Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes
School name: Mildura South Primary / Year: 2017School number: 4389 / Based on strategic plan: 2015-2019
Principal Debra Chandler 08-12-2016 / Senior Education Improvement Leader Garry Weir 09-12-2016
School council Andrew Black 08-12-2016
Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives
Report here the goals identified in the current School Strategic Plan and tick the Improvement Initiative/s that your school will address in this Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.
School Strategic Plan goals / Improvement Priorities / Improvement Initiatives / ü· To improve the learning outcomes and growth in student learning in Literacy and Numeracy with an emphasis on reading and number.
· To develop student Voice and Choice so that students are reflective thinkers who have high expectations of themselves as learners.
· To enhance student wellbeing and resilience in a learning community that is built on the school values.
· Effectively allocate and use resources to support the school’s goals and priorities. / Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / ü√√√
Curriculum planning and assessment / ü
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion / ü
Community engagement in learning / Building communities
Improvement Initiatives rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
In 2017 MSPS have selected ‘excellence in teaching and learning’ and ‘positive climate for learning’ as the improvement priorities.
This aligns with the actions and success criteria outline in the school SSP and ensures that capacity of leaders continues to be developed across the school. School data supports ‘excellence in teaching and learning’ remaining a priority. In 2016 NAPLAN trend data showed year 5 spelling and reading had declined. 50% of Year 5 students achieved low growth in spelling, 25% of Year 5 students achieved low growth in reading and 42% of Year 5 students achieved low growth in Writing.
School surveys continue to highlight the importance of developing a ‘positive climate for learning’. In 2016, both the Attitudes to School Survey and the Parent Opinion Survey indicators from the following areas were below state mean: Learning Confidence, Connectedness to Peers, Stimulating Learning and Student Motivation and have declined over the last 2 years.
MSPS will be a lead school implementing the ‘Respectful Relationships’ program in 2017 as a strategy to ‘setting expectations and promoting inclusion’.
Key improvement strategies (KIS)
List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Improvement initiative: / Key improvement strategies (KIS)
Building practice excellence
Curriculum planning and assessment
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion / Build a culture of collaboration and reflective practice in which all teachers are able to improve their practice
Increase teacher knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy to improve growth in learning outcomes for all students
Strengthen teacher capacity to use data to inform planning and teaching at point of need for all students
Develop and implement an engaging and sequential curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum
To enhance student wellbeing and resilience in a learning community that is built on school and community values
Published: February 2016
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives
Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.
Please note that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To improve the learning outcomes and growth in student learning in Literacy and Numeracy with an emphasis on reading and number.To develop student Voice and Choice so that students are reflective thinkers who have high expectations of themselves as learners.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Building practice excellence
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / On Demand (Data): all students in years 3-6 will demonstrate at least 1.2 growth in reading and 1.0 growth in writing and number
Victorian Curriculum: Greater than 85% of all capable students will be at expected level in reading, writing and number
NAPLAN: Relative growth rates for reading, writing and number will be less than 25% (low range) and more than 15% (high range)
Meet the threshold performance standards for NAPLAN reading, writing and number as shown in the Government School Performance Report
12 MONTH TARGETS / Victorian Curriculum: 80% or greater deemed capable students to be at or above expected levels in reading and writing
NAPLAN: To increase performance in spelling and reading compared to Like schools in NAPLAN, Year 3 and 5
Data: On Demand reading, PAT reading, Essential reading and moderated tasks (all data sets triangulated) to demonstrate greater than one year’s growth in reading for all students deemed capable
Meet the threshold performance standard in reading as shown in the Government School Performance Report
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Build a culture of collaboration and reflective practice in which all teachers are able to improve their practice / Continue to plan in professional learning teams, facilitated by leaders in each year level. / PLT leaders / Meet weekly – minimum of 2 hours per week / 6 months: All Staff to demonstrate their deeper understanding of effective teaching in reading and writing through team planning documents. / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months:
All classroom teachers’ PDP plans will document achievement in the school reading and writing goal of 1.0 growth.
Teachers have received written feedback and reflected on their achievement of the goals in reading and writing twice a year. / l l l / $2000
Each year level team will have a cognitive coach to facilitate reflections on student voice, agreed actions and planning. / School Coach / Terms 2-4 / 6 months: Victorian Curriculum recorded in team planning and articulated in student voice coaching data / l l l
12 months: Evidence of Victorian Curriculum in all teaching staff planners
Classroom observations will demonstrate improved teaching practice
Teacher PDP plans will highlight the improved practice due to reflections on student voice data with colleagues. / l l l / $2000
Agreed planning template for reading and writing from Prep-Year 6 / Literacy Coordinator
Team Leaders / Terms 2-4 / 6 months: Common template used across the school in reading and writing / l l l
12 months: All teachers will demonstrate their use of the scope and sequence in reading and writing through their team meetings and their planning documents / l l l
Increase teacher skills, knowledge and understanding in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy to improve growth in learning outcomes for all students. / Implement a term by term calendar, targeting professional learning in reading, writing and spelling / Assistant Principal
Coordinator / Terms 1-4 / 6 months: New professional learning is evident through classroom observation / l l l
12 months: All staff to reflect and evaluate the effectiveness of new planning templates aligned to Victorian Curriculum / l l l
Curriculum day focus will be on a deeper understanding of the capabilities in reading and writing in the Victorian Curriculum facilitated by Education Consultant Lyn Watts / Principal / Term 2 / 6 months: Deeper understanding of capabilities will be evident in team planning documents / l l l / $3000
12 months: See evidence of student voice and choice in daily classroom practice
Capabilities assessed and reported on in the end of year report / l l l
Develop teachers’ understanding in Bloom’s Taxonomy to use when planning student tasks
Team coaches will prompt for teacher reflection on the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in classroom practice / Principal
Assistant Principal / Terms 2-4 / 6 months: The use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in all teachers’ planning
Student tasks will be differentiated according to student needs and Bloom’s Taxanomy / l l l
12 months: Team coaches will continue to prompt for teacher reflection on the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in classroom practice.
