A / A / Carol Martin / Wrexham NPHS / A / A
Gillian Cowen / Health Social Care and Well Being Strategy Manager / √
Distribution: 0-10 SCoG; Chair of CYPFWP Board
Agenda/Points covered: / Responsible person:11. Welcome andapologies
- JHJ Chaired and welcomed the group to the meeting.
12. Minutes and matters arising not on the agenda
- Minutes:Minutes of 21 October 212009 were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting and there were no matters arising.
13. Standing Items : Headlines Document
- The purpose of the Headlines document was reiterated; this document provides the mechanism by which the 0-10 SCoG monitors the progress and performance of its Task-and-Finish Groups and is consistent with the procedures of the other SCoGs.
13.1Unintentional Injuries (UIs) Task and Finish Group
- The minutes and Headlines from the UIsTask-and-Finish Group were circulated; SA highlighted the key issues arising, which included:
Terms of Referencehave been agreed and P-MAP updated;
mapping gridto be further populated by the TF Group via email;
measures and indicators have been drafted with NPHS and confirmation received that data can be collected and aggregated by NPHS in order to enable the reliable publication of trends;
WCBC Child Safety Scheme; funding to cease March 2011;
training is required on home safety. Children in Wales offer a two day ‘train the trainer’ course at a cost of £1,400, with supplementary training leaflets and materials produced for use across Wrexham;
there is a need to strengthen links with housing in order to influence planning, adaptations and refurbishments to include home safety equipment;
there is a need to strengthen links with landlords to provide information on home safety and the benefits of safety equipment.
- Cessation ofChild Safety Scheme funding was discussed. 40% of costs could be saved just by looking at what is provided within the safety packs and ensuring that only items proven to be effective were included.
- The group considered the possibility of running this scheme in other ways, eg. via Flying Start which would at least cover those families already identified as being most vulnerable. (Flying Startinitially provided child safety equipment but this was suspended due to duplication with the Council scheme).
- HH agreed to undertake a feasibility study into whether/how the Child Safety Scheme could be run from within Flying Start. HH to feedback at the next task and finish group / 0-10 SCoG.
- The involvement of the Fire Service in Flintshire in fitting safety gates was discussed; could this approach could be used in Wrexham? GC to liaise with a colleague who was previously involved in the Flintshire scheme and will feedback at the next Task-and-Finish Group/0-10 SCoG.
- Members discussed the value of getting a group together to discuss the future of the Child Safety Scheme and the funding and support that could be provided from different organisations. LP to organise a meeting with the Fire Service, HH (Flying Start), Gillian Cowen and her colleague from Flintshire, Angela Roberts and Jan Jones.
- The issue of funding for training was discussed and the value of a ‘Train the Trainer’ course. LP to contact KMc for an outline of the two day course and to email this out to the UIs Task and Finish group, 0-10 SCoG and other relevant organisations to gain an idea of who would like to be trained and the funding that each organisation can contribute to the cost.
- The possibility of contributing some funding from Cymorth was discussed; highly unlikely given that this is a fixed budget, but this could be a slippage request (though slippage is now very low).PM felt that WFIS could offer some funding in the new financial year via the Childcare training budget and Caia Park Early Years Forum also offered funding.
- JHJ suggested the possibility that once the training has taken place and disseminated, this could be expanded to schools as part of the Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity area of learning within the Foundation Phase, starting with schools just outside the Flying Start areas in order to reach children and parents who fall outside the Flying Start criteria.
- Members discussed the availability of data to evidence that since the Child Safety Scheme was introduced, UIs in 0-4s have reduced. JF can provide data on the uptake rate from those eligible for the Scheme and also the uptake rates since the health visitors do not hand the forms in, yet as the Scheme has been running for a number of years and as the data on UIs is not readily available and specific, this evidence would be difficult to collect.
- GC agreed to discuss the issue of the Child Safety Scheme funding ceasing with Andy Lewis.
13.2 Childcare Task and Finish Group: CSA update
- A paper summarising the progress of the Childcare TF Group was circulated and the following points were highlighted:
- The CSA 2008 informed the CSA Action Plan which was devised in collaboration with childcare providers and consulted on by the EYDCP.
- The main gaps identified by the CSA included: a shortage of flexible childcare, affordable childcare for parents on low incomes, before and after school care (particularly for older children), holiday care, Welsh medium childcare and childcare for disabled children.
