Shelton School District
Reconfiguration Work Group
November 15, 2017
3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Roger Lange, Jorge Nelson, Linda Arnold, Kathryn Ward, Brenda Trogstad, Carey Murray, Glenn Shorten, Sally Karr, Jacquie MacAlevy, Karen DeWitt, Jennifer Deyette, Bob Trondsen, Eric Barkman, Steve Torres, Pat Cusack, Jim Judson, Robert Herron, Pam Farr, Alex Apostle, Jenny LaFrenier, Adina Brito, Carrie Blackwell
Alex welcomed the group. As of the date of this meeting there were 654 days to reconfiguration.
- Inventory: Must be completed when building plans are due (December 13th or January 10th). Elementary schools and OMS, bring your inventory lists to the next meeting. At that time we will discuss the process and challenges you experienced at your buildings. We will also create action items for any unresolved issues. OBJ, SHS, and CHS staff should have their lists available at the January meeting where we will go through the same process.
- Surplus: The surplus sale is scheduled for December 19th. Please keep your surplus items in your buildings until Facilities picks them up. The next surplus sale will be in the summer unless we determine that a spring sale is needed.
- Building Reconfiguration Plans and Timelines (December 13th and January 8th): The next two meetings will focus on inventory, timelines, and next steps. It is vital that everyone comes prepared.
Department Issues Related to Reconfiguration (Continued)
Please refer to handouts distributed at the meeting for more specific information.
Teaching and Learning
- CTE: Pat continued the report of CTE reconfiguration needs including: program, staff, and physical modifications at CHOICE,OBJH, and SHS. The CTE reconfiguration will require moving many pieces of equipment which will be time and labor intensive.
- State/Federal Programs: Pam reported that there will be decreased Title I and LAP funding at the elementary levels and additional funding available for the upper grades. Other concerns in this area are Head Start, ECAP, and summer school.
- Special Education: Jenny presented a list of items that would be of benefit to the SPED program after the reconfiguration. She also addressed a question about location changes to the SPED Kindergarten program. Any location changes will not take place until next year.
- Intervention/Advanced Academics: Pam reported that the concerns in this area are similar to State/Federal Programs. These programs will also be impacted by staffing and grade bands.
- Student Records (Skyward): Carrie reported that many reconfiguration changes must filter through Skyward. The critical issues for Skyward are District Calendars (which are tied to all scheduling pieces), resident school codes for new buildings, and staff assignments/movement. There may be the need for additional data entry support during the transition.
Planning Updates
- 2018-19 and 2019-20 Calendars: Linda reported that the 2018-19 calendar was close to being finalized and would be presented at the All Admin meeting on November 16th. A basic calendar has been created for 2019-20 with school starting the 3rd week in September and ending around the 3rd week of June. PLC days may be on Wednesdays instead of Fridays.
- Bell Schedules: Robert and Roger will be using Versatrans software over winter break to create transportation simulations. Once there is a better understanding of transportation limitations then there can be more focus on bell schedules. They will have an update at the January meeting.
- 5-8 Program Design: Eric and Steve met with 32 teachers earlier this month. The conversation focused on pinpointing teachers’ interests and specialties as well as their preferred building assignment. The next step is to create a guiding coalition of teachers from each building and grade level.
- Budget and Staffing Timelines: Linda presented an updated Staff Assignment Process and Timeline. Staffing decisions will be made according to current contract language. She will be sending a preliminary survey to staff in January to gauge intentions.
Next Steps: Complete inventory lists to be presented at December and January meetings. Cabinet members were asked to work with their buildings to ensure timely completion.
Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 4:19 p.m.
Next Meeting: December 13, 2017 from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the SHS Library