Bruce Frederick Springsteen
112 E Street, Asbury Park, NJ 07712 (732) 923-4961
To obtain a job in (and or) doing: ______
Sales Associate, ABC Finance Co., Middlesex, NJ June 2009-present
· Provide input into marketing programs
· Handle outside sales of financial products
· Analyze client’s credit reports
M.B.A., Finance, Rutgers-The State University, Camden, New Jersey
May, 2009
B.A., Political Science, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan
May, 2007
* Dean’s List, Award for Best Senior Project
* President, Student Government Association
· Volunteer, U.S. Congressman Christopher Smith’s office, 108 Lacey Rd, Whiting, NJ 08759
· MS 150 Annual Bike Tour - 2005 – present
· Proficient with Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint and Internet
· Fluent in Spanish and French
Résumé PRE-WRITING Worksheet
DIRECTIONS: By hand, simply fill in the required information in each section of the résumé found below. After you fill this sheet in by hand then copy the information by typing it into a WORD DOCUMENT modeled on this format. When typing your résumé- use Font Verdana size 10. Headings should be BOLD.
Print your FULL name on the line provided above
In this section list your WORK/JOB Experience. Most recent job goes on top. MAKE THIS INFO UP! Include at least 2 work experiences with at least 2 bullet points underneath. Bullet points should explain the responsibilities you had while working in the prior job.
In this section list your highest level of education. The highest level goes at the top and then the next highest is beneath that. If you have two or more college degrees, use only the two highest degrees achieved and do not include High School. Also include special awards like Dean’s List or Honor Societies.
In this section list your top two most impressive community service experiences. The most impressive should be at the top and then descend from there. Use some creativity to think about what community service experiences/opportunities would be relevant to the job for which you are applying- these experiences should further qualify you for your job!
In this section list your top two most impressive skills you have such as computer skills, proficiency with software and/or a foreign language. Most impressive at the top and then descend from there. MAKE SURE THEY ARE RELEVANT FOR THE JOB FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING!