A Care Manager’s Overview of the

PCE JCR Review and Approval Process

  1. All out-of-home treatment facilities that have our youth will now be sending their JCRs to PCE for approval.
  1. The JCR will be sent from the facility to a general PCE Absolute user account that will be monitored by the PCE QA staff.
  1. When a JCR arrives, the QA staff will approve the plan to the Care Manager.
  1. The Care Manager will then do the following:
  1. Review the plan to ensure that the general agreed upon plan for the youth is evident in the JCR. For example, if the plan was for the youth to have home visits and to begin preparations to return home to live with his grandparents, we would want to see that basically outlined in the JCR.

We are not reviewing for level of care or appropriateness of the facilities’ interventions. That is the role of Value Options. We just want to make sure that the general outline of the plan is consistent with what we agreed upon in our last CFT or treatment team meeting. We do not want to “police” their plan, rather just make sure it is consistent with what was talked about in the last meeting.

  1. The Care Manager will then add any community services or other flex fund services that need to be added.
  1. Once these two steps are completed and if the Care Manager approves the plan, the Care Manager will
  1. enter a notepad entry indicating the agreement with the plan and indicating if any services were added to the plan and then
  1. approve the plan to their Care Manager Supervisor.
  1. The Care Manager will never edit any information on the JCR that was entered by the facility.
  1. If the Care Manager needs to disapprove a plan, the Care Manager must enter a notepad entry indicating why and approve the plan to their supervisor for review. (This may seem a little confusing, but approving the plan is the only way to send it to the supervisor.)
  1. As always a Care Manager must always complete a crisis plan, even for new referrals that are already in an out-of-home treatment setting.
  1. However, unless there is an extraordinary reason, the Care Manager should no longer complete UCM plans to add services for youth in out of home treatment settings. All services should be added onto the JCR.
  1. The Care Manager must process the JCR by the end of the next business day that it is sent to them. (This means the end of the next business day from the “postmark” time, not the time the Care Manger first notices it in their box.) Care Manager will need to check Absolute daily.
  1. With this new system, the QA department will need to know if a care manager is on vacation or otherwise out of work. From this point forward, all personnel must e-mail with any approved vacation plans. If a care manager calls out sick or otherwise takes time off with short notice, in addition to notifying their supervisor, they must call extension 100 and notify an administrative assistant directly or leave a voicemail. When a Care Manager is out, the JCR will be sent to the Care Manager Supervisor.