Notification of Concern
Student, University Facilitator, Teacher Information
Student Teacher: ID Number:
School: University Facilitator:
Field Experience Associate: ______Zone: ______
Mentor Teacher: Grade/Class:
Date of Notification: AFX/IFX:
Student Teachers: As stated in the TQS under the Ministerial Order;teachers who hold an Interim Professional Certificate must possess the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Related to Interim Certification (Interim KSAs), and apply them appropriately toward student learning.
In order to successfully complete these requirements, you are receiving this NOC to specifically help guide and support you in achieving these expectations.
If you are unable to demonstrate significant growth towards these expectations, the completion of your practicum may be at risk.
Please ensure you have reviewed this notification along with any other written supporting documentation with the Mentor Teacher and the University Facilitator. The Field Experience Associate may be involved.
Mentor Teacher: Please identify 1-3 specific area(s) of concern as outlined from the categories of KSAs found in the final evaluation:
___ Preparation, Planning and Organization
___ Teaching Skills and Strategies
___ Management and Classroom Climate
___ Communication
___ Assessment Strategies
___ Understanding Students’ Needs
___ Professional Qualities and Attributes
___ Reflection and Self-Evaluation
Mentor Teacher: Detail the required performance improvements and timeline. The details need to be explicit, e.g. what would improvement look like; how will you measure improvement? A typical timeline for most concerns is 3 to 5 instructional days. Please refer to the KSAs found in the final evaluation when describing the desired behaviours.
Goal 1: KSA Category: ______Goal Review Date: ______
Performance Behaviours RequiredOutcome (Describe the steps the student teacher has taken to achieve the required performance behaviours):
Goal 2: KSA Category: ______Goal Review Date: ______
Performance Behaviours RequiredOutcome (Describe the steps the student teacher has taken to achieve the required performance behaviours):
Goal 3: KSA Category: ______Goal Review Date: ______
Performance Behaviours RequiredOutcome (Describe the steps the student teacher has taken to achieve the required performance behaviours):
Mentor Teacher/University Facilitator: Describe the feedback that has been provided up until this time(verbal and written):
Date for progress review (YYYY/MM/DD):
Student teacher initials that the document was received:
Mentor Teacher Signature:
University Facilitator Signature:
All parties receive a copy of the Notification of Concern and one is provided to Undergraduate Student Services via the FEA. Phone number is (780) 492-3659. Fax number is 780-492-7533.
December 2017