Minutes of KC15813 Monthly Meeting April 6, 2016
Call meeting to order: 7pm
Warden Report on membership Cards:
Opening Prayer: Fr Hillary
Pledge of Allegiance:
Honorary/ Honorary Life:
Roll call of Officers:
Grand Knight: Al Schroeder P
Deputy Grand Knight: Clay Kisting P
Chaplin: Fr. Anderson P
Chancellor: Mark Hoeger P
Financial Secretary: Steve Hesprich P
Treasurer: Ken Blackburn P
Advocate: Todd Wessels E
Inside Guard: James Baird P
Outside Guard: Dan Welsh P
Warden: Paul Freisinger P
Recorder: Vince Meis P
Trustees: First year Dick Bergeson P
Second year Bill Frye P
Third year Tom Ochs P
Welcome new council members: Tom Oglesby Ken Petty Jon Ochs
Reading of minutes from last meeting; motion to skip reading of minutes at last meeting. Meeting minutes are located on our new web site www.kc15813.org under the “Members Only” Section.
Chaplains Report: Fr. Anderson advised council about veneration of relics April 23
District Deputy’s Report: Mike DeMoully District 54 news 240% of quota for council
State convention April 15 - 17 in Des Moines ; election of officers coming next month,
Treasurer Report: Ken B. is attached
Financial Secretary’s Report: Steve H In October we will have 2nd and rd degree exemplification. Des and donations are now handled through the council website.
Committee Reports:
Program Director: Mark H See attached
Membership Directors Report: Steve H First Degree April 20th Fogarty Hall
Church Director: Mark is attached
Council Director: Steve H. suggested we use proceeds from next tailgater at Loras to help council 9224 amortize debt of around $5000 incurred in funding a well in Africa.
Family Director: Dick B, Les Oelke We need to create more excitement over recognition of the family of the year.
Youth Director: Steve T. no report
Culture of Life Director: Al S. Fifth Sunday Rosary May 29th after all Masses
Community Director: Jamie B no report
Grand Knights Report:
State Convention Raffle Tickets still available;
Masculine Spirituality we need men to step up and lead by example as prayer warriors.
Prayer Booklet was emailed to all members. Al asked how we can get knights at St Joseph the Worker parish more involved. One way is to work with Deacon Bill and provide each newly Baptized person a gift from the Knights. Beginning next month we will hear testimonials regarding masculine spirituality at or meetings.
Knight of the Month: Our Knight of the Month for March is Jamie Bahl.
Old Business:
Mass for the Unborn – Update Fr. Andersons homiletic explanation of the importance if the Solemnity if the Annunciation was well received. Three assemblies were represented in the honor guard.
Appreciation Dinner – Update Thanks to all who helped 130 dinners were served, to persons from 6 parishes. $1000 was raised for the parish and on a motion by Ken Blackburn, seconded by Tom Ochs, the money was donated to the parish. John Dunkel who provided the hall decorations asks that a few knights help paint a room or two at Steeple Square.
New Business:
Committee Directors are NEEDED – Committee descriptions are in “Surge with Service” booklet. A new Financial Secretary is needed for a 3 year appointed term.
Mother’s Day Carnations will be distributed May 8th Help is needed for each Mass.
Father’s Day Program June 19th Wedding vows renewed, Social hour afterwards
Sam’s Cookouts scheduled for June 18th, September 3rd, Be ready to volunteer.
A fellow knight is graduating from Divine Word College and continuing his formation to the priesthood after graduation. Wildenslo Osias is graduating on May 13th, As you know most of the students at Divine Word College are in formation for the priesthood or religious formation and receive an undergraduate degree. Wildenslo, who is from Haiti, has parents who would like to be at his graduation. They have the needed Visa to travel to the United States but don’t have the money to pay for a flight. Costs while here appear to be limiting the length of their trip to just the weekend of his graduation further exasperating the financial challenges. Wildenslo indicated to me tonight that he thought the flight would be about $1,400 in total for his parents. We all know the great devastation that Haiti had a few years back. I don’t know what the circumstances of Wildenslo’s family might have been but undoubtedly there were severe trials
I asked him if the reason his parents would be here only about 4 days was because of the cost of staying in a hotel, food and transportation. He thought they might be able to stay for a one or two weeks if they could afford to do so.
On a motion by Ken Blackburn, seconded by Les Olke, the council voted to give him $200. Council members present raised $518 additional money and presented Wildenslo with $718 for this purpose.
Finally Wildenslo shared with me that he has submitted his application to continue his formation for the novitiate of the Order that runs Divine Word College. That would take him to Techny, IL this fall located on the north side of Chicago. It is there that he would take his initial vows for his missionary Order.
Chaplin Aloysius H. Schmitt Assembly 3556: no standing report
Good of the order Please pray for healing of friends of Clay Kisting.
Closing Prayer Fr Hillary
Motion to adjourn: 8:11 Clay keeps meeting to 1 hr.
Respectfully submitted Vincent Meis, recorder