Crown Employees (Roads and Maritime Services - School Crossing Supervisors) Award
Application by Director General, Department of Transport.
(No. IRC 110 of 2014)
Before The Honourable Justice Walton, President / 11 March 2014VARIATION
1.In clause 1, Definitions, of the award published 27 July 2012 (373 I.G. 83) delete the definition of "RMS" and insert in lieu thereof the following:
RMS - means the Secretary of the Department of Transport as head of the Transport Service.
(Note: This definition was varied following the commencement of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 to reflect that the Roads and Maritime Division of the Government Service of New South Wales established under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 was abolished, staff moved to the Transport Service, and that employer functions are now exercised by the Secretary of the Department of Transport as Head of the Transport Service. Notwithstanding that, in some instances in this award, references to "RMS" refer to the business of the Roads and Maritime Services rather than to the employer).
2.In clause 1, following the definition of "Working Hours", insert a new definition as follows:
"RMS Group" means the group of staff designated by the Secretary of the Department of Transport in accordance with the Transport Administration (Staff) Regulation as being part of the RMS Group who are not part of the Transport Senior Service.
3.In clause 1, following the new definition of "RMS Group", insert a new definition as follows:
"Transport Service" means the Transport Service of New South Wales established by the Transport Administration Act 1988.
4.In clause 2, Area, Incidence, Duration, following the words "applies to all SCSs employed" appearing in the second paragraph, delete the words "by Roads and Maritime Services Division of the Government Service of New South Wales under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002." and insert in lieu "as members of the Transport Service in the RMS Group."
5.Delete clause 3, Parties to the Award and insert in lieu thereof:
3. Parties to the Award
The parties to this Award are the Secretary of the Department of Transport as head of the Transport Service, the Australian Worker's Union and the Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales.
6.This variation shall commence on and from 24 February 2014.
M. J. WALTON J , President
Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.
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