February 20, 2010


A.Temporary ClerksDistrict 1: Rev. Albert Connette, Greg Govan

District 2:

District 3: Rev. Sandi Shaner, Olive Wolters

B.Courtesy CommitteeRev. Jeffrey D. Lang, Chase City First and Wylliesburg Churches

Rev. Russell Spry Williams, Thyne Memorial Church


  1. All readers of presbytery minutes for the October 2009 Stated Meeting

have given approval. Copies are at the Stated Clerk’s desk or will be e-mailed to people who request them. Commissioners from Districts 1, 2 & 3 will be asked to read minutes of this meeting.

  1. The Stated Clerk is maintaining a list of program groups, affinity groups, or

special interest groups in the presbytery. To date, the Stated Clerk is aware of these groups/organizations:

Presbyterian Women: Evalyn Page, Moderator

Presbyterian Men: Stan Huie, Moderator

Black Caucus: Joseph Young, Moderator

Covenant Network: Stephen Pfleiderer, Moderator

Youth Council: Suzanne Huffine, Moderator; Erin Davidson,

Coordinator, Todd Davidson, Vice-Coordinator.

Clergy and Laity United: Carl Matthews, President,

If there are other groups or organizations with leadership and regular meetings, please contact the Stated Clerk to have them included in the listing.

  1. The Stated Clerk (D-5.0206b) is to report annually to the governing body the

roster of the members of the Permanent Judicial Commission whose terms have expired in the past six years. The reason for this reporting is to indicate the persons and the order in which they will be called for service on the PJC should that be needed through absence, disqualification, or disability: Class of 2009: Rev. Jim Baker, Elder Denis McCarthy, Elder Nancy Squire, Class of 2007: Rev. Rosalind Banbury, Rev. Wayne Bernardo, Rev. Janet James; Class of 2005: Randolph P. Tabb, Jr..

D.Statistical Report Honor Roll: Again this year, we have had a good number of

Congregations who made the Statistical Report Honor Roll in submitting their

Annual Statistical Reports. Seventy-two congregations are on this year’s Honor Roll. Thanks for a great job! We learned from Louisville that for the second year in a row The James is in the ‘Top Five’ of presbyteries with the highest percentage of churches that have completed their Statistical Reports online as of January 22, 2010.



APPOINTED TO ORDAIN Chad McCain as Chaplain, USN, met on December 6, 2009 at 6:00 PM at Second Church, Richmond, VA.

A quorum was present consisting of the following:

MINISTERS: Sam Adams, Moderator, Constitutional Questions

Brenda Halbrooks, Prayer and Declaration

R. Charles Grant, Sermon

ELDERS:Leigh Anne Ring (Swift Creek), Charge to Minister

Jim Brashler (Second, Richmond), Clerk

Jane Lawrence (Bon Air)

GUESTS:Jason Sentas (First Presbyterian, Quincy MA), Scripture

Jack Corley (Grace Covenant), Charge to Church

Pursuant to the assignment of Presbytery and the provisions of W-4.4000 of THE BOOK OF ORDER, Chad McCain was ordained as Chaplain, USN.


APPOINTED TO ORDAIN Mary Carruth, Associate Pastor for Children and Congregational Life of Community Presbyterian Church, Vacaville, CA met on December 13, 2009 at Swift Creek Church, Richmond, VA.

A quorum was present consisting of the following:

MINISTERS: Rev. H. Carson Rhyne, Jr., Moderator, Constitutional Questions

Rev. Richard Haney, Charge to Pastor

Rev. Nancy Clark, Sermon

Rev. David Knupp, Call to Worship, Invocation

Rev. James Payne

ELDERS: Diane Atkinson (New Hanover), Prayers of the People

Scott Cox (Third Church, Richmond) Scripture Reading

Catherine Turner (Swift Creek), Presentation of Symbol of Ministry

Sue Tait (Brandermill)

GUESTS:Elder Holly Hess (Old Meeting House Church, National Capital Presbytery, Scripture Reading

Pursuant to the assignment of Presbytery and the provisions of W-4.4000 of THE BOOK OF ORDER, Mary Kent Carruth was ordained as a Minister of the Sacrament in the Presbytery of the James for the Sacramento Presbytery.


APPOINTED TO INSTALL Gail Monsma as Associate Pastor, Second Church, Richmond met on January 10, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at Second Church, Richmond, VA.

A quorum was present consisting of the following:

MINISTERS: Rev. Ray Inscoe, Confession and Assurance of Pardon

Rev. Brian Blount, Scripture Reader

Rev. Edna Banes, Call to Worship

Rev. Alex Evans, Worship Coordinator/Leader

ELDERS: Gail McGhee (Fredericksburg), Prayers of Adoration

Larry Palmer (Second Church, Richmond), Charge to the Pastor

Jim Brashler (Second Church, Richmond), Moderator of Commission

Sterling Lloyd (Ginter Park), Offertory Prayer

GUESTS:Rev. Riley Jenson, Lake Michigan Presbytery, Preacher

Doris Apperson, (Second Church, Richmond), Charge to congregation

Pursuant to the assignment of Presbytery and the provisions of W-4.4000 of THE BOOK OF ORDER, Gail Monsma was installed as Associate Pastor at Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA.


APPOINTED TO INSTALL Stephen H. Cobb as Pastor, Grace Covenant Church met on January 24, 2010 at 11:00 Grace Covenant Church, Richmond, VA.

A quorum was present consisting of the following:

MINISTERS: Rev. Tim Limburg, Moderator, Call to Worship, Statement of Purpose, Declaration of Installation

Rev. Charles E. Brown, Sermon

Rev. Durwood (Durk) Steed, Children’s Sermon, Prayer of Installation

ELDERS:Virgie Binford (All Souls), Laying on of Hands

Charlie James (Hebron), Constitutional Questions to Congregation

Stephen Piepgrass (Grace Covenant), Charge to Congregation

Leigh Anne Ring (Swift Creek), Laying on of Hands

David Huffine (Bon Air), Affirmation of Faith

GUESTS:Dr. Beverly Zink-Sawyer, Call to Confession, Constitutional Questions to the Candidate

Jane Cobb (Unity PC, Denver, NC), Charge to Pastor

Jack Farrior (Farmville PC, Farmville, NC), Welcome

David Huffine (Bon Air), Apostles’ Creed, Constitutional Questions to the Candidate

Pursuant to the assignment of Presbytery and the provisions of W-4.4000 of THE BOOK OF ORDER, Stephen Cobb was installed as Pastor, Grace Covenant Church, Richmond, VA.


APPOINTED TO INSTALL Elizabeth L. C. McGuire as Associate Pastor, Salisbury Church met on January 24, 2010 at 10:40 Salisbury Church, Richmond, VA.

A quorum was present consisting of the following:

MINISTERS: Rev. Lawrence R. Chottiner, Sermon, Present the Candidate, Constitutional Questions, Prayer and Declaration of Installation

Rev. Richard Haney, Charge to the Pastor

Rev. Edna Banes, Charge to the Congregation

ELDERS:Ella Johnson (Salisbury), Call to Worship

Barbara B. Flynt (Southminster), Call to Confession, Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon and Passing the Peace

Roberta Miller (First Presbyterian, Richmond), Prayer for Illumination, Old Testament Lesson

GUESTS:Rev. William D. Leonard, Parish Associate, Salibury, Offering and Prayer of Dedication

Mr Scott Lau, Salisbury, Clerk of Session

Pursuant to the assignment of Presbytery and the provisions of W-4.4000 of THE BOOK OF ORDER, Elizabeth McGuire was installed as Associate Pastor, Salisbury Church, Richmond, VA.


Report of the Victoria Presbyterian Church

Administrative Commission

To the Presbytery of the James

The matter began when the Clerk of the Victoria Presbyterian Church Session wrote the Presbytery of the James on behalf of the Session and Congregation of the Victoria Church requesting that the Victoria Church be dismissed from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to permit it to seek membership in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and its Mid Atlantic Presbytery.

On October 18, 2008, the Presbytery of the James, at its Stated Meeting, appointed an Administrative Commission to deal with the request of the Victoria Presbyterian Church Session to be dismissed to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and empowered it to assume, if need be, Original Jurisdiction and to dissolve the Session and assume the function of the Session of the Victoria Presbyterian Church; to appoint a moderator; and if the way be clear and all Book of Order requirements satisfied, to arrange to present to the Presbytery of the James at a Called or Stated Meeting the proposal and steps to accomplish the dismissal of the Victoria Presbyterian Church to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church or other appropriate denomination; and that upon completion of this action, it be empowered to bring recommendations concerning the property of the Victoria Church to the Presbytery for final action.

After considerable consultation with the Session of the Victoria Presbyterian Church the Commission reported to the Presbytery of the James at its February, 2009, Stated Meeting that “It is the consensus of the Administrative Commission that reconciliation is not possible and that it is in the best interests of the Presbyterian Church to support the request of the Victoria Church that it be dismissed provided certain terms and conditions accompany the permission. To that end the Administrative Commission recommended the following (which were approved):

  1. That the request of the Victoria Church be found to be in order under G-11.0103i .
  2. That the request be granted under G-11.0103i under certain terms and conditions:
  1. That the dismissal shall not occur until the Victoria Church has Petitioned the EPC for admission.
  2. That the dismissal shall not occur until any member not transferring to the Victoria Presbyterian Church as an Evangelical Presbyterian Church shall be transferred by the Session to Ebenezer Church, Kenbridge, Va., or such other church as the member may request.
  3. That the dismissal shall not occur until the EPC states in writing that it will

accept the Victoria Church into membership.

  1. That the dismissal shall not occur until the original minutes and original

records related to session and congregational meetings are delivered to representatives of the Presbytery of the James.

  1. That the dismissal shall not occur until the Victoria Church and the Presbytery of the Jamesagree in writing upon the preservation and retention of any personal property of the church having historical significance.
  1. That the real property of the Victoria Church may be leased to the Trustees of the Victoria Church by the Presbytery for a nominal sum, with a requirement in the lease that the maintenance, insurance, and upkeep of all of theChurch’s property shall be the responsibility of theVictoria Church.
  2. That the lease be for a period of not less than six months with any renewals subject to the further approval of the Presbytery.
  3. That the property be insured in an amount equal to its replacement cost with a provision in the policy that names the Presbytery of the James as an additional insured and loss payee.
  4. That the issue of any transfer of the ownership of the real property be reserved by the Presbytery for future consideration and decision.
  5. That the Administrative Commission established by the Presbytery for the Victoria Church be empowered to accomplish and complete all of the provisions approved regarding the request for dismissal with the understanding that title to the real property involved here cannot be transferred to the Victoria Church without further action of the Presbytery in which the Presbytery specifically authorizes such a transfer.

On July 29, 2009, the Moderator of the Administrative Commission wrote to Ms Ann Jackson, Clerk of the Victoria Session,to notify her and the elders of the provisions approved by the Presbytery of the James for their dismissal to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. With the exception of the lease provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of the conditions adopted by the Presbytery in February, 2009, the Victoria Session agreed to and did all of the other conditions imposed.

The Commission, acting in compliance with the parameters of its mandates and instructions, encouraged the Victoria Session to sign the lease which was submitted to them for their occupation of the Victoria building until the Presbytery of the James and they can agree on the disposition of the property.

After waiting for an adequate amount of time for the Session of the Victoria Church to sign the lease, in the language originally agreed between both parties, the Commission met at the Office of the Presbytery of the James at 5:30 p.m. on September 17, 2009.

It reviewed the negotiations and documents used in this negotiation and then proceeded to take the following actions:

  1. Voted unanimously at 6:00 p.m., in accord with the Presbytery’s authority granted it on October 18, 2008, to assume Original Jurisdiction and to dissolve the Session of the Victoria Presbyterian Church and to assume the function of the Session and to appoint Arch Wallace as Moderator of the Session.
  2. The Commission met as the Session of the Victoria Church at 6:00 p.m. on September 17, 2009 and following proper Sessional order and procedure took the following actions:
  1. Authorized the Moderator to sign the lease as presented by the Presbytery of the James for the property in Victoria known by all as Victoria Presbyterian Church.
  2. Authorized the Moderator to sign and send to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church the current petition for membership previously signed by the congregation.
  3. Agreed to notify the elders of the Victoria Presbyterian Church of the action taken at the Session meeting this evening in signing the lease with the Presbytery of the James and the signing and sending of the petition to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
  4. Agreed to notify the current Treasurer and the other elders and leaders of the Church that we wish for them to continue in their activities, such as Committees, securing preachers on Sundays, the day to day operation of the Church, etc. of Victoria Presbyterian Church.
  5. Requested the Stated Clerk to communicate this evening’s action to Ms. Ann Jackson.
  6. Arch Wallace was asked to work with the Victoria Church to arrange a service to officially end our relationship and wish them Godspeed in their new denomination, at which time the representatives of the Administrative Commission will receive the Minutes from the Victoria Church Session.

As a result of these actions and the actions of the Commission, The Evangelical Presbyterian Church received the Victoria Church as of October 19, 2009 (The date of the letter of notification from Dr. Howard Shockley, Stated Clerk of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.).

The Commission met again at the Office of the Presbytery of the James at 5:30 p.m. on November 24, 2009. At this meeting word was received that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is facilitating the incorporation of the Victoria Presbyterian Church into compliance with the rules and requirements of that Church. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church has notified the Commission that there was nothing more for the Commission to do relating to the membership.

As to the issue of the church’s property, the Administrative Commission was aware that the Presbytery of the James has a Task Force currently studying the issue of developing a plan for those churches requesting to be dismissed from the Presbytery and the importance of the real property issue as it relates to the Presbytery as a whole. Accordingly, rather than make a recommendation which might interfere with the ongoing work of this Task Force, the Administrative Commission makes the following recommendations:

(1) That no action be taken as to the title to the Victoria Church’s real property at this time;

(2) That any real property issues related to the Church which might involve the Presbytery be handled by the Trustees of the Presbytery of the James, Inc.; and

(3) That the ultimate decision as to the disposition of the Victoria Church’s real property be made after the recommendations of the designated Task Force are voted upon by the Presbytery.

(4) Having fulfilled all mandates and instructions given to the Commission by the Presbytery of the James; therefore, it is recommend that the Victoria Presbyterian Administrative Commission of the Presbytery of the James be dissolved.

Respectfully submitted

Zolton Phillips III


Victoria Administrative Commission

G.Gregory Memorial Church Commission Final Report

Having been in existence for over two years, the Administrative Commission at Gregory Memorial Presbyterian Church, in its final official action, has requested that the Presbytery of the James dismiss them. On Sunday, January 17th the Commission led a worship service in which new elders for the church were ordained and/or installed. Several things have led the Commission to this point.

They include:

1)The fact that they have a dedicated Stated Supply Pastor (Nancy Clark) who has been there for quite a while and will be there in the months ahead to guide the Session as they transition back into a leadership role.

2)The committees (and committee Chairs) have done an excellent job of planning and implementing the work of the church. They have been the ones who, along with their pastor, have carried on the ministries of Gregory Memorial.

3)Guidelines for the operation of the church have been revised and updated, giving the staff and the committees clear guidance as to procedures and goals..

4)Those who were ordained and installed have been well trained and are well prepared to govern the church as a Session.

5)During the time the commission has served at Gregory many needed changes

were made. Because of these changes the church is now ready to move into the future with hope.

As a Commission we feel that much progress has been made at Gregory Memorial Church and that our work has been completed. We leave confident that God has blessed this church through their time of transition and will continue to bless them as they move into the future.

IV.Final Report of the Dismissal Policy Task Force

February 20, 2010

At the October, 2008, presbytery meeting the Committee on Ministry recommended a policy for how the presbytery would respond to congregations desiring to be dismissed from the PCUSA. (Keith offers his apologies for his absence today. His annual session retreat was schedule for this weekend.) After discussion, the presbytery voted to refer this matter to a committee to be appointed by the Moderator and Stated Clerk. The action of the presbytery was:

Referred the documents, “Statement on Congregations Considering Request for Dismissal” (Appendix XII) and “Guidelines for Churches Considering a Request to Presbytery to be Dismissed” (Appendix XIII) to a Task Force to be selected by the Moderator and the Stated Clerk and whose membership will be broadly representative especially reflecting the theological diversity of the Presbytery in order to further study and interpret this proposal. A report will be made at each meeting of the Presbytery by this Task Force.