- The Childcare TF Group was enlarged in November 2009 to include a wider representation, including Transport and Asset Management, Welfare Rights and Economic Development;
- WAG provided feedback on Wrexham’s 2008 CSA in November 2009. Key points raised by WAG had already been included in the action plan and all others are now being progressed, such as further consultation with minority groups and employers.
- Work is underway re. the Annual Review of the CSA; this will include an update of supply data, progress made against the actions in the action plan, case studies of innovative practice and issues arising from the recent consultations.
- PM queried the support available for disabled children to access playgroups. HH explained that support is provided in the term following the child’s third birthday when children are funded for early entitlement. Support is provided following Multi-Agency Assessment Panel(MAP) decision; those assessed via the MAP as meeting the necessary criteria receive support from WCBC Child Health and Disability team. Shared costs with health will be agreed at MAP as appropriate.
- Equality issues are involved here. JHJ asked if Disability Living Allowance (DLA) was intended to enable parents to fund the additional support required for children to access childcare. CG felt not; the DLA has specific criteria for use, such as care or transport.
- Members discussed the value of parents completing the Disability Database to enable better forward planning for the needs of disabled children; need to consider how to promote this to parents and increase usage.
14. 0-10 SCoG special interests / scrutiny
14.1Agreement of new special interest task using criteria
- JHJ reminded members of the role of the SCoG in terms of the scrutiny and the example of the UIs task which was selected by the group, assessed against the scrutiny criteria and confirmed as a special interest area for the 0-10 SCoG.
- As the UIs work is underway and progressing, there is scope for an additional area of work to be identified by the 0-10 SCoG.
- A list of the 0-10 age-related CYPP key tasks was circulated and members were asked which tasks they felt the 0-10 SCoG should focus on or whether there are any other areas of work/other CYPP key tasks that they felt would benefit from further scrutiny.
- GC raised the issue of dental health, and the need to ensure that all schools are included in the Design to Smile project (currently a pilot and about to be rolled out across all schools). Members agreed that an update on progress would be useful to find out more about the project and the links with schools. LP to invite the Design for Smile project lead to next meeting to provide a brief overview of the project, the roll-out, any barriers faced and how the 0-10 SCoG can support the project from a multi-agency perspective.
- JHJ raised the need to focus on CYPP Key Task 54 (school transport) in future as this is a large area and links to the improvement priority on health and well-being. GC agreed to provide an update report at the next meeting on the progress of Safer Routes to School/links to WCBC Improvement Priority.
- Members also discussed the importance of the obesity agenda and the value of the 0-10 SCoG possibly focusing on this area of work from a 0-10 age perspective in terms of reducing obesity in children. This area of work will be discussed in more detail in the next meeting to ascertain whether additional support from the 0-10 SCoG is necessary and if so, how the SCoG can support this work.
Obesity Agenda item
15. Other Items Tabled
- N/A this quarter
16. Report(s) Required / Tabled for Next Meeting
- Update from the Task and Finish Groups (UIs and Childcare)
- Dental health update report / presentation (Design to Smile)
- Update report on Safer Routes to School and links to improvement priority
17. AOB
- LP reminded members to email their completed ASD needs analysis/service directory proformas to Anne Hughes by 01 February 2010;
- LP informed members of a free UIs course to be held 28 January2010.
Date and time of next meeting(s):
NEXT FULL 0-10/11-25 MEETING: Wednesday May 5th2010
TIMES: / 10:00 - 12:00 pm / 11-25 SCoG (YPP):
12.15 – 13.15 pm / Working Lunch and Joint Business Meeting
13:30 - 15:30 pm / 0-10 SCoG (CP)
VENUE: / Erlas / Committee Room 2
Please note: Attendance at 0-10/11-25 meetings is important if we are to make progress on CYPP Key Tasks and ensure that all relevant agencies contribute to this. If you cannot attend a meeting you must send a fully-briefed nominated deputy to represent your organisation. Failure to attend meetings will, in future, be followed up. Continued failure to attend will lead to a management discussion to establish if the right person has been identified by the organisation. Obviously, it is expected that apologies will be given well in advance, not least so that precious funds are not wasted on food which is not needed.
The joint business meeting will start promptly at 12.15; please try to be on time and note that there is an expectation that 11-25 members will stay for this part of the meeting and that 0-10 members will arrive in time for this part of the meeting.