2018 BCM Ministry Teams

Discovery Ministry Team

Discovery is one of two recurring large group-gathering points for our ministry. Discovery is a large group worship gathering, but our desire and vision is for this and more.

At Discovery…

  • Christian students are equipped and challenged to take their next step in following Christ.
  • Students are mobilized and motivated to action.
  • Students examine God’s Word and find application to life.
  • Christian students find rest and recharge.
  • Seeking students learn about who Christ is.

Discovery is the most visible part of our ministry. It is crucial that we prepare and execute Discovery with excellence and consistency. Members of this team should be diligent, detail oriented, and creative.

Weekly Tasks:
  • Meet as a Ministry Team.
  • Produce and print handouts and Connect Cards.
  • Organize greeters.
  • Execute follow up for 1st and 2nd time guests (email, phone call, etc…).
  • Coordinate withDiscovery Band.
  • Process and distribute prayer requests from Connect Cards.
  • Work with staff to organize Ministry Focuses for each week (and students to share).
  • Publicize and promote Discovery on campus.

Wednesday Lunch Ministry Team

Wednesday Lunch is one of two recurring large group-gathering points for our ministry. We often describe Wednesday Lunch as the easiest way to check out BCM. And why not, it’s a FREE LUNCH for 1st time guests and only $1 after that! We have 1st time guests at EVERY Wednesday Lunch! (No other area of our ministry can make this boast.)

More than 100 students participate in BCM through Wednesday Lunch on average each week. Many follow Christ, but a significant number of Wednesday Lunch participants do not.

Wednesday Lunch is not easy, but it’s a HUGE part of our on-going ministry.

Wednesday Lunch is an opportunity for…

  • Seeking students to connect with Christian students.
  • Students to be challenged and encouraged through God’s Word.
  • Students to learn how they can be more involved in BCM.
  • Local churches to serve and connect with students.
  • Students to participate in missions (money raised goes to OneMissionStudents).

Internationals Ministry Team

International Ministry is an ever-evolving aspect of our ministry. Culture Connect is the most visible part of this team, but not intended to be the whole of what the team does. With more than 1600 students from more than 70 countries beyond the U.S. calling Tuscaloosa home (at least for a little while), the need and opportunity to reach out and connect with international students is great.

Many of these students hold to belief systems other than Christianity. Sharing our faith is challenging, Sharing our faith with international students is challenging, delicate, and will push you further in your own walk with God.

Admittedly, our ultimate hope is to see God draw students to Himself, but in the between, our vision is to facilitate opportunities for genuine friendships to develop between American and international students.

Freshmen Ministry Team / Upperclassmen Ministry Team

Large groups are fun, but small groups are special. “Circles are better than rows”.

In a small groups YOU…

  • can know and be known
  • getto participate
  • notice when others aren’t there
  • realize you’re not alone
  • can act quickly (as needs and opportunities arise)
  • can go deeper
  • can ask questions

We want small groups to be at the core of our ministry. Team members are expected to insert themselves into the lives of their group members. Beyond preparing for and leading a small group (Bible study), these leaders maintain contact with group members throughout the fall semester. They model of a healthy college-life (attending to academics, honoring Christ in life decisions, participating in a local church, and serving in some way – campus ministry and/or local church,).

To be clear, this team requires commitment. It’s not easy and not always convenient. But it’s worth it. When we ask out-going seniors who had an impact on their collegiate experience, by far, small group leaders are the most popular answer.

Weekly Tasks:
  • Meet as Ministry Teams (Upperclassmen & Freshmen).
  • Plan and lead your Journey Group.
  • Connect with your group members in some way (face-to-face, email, text, phone, etc).
  • Pray for your group.
  • Coordinate group time together (service projects and/or hang outs) outside of regular meeting times (at least a couple of times throughout the semester.)

Special Events

Barn Dance and Spookapalooza… These and other events are staples of the school year. This team will lead other students to plan, promote, and pull-off special events. These impromptu teams are a great way for non-leadership students to be involved without a full-term commitment.

  • Meet as a Ministry Team (weekly).
  • Plan, promote, and pull-off 1 special event each month.
  • Identify and recruit teams of students to plan, promote, and pull-off each special event.
  • Follow up with first time guests the week after the event.

Campus Outreach & Evangelism

We do a whole lot of fun stuff at and through BCM (and this stuff is important), but our heartbeat is and has to be for students to know and follow Christ! This team of students will lead and challenge us to keep our focus outward by organizing training and opportunities for students to intentionally share their faith. Prayer, service projects, and on-campus publicity will be the focus of this team.

  • Meet as a Ministry Team (weekly).
  • Plan and promote a consistent prayer focus and strategy for our ministry and campus.
  • Plan, promote, and pull-off at least 3 service projects per semester (Engage24, on campus giveaways, etc…).
  • Plan, promote, and pull-off at least 1 evangelism training opportunity per semester.
  • Identify and publicize ways for BCM students to connect with on-campus groups and organizations.

One Mission Students

As a follower of Jesus Christ your one mission is clear: The Great Commission—Go and Make Disciples!One Mission Students seeks to encourage Alabama college students to discover this one mission, mobilize them to live out this mission among the nations and help them consider how this one mission impacts the rest of their life. As the UA BCM One Mission Students team, this team will lead the wayin missions education, promotion, mobilization, and fundraising.

  • Meet as a Ministry Team (weekly).
  • Coordinate OMS fundraising efforts in order to reach our annual goal involving past, present, and future One Mission Student missionaries.
  • Promote One Mission Students opportunities through missions moments, social media, in house publicity, etc. (And local churches as requested.)
  • Work with staff to help plan fall break and spring break mission trips.
  • Facilitate debriefing opportunities after trips and summer projects.