Using the Reporting Forms for the Psyc451 Lab Exam
For each “testable hypothesis” you should use the appropriate reporting form to present the results of your analysis and hypothesis test. It is important that you identify every separable testable hypothesis!
For example, imagine the following sentence were part of the exam…
Practice and motivation are both related to performance, though practice is the better predictor and practice is probably a better predictor for novices than for experts.
This has four (4) l separate “testable hypotheses”….
- practice is correlated with performance – simple correlation
- motivation is correlated with performance – simple correlation
- practice is better correlated with performance than motivation is related to performance – comparing correlated correlations
- practice is better correlated with performance for novices than practice is correlated with performance for experts – comparing a correlation across populatioin
You would perform four (4) separate analyses and report the results using four (4) separate reporting forms:
1. simple correlation reporting form
2. a second simple correlation reporting form
3. a correlated correlations reporting form
4. a comparing correlations across populations reporting form
Simple Correlation Reporting Form
Name the variables 1st 2nd
r df p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Correlated Correlation Reporting Form
Name the criterion
Name the predictors 1st 2nd
r for first predictor r for second predictor Z p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Comparing Correlations Across Populations Reporting Form
Name the variables 1st 2nd
Name the populations 1st 2nd
r for first population r for second population Z p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Multiple Regression Reporting Form
Name the criterion
Name the predictors
R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Comparing Nested Multiple Regression Models Reporting Form
Name the criterion
Name the predictors 1st model 2nd model
1st Model R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
2nd Model R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
Comparing the models F df p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Comparing Non-Nested Multiple Regression Models Reporting Form
Name the criterion
Name the predictors 1st model 2nd model
1st Model R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
2nd Model R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
Comparing the models Z df p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Comparing Multiple Regression Models Across Populations Reporting Form
Name the criterion
Name the predictors
Name the populations 1st 2nd
1st population R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
2nd Model R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
Comparing the fit of the model in the populations Z df p
Comparing the structures of the models in the populations Z df p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Comparing Multiple Regression Models Across Criterion Variables Reporting Form
Name the predictors
Name the criteria 1st 2nd
1st criteria R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
2nd criteria R² df F p
Which variables have significant contributions to the model
Comparing the structures of the models for the criteria Z df p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Partial Correlation Reporting Form
Name the variables 1st 2nd
Name the control variable
r p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Multiple Partial Correlation Reporting Form
Name the variables 1st 2nd
Name the control variables
r p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Semi-Partial Correlation Reporting Form
Name the variables 1st 2nd
Name the control variable
Which variable is being controlled (1st or 2nd) ?
r p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Multiple Semi-Partial Correlation Reporting Form
Name the variables 1st 2nd
Name the control variables
Which variable is being controlled (1st or 2nd) ?
r p
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer:
Linear Discriminant Reporting Form
Name the criterion
Name the predictors
Rc X² df p
Group centroids group 1 group 2
% correct re-classification
Which variables contribute to the model
Circle one à Was the researcher’s hypothesis supported partially supported not supported ?
Explain your answer: