Regular School Board Meetings, June 24, 2013, Page 4


Invocation was given by Mr. Evans

The Mission statement was recited.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Mr. Johnson called the meeting to order.

Mr. Johnson called a roll call: All the board members were present and the assistant superintendent was present.

Administrators present Janet Flores

This is a regular meeting of the Board of School Trustees of the Lake Ridge Schools,

Lake County, Indiana, June 24, 2013, 6:00 P.M., in the school board meeting room

of the Education Center.

Claims Mr. Evans moved to consider the attached Accounts Payable Vouchers and the July 5, 2013 payroll for payment. Mr. Lowe seconded. Motion carried.

Minutes Mr. Lowe moved to consider minutes of June 10, 2013 regular school board meeting. Mrs. Wells seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer Mr. Evans moved to consider the treasurer report dated May 31, 2013. Mr. Lowe seconded. Motion carried.

Personnel Mrs. Flores presented the following personnel for board approval:

Professional Development

Recommended Janet Flores, Toni Modglin, Torry Ivey, Joan Sopo, Debbie Briski, Charmaine Wierzbicki, Karen Lee, Deb Carver, Gail Zmierski and another slot to be determined attend the National Association for Gifted Children Conference in Indianapolis on November 7-10, 2013 with expenses paid from High Ability grant and Title IIA.

Recommended Greg Keehn attend the AP Summer Institute in Chicago on July 22-25, 2013 with expenses paid from IIA.

Recommended Melinda Rolle attend the New Tech Annual Conference in New Orleans on July 15-19, 2013 with expenses paid from Title IIA.

Recommended Cheryl Matthews attend the Fred Pryor Excel workshop in Merrillville on July 30, 2013 with expenses paid from the Head Start grant.

Recommend Laura Hubinger and Edward Sopko attend the 2013 Budget Workshop in Indianapolis on June 25, 2013 with expenses paid from the general fund.

Recommended Dr. Sharon Johnson-Shirley attend the NASBE Aspiring Superintendents workshop in Downers Grove on June 23-25, 2013. There will be no expenses for this workshop.

Recommended Dr. Sharon Johnson-Shirley attend the 5th Annual Exemplary Leadership Summit in Houston Texas on June 27-29, 2013. There will be no expenses for this workshop.

Recommended Verne Lee attend the PLTW: PTE-IED Introduction to Engineering Design Core Training in Kokomo on July 7-19, 2013 with expenses paid from general fund.

Recommended five (5) slots to be reserved for Project Lead The Way certification on July 7, 2013. All costs will be reimbursed to the general fund from the Connexus/Hammond Area Career Center.

Mrs. Flores recommended approval of Professional Development


Mrs. Modglin moved. Mr. Evans seconded. Motion carried.


Recommended permission for Vicki Jordan-Raspberry to work from July 8, 2013 through August 14, 2013 to help the Technology department with computer repairs.

Recommended the Title I Read 180 teacher position be removed at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School.

Recommended Lisa Jimenez and Tammy Frenzel be re-employed as Title I Aides at Longfellow Elementary School for the 2013-2014 school year.

Recommended Ann Marie Keene be employed for the Summer Swim Program from June 11, 2013 through July 12, 2013.

Recommend approving Kaitlin Wool’s resignation from the first grade teaching position at Longfellow Elementary School effective June 22, 2013.

Mrs. Flores recommended approval of leaves/resignations/employment


Mr. Evans moved. Mrs. Modglin seconded. Motion carried.


Call Mr. Evans moved to have a roll call vote on item E. Mr. Lowe seconded. Motion carried.

Dean of

Students Recommended Tiara Harris be transferred to Dean of Students at Longfellow Elementary School for the 2013-2014 school year.

Mr. Johnson did a roll call vote. Mr. Evans – no; Mrs. Wells –aye; Mrs. Modglin – aye; Mr. Lowe – no; Mr. Johnson – aye. 3-2 motion carried.

Resolution Recommended approving the attached Resolution regarding closing the account with Tech Credit Union. The funds with Tech Credit Union will be deposited to the general fund.

Latchkey Recommended approving the attached Latchkey Program waiver.


Description Recommended approving the following job description for Calumet New Tech High School:

Science Teacher Biology/Physics

Project Lead the Way Principles of BioMed Teacher

Technology Education Teacher

Project Lead the Way Introduction to Engineering Teacher

Follett Recommended permission to purchase books, e-books and digital DVD from Follett Library Resources in the amount of $18,435.12 paid from Title I.


Stone Recommended permission to renew the Rosetta Stone license in the amount of $10,995.00 for the 2013-2014 school year paid from the Textbook fund.

Donations Recommended approving the following donations for Calumet New Tech High School:

Class of 2014 Fund cash in the amount of $50.00 from Joy Helfen

Golf Fund checks in the amount of $200.00 from Christopher Ols

Golf Fund check in the amount of $50.00 from Restaurant Management Corp.


Benefit Recommended approval of the attached Certified and Non-Certified Administrator Fringe Benefit document.

Contracts Recommended the attached contracts for Laura Hubinger for the period of June 17, 2013 to June 28, 2013 and July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 be signed.


Description Recommended approving the attached job description for Dean of Students

Mrs. Flores recommended approval of New Business items:

Mr. Evans moved. Mr. Lowe seconded. Motion carried.

Discussion Mr. Johnson opened the floor to the community.

Mrs. Osteen asked what the class sizes were going to be at Longfellow Elementary School. Mrs. Flores stated we would not know that until after registration.

Discussion Mr. Johnson opened the floor to the Board.

Mr. Evans thanked everyone for coming out. Mr. Evans wished everyone a safe 4th of July.

Mrs. Wells gave her condolences to Jerry Peters’ family. Mrs. Wells stated Mr. Peters would want us to something good for the children in our community. Mrs. Wells thanked everyone for coming out tonight.

Mr. Lowe thanked everyone for coming out tonight.

Mrs. Modglin thanked everyone for coming out. Mrs. Modglin thanked Mrs. Osteen for being the parent that comes to every meeting.

Mrs. Flores gave her condolences to Jerry Peters’ family.

Mrs. Hubinger thanked the board of making her feel so welcomed and for her first board meeting going smoothly. Mrs. Hubinger stated she is very devoted to this community. Mrs. Hubinger thanked everyone for coming out tonight.

Mr. Johnson stated Jerry Peters was a neighbor and his death is a tremendous loss to the community. Mr. Johnson gave his condolences to family of former Mayor Rudy Clay. Mr. Johnson wished everyone a great summer and a safe 4th of July.

Adjournment: Mr. Evans moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.