Stepping Stones Data Collection Process

2017 - Baseline and Endline data was collected in the community by house to house visits to all participants enrolled in study areas. These included about 4500 households from 50 AWC coverage areas in selected districts of Vidarbha.

The Baseline and Endline data was collected from direct assessments of the children and interviews of their parents using specified tools recommended for particular age groups of children. All children in the age group of 0-5 years and their families, who are available at the time of surveys in all 50 AWC areas, were reached. A sample of 1705 children was reached during baseline and 1610 children in endline.

The following tools were used for Baseline and Endline data Collection:

  1. Developmental Milestones Checklist-III (Physical and Cognitive Development)
  2. Profile of Socio-emotional Development
  3. A not B and Windows task (for Executive Functions)
  4. Home Scale coding and Early Childhood Home Inventory (for Home Environment)
  5. Observation of Mother-child Interaction
  6. PEDS-DM (Pre-academic)
  7. Maternal Agency and Depression
  8. Anthropometric Assessments.
  9. Household Questionnaire

Data of ongoing implementation of Anganwadi Curriculum and Positive Parenting interventions was collected from all intervention Anganwadi center areas during the period of intervention. The data related to intervention implementation was collected from respective Anganwadi centers, AWW records in the formats provided to them from project, and also through Home Visits to beneficiary candidates. A team of 30 well trained and certified Field Research Officers (FRO) of project were responsible for this data collection. The team visited each Anganwadi center at least twice a week and collected the data related to attendance at AWCs, Assessment Scores in Anganwadi curriculum activities and also do home visits for required tasks of AW curriculum and Positive Parenting.For collection of Anganwadi curriculum and Positive Parenting related data, pre-populated lists of Children and Curriculum-activity Score formats were used for each AWC area. All data was imported to Virtual Machine at main Project Office whichruns automatic quality checks and generated reports every week for each intervention AWC and also generated the list of children and families to be targeted for remedial training and special home visits. These lists were sent to corresponding FROs for revisits and updated reporting next week.

Also photo and video documentation of activities was done periodically in each AWC by corresponding FROs.