SEP 2 – OCT 7, 2015



Sept 2, Lesson 1

  1. What was the focus of life for most people in Middle Ages?
  2. Why was the Church so trusted?
  3. Why will the Renaissance and Reformation be necessary?

Sept 2, Lesson 2

  1. How did the City States of Renaissance Italy interact with each other?
  2. What caused the end of Italian independence?
  3. What did it seem Italy meant to Spain and France?

Sept 8, Lesson 3

  1. How will Humanism change the lives of intellectualism?
  2. How will Machiavelli influence political leaders?

Sept 9, Lesson 4a

  1. How is Renaissance Art different than earlier art?
  2. How is the change in art a metaphor for the Renaissance?

Sept 10, Lesson 4b

  1. What developments in art will define the era?
  2. What are specific characteristics of Renaissance art that define it?

Sept 16, Lesson 5

  1. What were the four major power of N. Europe during the Renaissance?
  2. How did the nobles challenge the power of the monarchies during this era?
  3. What did Bodin and Boussuet say about monarchs?

Sept 18, Lesson 6

  1. Why did Luther challenge the Church?
  2. What changes did Luther suggest?
  3. What level of success did Luther have?

Sept 21, Lesson 7a

  1. Why did Henry VIII break with Rome and start the Church of England?
  2. Why was Henry VIII so desperate for sons?

Sept 22, Lesson 7b

  1. What areas of Europe became non-Catholic?
  2. What is Calvinism?

Sept 24, Lesson 8

  1. What doctrinal changes did the Church make by the CCR?
  2. What did change in the Church during the CR?

Sept 25, Lesson 9

  1. What caused, and what ended the French Wars of Religion?
  2. What caused, and what ended the Dutch Rebellion?

Sept 28, Documentary on Henry

  1. If you were to “grade” Henry VIII on his effectiveness as a leader, what would be his score?


2-1 Oct 5, Lesson 1

  1. What were some significant sailors of the 15th century? What did they do?
  2. Why was the voyage of Columbus in the year 1492 considered so significant compared to many other successful and impressive sailors of his era?

2-2 Oct 6, Lesson 2

  1. What changed by the Thirty Years War?
  2. What caused the flair up of the Thirty Years War?

2-3 Oct 7, Lesson 3

  1. What was the purpose and success of Versailles?
  2. What made Louis XIV worthy of the title THE SUN KING?

2-4 Oct 9, Lesson 4

  1. What seems to be the ultimate goal of Peter the Great?
  2. Why is Peter given the title “the great”?

2-5Oct 12, Lesson 6

  1. What caused the English Civil War?
  2. What is your opinion of Oliver Cromwell as a leader, and as a man?

2-6 Oct 13, Lesson 6a

  1. Explain Hobbes’ Social Contract Theory.
  2. How was Locke’s take on government a reaction to Hobbes’?

2-7 Oct 19, Lesson 5

  1. In what ways were the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns different?
  2. How were Locke and Hobbes reacting to political events?

2-8 Oct 20, Lesson 7

  1. What made the Dutch so exceptional?
  2. What caused the English to create a true Republic?


3-1 Nov 2, Lesson 1The Scientific Revolution

  1. What is so revolutionary about the scientific revolution?
  2. How do you think (see) this effecting a political and social revolution?

3-2 Nov 4, Lesson 2The Enlightenment

  1. How is the Enlightenment a continuation of the Scientific Revolution?
  2. Which two Enlightenment thinkers were most impactful for our own governmental system. Describe how.

3-3 Nov 5, Lesson 3 Enlightened Absolutists

  1. Discuss the oxymoronic nature of the term “enlightened absolutist.” Give at least one example.
  2. How did England come to replace France as the greatest nation in Europe?

3-4 Nov 6, Time Line

List all of the people below, include dates, before working on timelines

3-5 Nov 9, Lesson 4 Agrig Rev

  1. What change will be effected by the enclosure movement?
  2. How will the Agricultural Revolution eventually feed into the Industrial Revolution?

3-6 Nov 10, Lesson 6 Building a Global Economy and Lesson 7 Life

9. How did England come to dominate Europe during this era?

10. What impact did Anne have on politics and England?

3-7 Nov 12, Lesson #8 Crisis in Political Legitimacy

11. What was Louis XV’s impact on the decline of the French?

12. How did the American Revolution effect the French?

3-8 Nov 13, Lesson #9 Art of the Era (Baroque, Rococo, Neo-Classic)

13. Discuss the character of each of the three art forms. Include both what they were like, and how they represented each era.

14. Discuss the transition from Baroque to Neoclassical, and from Neoclassical to Romantic – why the shift, and what changed?


4-1 Nov30, Intro to French Revolution

  1. What was the basic make up of French society prior to the revolution?
  2. What seems to have caused the French Revolution?

4-2 Dec 1, Lesson 1 (Causes of the French Revolution)

3. How is the personality of Louis XVI likely to cause issues in governance of France?

4. What are the main contributors to the start of the French Revolution?

4-3 Dec 2, Lesson 2(Early Violent Events)

5. What was the goal of the National Assembly?

6. Why is the raiding of the Bastille a good moment to call the start of the French Revolution, and the changes in all of Europe?

4-4 Dec 3, movie: Marie Antoinette

  1. Why did Marie Antoinette have such difficulty fitting in with the Versailles culture?
  2. How did Marie Antoinette cope with her feelings of alienation from the Versailles crowd?

4-5 Dec 4

  1. What change will be effected by the enclosure movement?
  2. How will the Agricultural Revolution eventually feed into the Industrial Revolution?

4-6 Dec 7, French Rev DVD

11. What did the Bastille represent, that makes it so important to the Revolution?

12. Why did they choose the raiding of the Bastille as the start of the revolution?

4-7 Dec8

13. Describe the La Marseillaise

14. Discuss if/how women are gaining rights, and have expressed their power.

4-8 Dec9, Lesson #3 (The Republic)

15. How did Robespierre remain loyal to the enlightenment?

16. In what way is the guillotine a good symbol for the French Revolution?

4-9, Dec 10

17. Why would the Convention adopt official recognition of the Cult of Supreme Being?

18. What reasons may have motivated the Jacobins to send out that alert (to the internal enemies [from the primary source reading])?

4-10, Dec 13, Lesson #4 (Napoleon)

19. Why was Napoleon so able to gain so much power so quickly?

20. What was Napoleon’s greatest weakness?