Friends of St Anna Meeting MinutesDate: 11/13/176pm

Members in attendance / Kathleen LeBlanc, Bobbie French, Carrie Piermarini, Laura Pompei, Suheily Colon-Egipciaco, Julia Keiselbach, Alissa Campbell, Amanda Ciccolini, Beth Pallotta, Susan Kenney, Michelle Mainguy
Approval of minutes / Motion made to approve by Beth Pallotta
Seconded by Carrie Piermarini
All in favor zero opposed
President’s report / By Kathy LeBlanc
Nothing to report. We will go over sponsored programs and add on breakfast with Santa
Principal’s report / By Bobbie French- conferences approaching
Basketball sign ups went well- the distinction to opt out of concessions help was well received
Movie day at school Dec 6- 4-8 will see Wonder K-3 will see The Star
Treasurer’s report / By Marian Priddy reported by Bobbie French.
Outstanding checks for Pinkalicious, books and beyond, design squad
Doesn’t have Yankee candle total yet
Spirit cup total $337
4033.60 available
Roadhouse made 145.00- going to double check on that amount
Motion to accept treasurers report made by Carrie
Seconded by Amanda C
All in favor zero opposed
Committee reports / Scripps gift cards program- order gift cards, the company you buy from gives a percentage back. Ex: $100 gift card earns the school $16
Pasta Supper committee will meet independently
Sponsored Programs / Movie night- Dec 2.
Will put in Friday mail. Pre K will be in the LRSH
Design squad was good- over 50 kids
T shirts were not ready and may be cancelled altogether
Total $285 including pizza
T shirt total was $265 but will be negotiated
Advent night sign ups almost full- should be a good night.
Breakfast with Santa at Applebees- motion for $200 for supplies and prizes. Motion made by carrie P and seconded by Laura Pompei. Will be in contact with Skip Kennedy to play santa.
New business / Catholic schools week begins Mon 1/29- tabled til December.
Hair cut-a –thon for spring orchestrated by Suheily Colon
Next meeting date/time / 12/12/17 6pm
Parking Lot for next meeting/ Upcoming agenda items / Kids Stuff coupon books
Opt out of fundraising email

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Julia Keiselbach