Genocide, despite the relatively recent legal consolidation of the term, existed almost from the birth of mankind, but there was no example of genocide in the past which can be compared with what is happening in the 20th century, called the Scientific Association of Genocide Scholars “the age of genocide." The genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, Nazi Germany extermination of Jews, Slavs, and Armenians during World War II, the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, Iraq and other countries - these are just some examples of what is happening in the 20th century.

In the middle of the 20th century the major international organizations have been established, among them the United Nations aiming to facilitating effective conflict prevention and active participation in resolving the crisis in the world and proclaimed in its constitution genocide an international crime against humanity. So far, the UN plays a leading role in struggling against genocide. The most important documents adopted by the UN to prevent genocide, is the Convention on the Prevention og Genocide and Punishment for it, singed on December, 9th of 1948, and "Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide and Punishment for it" indicating that the principles of the Convention are obligatory even for those countries, which haven’t acceded them.

With the adoption of the Convention and the end of World War II, nothing changed seriously, except the scale of violence of what is happening. Whereas previously people were cut everywhere and, in general, with impunity, now genocide is rather a local phenomenon. Extermination of entire ethnic or religious groups is one of the most effective policy tools to reduce the number of opposition-minded groups and increasing the ownership of the dominant ethnic group or groups.

An original application of this policy tool and found the "affected" people. They are trying to achieve favorable conditions for themselves statements about what their rights were allegedly violated.

An example of this is the way own way treating the events of the past, the authorities have set up some of its citizens against members of another country. This attempt took the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, declared the Russian Federation, as successor to the Soviet Union, in the deliberate genocide of the Ukrainian people through starvation in 1932-1933 years.

The organizers of the genocide often deny its existence. They announce unreliable testimony of victims of genocide, starting counter-propaganda, blaming themselves for the crimes of genocide victims. By blocking the investigation of these crimes, in most cases they find a way to escape from criminal liability.

In the earlier stages of the UN, the failure to anticipate and prevent acts of genocide may have been insufficiently studied to explain the matter to the world of political science. A little later it could me explained by the fact that international community was lack of experience in cooperative action to address these issues. Now, when in addition to the Security Council, is a question of giving the alternative authority of the General Assembly, there is a developed plan of action to prevent genocide, established Advisory Committee on the subject, as well as a number of measures for the coordination of all organizational units, the main problem is the status of recommendation UN resolutions.

Over recent years, UN officials have repeatedly called for a global partnership against genocide, arguing that the international community is obliged to protect him from the people of those countries whose governments can't or do not want to do it yourself, but effective action in this direction have not been made .

One of the most powerful and influential bodies of the UN is the International Court of Justice, but even its decisionscan’tmake the desired impact on the overall situation in the world. Among the cases of his roster at the moment, there are a claim of Georgia to Russia of violating the Convention Against Racial Discrimination and the claim of Croatia to Serbia on charges of genocide. These cases will be considered by the ICJ in 2010.

In addition to the UN, the genocide in various parts of the world, and influence the processes of globalization. International organizations, rather impose high demands to countries-candidates to join them. Thus, Turkey has not been accepted into the European Union, one of the reasons which have strained relations between Turkey and Armenia, associated with the ambiguous attitude of the first to the situation in 1915 when the genocide began, thousands of Armenians.

Despite the efforts of various structures to address the issue of genocide, the problem can be solved in the absence of organization that can offer not only a theoretical solution to the problem, but if necessary, to take more effective measures, or to use appropriately the authority in existing international institutions.