REGULAR MEETING – August 17, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the Lake Holcombe Board of Education was held on Monday evening, August 17, 2015. The meeting was called to order by the Board President at 7:01 PM. The agenda was posted at the Dairyland State Bank, Holcombe Post Office, and Lake Holcombe School. Corey Grape, Kathy Minot, Joe Stansbury, Sally Meyer, Mr. Mastin, and Ms. Spletter were present. Betty Sitler and Mr. Porter were absent.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Minot and seconded by Stansbury to approve the July 20, 2015, minutes as printed. Motion carried with four ayes.
Public comments & correspondence
An e-mail from Sauerwein Masonry was read regarding their company not being requested to submit a bid for the brick work that was done around the replacement windows. Tom Hayden shared the quote process with the Board. Quotes were sought on a window replacement project. The brick work happened to be a part of the project. A contractor who could oversee the whole project from start to finish was hired rather than maintenance doing the scheduling of the various parts of the project. Sauerwein Masonry has been hired for other jobs in the past and has been requested to submit an estimate for concrete welding booths in the welding room. Their generosity has been much appreciated.
Recognitions & commendations
Betty Sitler is a newly elected member of CESA 10’s Board of Control. Congratulations, Betty!
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Mastin shared the following: review of past events and upcoming events, the financial audit went well, reviewed HRA options with M3, and the new Facebook page has been launched. He also told the Board that he was selected to share his first year experience as a District Administrator with CESA 10’s newly hired District Administrators. Thank you to Swinging Fore A Cause for their $1,000 school supply donation and NFL Fuel Up to Play 60 for their donation of a flag football kit valued at $320. This was a grant that Tim Sime applied for.
Principal Report: Mr. Porter was not at the board meeting as he was attending an ALICE training.
Maintenance: Mr. Hayden took the Board on a tour of the remodeled art room. The room has new flooring, cabinets, desks, smart board, and paint.
The Board was updated on the land that is being requested for purchase. Brian Guthman, Claude Ringleman, assessor for the Town of Lake Holcombe, and Bill Hermann walked the property and assessed the trees and land. The Board directed administration to post the .4 acre for sale with an asking price of $30,000. The Board will take action on any submitted offers at September’s board meeting.
The Board received the following policies for the 1st reading: #820 – Public Information Program; #821.21 – Use of Students in Public Information Program; #821.2 – School District Newsletter; & #840 – Grants & Gifts from Private Sources. No questions were asked.
The Board reviewed the following policies (2nd reading): #830 – Use of School Facilities; 830.1 – Rules and Regulations for School Facility Use; #831 – Tobacco Use on School Premises; & #832 – Use of Motor Vehicle on School Property. There were no questions or comments.
Motion by Meyer and seconded by Minot to approve the following consent items:
· Approve accounts payable payments – A/P checks 43225-43271 totaling $207,933.92 & debit card purchases totaling $1,220.00
· Approve debt service wire transfers (Interest totaling $15,792.50 (Fd 38 - $9,260 & Fd 39 - $6,532.50) due 9/1/15)
· Approve coaching resignations: MS Volleyball (Jessica Maier) & Assistant Football (Matt Sanders)
· Approve Assistant Football coaching contracts (Steve Hinton & Troy Story) Middle School Volleyball Co-Coach (Amanda Ruhoff)
· Approve resolution for co-op programs and shared services agreement with the Cornell School District
· Approve 3rd reading of policies: #822 – News Media Relations; #823 – Access to Public Records; #823 Exhibit – Public Records Notice; #823 Rule – Public Records Procedure (Copies are not included.)
· Acceptance of gifts/donations – Swinging Fore A Cause ($1,000 school supply donation) & NFL Fuel Up to Play 60 (flag football kit valued @ $320)
Motion carried with four ayes.
Motion by Grape and seconded by Stansbury to convene to closed session as per 19.85(1)(c) of Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee. Roll call vote, Grape aye, Meyer aye, Minot aye, Stansbury aye, and Sitler absent.
Motion by Stansbury and seconded by Minot to reconvene to open session. Motion carried unanimously.
Upcoming meeting date/s: September 21, 2015, regular board meeting at 7:00 PM.
Motion by Stansbury and seconded by Meyer that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried with four ayes and the meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.
These minutes are unofficial and subject to amendment until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Holcombe Board of Education.
Sally Meyer, Clerk
Betty Sitler
Corey Grape Kathy Minot
Sally Meyer Joe Stansbury