Student tasks are differentiated according to student needs and Bloom’s Taxonomy / l l l
Teachers will create and evaluate individual goals in student Individual Learning Plans
Use Equity Funding to employ support staff to implement targeted intervention support in Literacy and Numeracy / Principal
Literacy Coordinator
OHC Coordinator
Koori Ed Coordinator / Terms 1-4 / 6 months: Individual Learning Plans created and evaluated
Intervention support implemented for students identified as being at risk of not achieving expected outcomes / l l l / $144,147
12 months: All capable students achieve 1.0 growth in Literacy and Numeracy / l l l
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives
Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.
Please note that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To improve the learning outcomes and growth in student learning in Literacy and Numeracy with an emphasis on reading and number.IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Curriculum Planning and Assessment
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / On Demand (Data): all students in years 3-6 will demonstrate at least 1.2 growth in reading and 1.0 growth in writing and number
Victorian Curriculum: Greater than 85% of all capable students will be at expected level in reading, writing and number
NAPLAN: Relative growth rates for reading, writing and number will be less than 25% (low range) and more than 15% (high range)
Meet the threshold performance standards for NAPLAN reading, writing and number as shown in the Government School Performance Report
12 MONTH TARGETS / Victorian Curriculum: 80% or greater deemed capable students to be at or above expected levels in reading and writing
NAPLAN: To increase performance in spelling and reading compared to Like schools in NAPLAN, Year 3 and 5
Data: On Demand reading, PAT reading, Essential reading and moderated tasks (all data sets triangulated) to demonstrate greater than one year’s growth in reading for all students deemed capable
Meet the threshold performance standard in reading as shown in the Government School Performance Report
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Strengthen teacher capacity to use data to inform planning and teaching at point of need for all students. / Six weeks of uninterrupted protected teaching
One week of assessment each term (ADI) following uninterrupted teaching block of 6 weeks
Facilitate team reflection on ADI data and team goal setting conversations focusing on students’ individual needs
Every teachers’ PDP will include a goal where every student achieves 1.0 growth in reading, writing and number / Assistant
Team Leaders / Terms 1-4
Weeks 1-6
Uninterrupted Protected Teaching
Week 7 Assessment
Week 8
Goal Setting / 6 months: Process sheets with individual gaols documented for every student referred to when planning
Teachers will measure growth of individual students and this will be recorded on the process sheet / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: Teachers will produce evidence to support all students 1.0 growth in reading, writing and number / l l l / $30,000
Develop and implement an engaging and sequential curriculum based on Victorian Curriculum / Implement e5 instructional model
Develop whole school common understanding of the use of e5 as our school’s instructional model / Assistant Principals
Team Leaders / Terms 2-4 / 6 months: Teachers are planning using the e5 instructional model
12 months: Classroom observations demonstrate common practice and understanding of the e5 instructional model
Hear the language of the e5 instructional model from staff and students
Moderation in Writing across the school
· Implement common assessment tasks
Across unit levels
· Moderate writing samples in PKTs/unit teams
Writing rubrics for all writing genres to be used in team planning / Literacy Coordinator
Team Leaders / Term 1&3 unit level
Term 2&4 whole school / 6 months: Consistent teacher judgements in writing. Each team will moderate a minimum of 12 samples
Evidence of writing rubrics in all team planning
12 months: Consistent teacher judgements in writing evident across all year levels
Completion of writing rubrics documented in student writing folios
All year level teams plan Inquiry based learning to implement a broad approach to Victorian Curriculum / Unit Leaders
Team Leaders / Terms 1-4 / 6 months: Inquiry based learning units are prepared and implemented
12 months: Professional Learning Teams evaluate Inquiry based learning units
When planning in teams teachers will continue to have a clear focus on learning intentions and success criteria, teacher feedback and student goal setting
Fortnightly team coaching cycle will facilitate staff collection and reflection on student voice. Each fortnight individual teachers will ask the following questions: What are you learning? And How do you know you are successful? to a minimum of 9 students per teacher (3 students/3 different lessons) / School Coach
Team Coaches / Terms 2-4 / 6 months: Continue to see fortnightly coaching cycles in all year level teams focusing on student understanding of learning intentions and success criteria.
Teachers setting goals based on student voice data
12 months: Teachers can demonstrate how student voice influence teacher planning
The language of: skills, knowledge and understanding is evident in student voice data and teacher planning of learning intentions and success criteria
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives