Worship Order
Call To Worship / Worship LeaderSongs of Praise / Praise Team
Personal Prayer / Worship Leader
Pastoral Prayer
Collection of Offerings / Ushers
Scripture Reading Genesis 45: 1-15 / Worship Leader
Message Stopping the Vicious Cycle / Pastor Joe Feun
Response / Worship Leader
Welcome / Worship Leader
Benediction / Pastor Joe Feun
Sunday Schedule______
9:15 – 9:45 AM9:50 - 10:00 AM / English Prayer Meeting in Room E-8
Order lunchboxes by Chinese tape ministry table (Cafeteria entrance)
10:00 - 11:20 AM / English Worship / Children’s Sunday school
10:00 - 12:30 PM / Staffed Nursery classes
11:30 - 12:30 PM / Sunday School (Adult, College, Youth) / Children’s Worship
12:30 - 1:00 PM / Lunchboxes available
Worship Attendance And Offering
EnglishWorship / 80 / Chinese Worship / 195 / Children Worship / 29 / Mustard Seed / 11
Fund / $3358 / Building Fund / $300 / Mission
Fund / $440
1. “Life and Ministry”- is the church theme for this year 2008. The sub-theme for June is “Ministry & Discipleship - Ministry and Character”. Please remember this in your prayer.2. Wednesday Prayer Meeting- this week’s focus is Theology Seminar on the book of James (Chinese) from June 27 to 29
3. 2008 graduates - Senior Banquet was held last Friday, let’s congratulate all the graduates again: College: Brian Wu, Edwin Lee, Eugenia Wong, Gloria Lee, Joanne Chan, Sheena Chan, High school seniors: Melissa Yu, Brian Wong, Jessica Ng, Alex Fung, Jennifer Ahokas, Donald Li, and Jonathan Wong.
4. China’s earthquake and Myanmar’s cyclone Offering - we collected a total of $16,600 and sent it to the supporting organizations。The breakdown is $12,470 for China Earthquake Relief: (via CCWI: $2,000and Fountain Head: $10,470), $4,130 for Myanmar cyclone relief (via World Vision)
5. Pastor So’s church office desk is located next to Lillian, coworkers please remember to take your belonging when leaving.
6. Lima Short Term Mission- Wing Chiu has decided to lead a mission trip to Lima in November (11/7-11/17). If you have the burden or God’s calling for this mission and able to speak any one of these languages: Cantonese, Mandarin or Spanish, please contact Jerry Kao.
7. STM: -7 youths and 1 adult (Kareen, Raymond, Kimberly, James, Priscilla, Horace, Winfield and Ka-Kwok) will participate in CCHC’s summer gospel camp as campers, counselor or assistant counselors. Their training has started. They will conduct fundraising soon to support those campers who have financial need. Please support them and remember them in your prayer.
- 2 college students, Michael and Jeremy are going to Japan for STM during the summer. May God protect them and guide their way.
- Special prayer for China’s earthquake and Myanmar’s cyclone: pray for the survivors and those who lost their families. May God comfort them.
- Pray for the health of: Grandma of Dayton and Tess, Sean’s mom, Kwok Ying Tse, Olivia, Angela Chan, Grace Chan, Carlia
Friday (8:00-10:00 PM at Gibbs)
Children Fellowship: Grades 1-6
Crossroads Youth Fellowship: Grades 7-12
Faith, Hope, Love Fellowship: College and Young Career - (starts at 8:30PM)
Kidz Club: Grades K-6 (2nd & 4th Saturday / 4:00-6:00 at Gibbs)
English Adult Fellowship (3rd Saturday at member’s home 6-9pm)
“Stopping the Vicious Cycle”
Scripture: Genesis 45: 1-15
I. A proper understanding of the sovereignty of God enables the believer to forgive others (vv. 1-8)
- Compassion is the motivation for reconciliation (vv. 1-3)
- Forgiveness is the means of reconciliation (vv. 4-8)
- Further development is the purpose of reconciliation (vv. 9-13)
Church of Living Grace of New Jersey
630 W. Mount Pleasant Ave. Livingston, NJ 07039
Tel: (973) 369-1449 Fax: (973) 369-1448
Assistance Pastor: Rev. Sing Kin So
June 22, 2008