1. Crew Rest - Has everyone been afforded sufficient crew rest?
  2. IPs/Aircrewmen/Obs —12 hours debrief to arrival at squadron
  3. SNAs—12 hrs debrief lo brief.
  4. When did you enter the squadron?
  5. Human Factors
  6. Personal/family/relationship issues
  7. Work distractions
  8. Health issues/medications
  9. Weather - Will weather impact the safe completion of flight?
  10. Forecast/ SIGMETs (direction of movement)
  11. Heat/humidity (as cause of dehydration/fatigue, Aircraft performance)
  12. Flight Phase: The following have been determined to be high risk areas and should be given special consideration:


Low Work

Defensive Posturing

FAM 5-14: FULL Auto

Sim Eng Fail @ ALT


Waveoff, Power-Off/On

FAM 14-17

Full Autos

High speed approach

Quick Stops

Cal Zone Ops

360° Overhead


Waveoff, Power-Off/On


Limitations (sunset)

Solo Currency:

1 day/FAM 13

5 days/other

Copilot currency
10 Hour Crew day


Cut Guns

Terrain/Into wind/Pull

DA & Gross Weight

Autos: Attd/Flare/DA

Stab Off Approach
HTAC 1-6

Traffic calls

Torque awareness

RADALT 150’<

Low Level lookout

(birds, obstacles)

Low Level Eng Failure



Low work

Closure rates

SA in pattern

Night Autos to Duty

Route copy to FDO

RADALT 300’<

Adequate Lookout

Obstacle avoidance



Inst Autos – waveoff

Unusual Attitudes

Torque considerations

Working area traffic



Missed Appr./Climbout

Inst Autos – waveoff

Comms discipline

Working area traffic


Get there-itis


Weight vs. Torque

SQ 1-2

Relative winds

Water survival

Bird avoidance

Hot seat procedures

HTAC 7-11

Closure rate

Landing pattern

Acute inside turn

Torque considerations

Low Level lookout


Low Level lookout:

(birds, obstacles)

Water Temperature:

<60° F:

LL BI: over land

51°~60° F:

Aramids Req. Liner

Discretion of PIC

<50° F:

Aramids Liner req’d

  1. Currency/Cumulative Flight Time
  2. SNA-When did you last fly?
    Warm-up Criteria:
  3. 5 days eligible for 1 warm-up
  4. 12 days eligible for 2 warm-ups
  5. IP-Flown in last 21 calendar days?
  6. Night currency?
    (IP flown at night in last 90 days?)
  7. Model currency?
    (If TH-57B, IP flown in one in last 90 days?)
  8. Flight Equipment Currency
  9. Read and initial Board Currency
  10. IP Cumulative Flight Time: Will IP exceed max night time prescribed by CTW5INST 3710.8?
  11. SNA Double-Scheduling: If SNA's total grade in stage is less than 3.00 (or marginal), SNA's second event is cancelled. Notify Flight Leader ASAP to prevent further double-scheduling.
  12. Should flight be flown with onwing/ET pilot?
  13. Was previous flight in stage incomplete?
    (Determine necessary items to grade)
  14. Training Time Out Brief (applies to all flights in TH-57)


  1. Net grade is below average. If scheduled for second flight, notify ODO for cancellation. If SNA's total grade in stage is now less than 3.00 (or marginal), SNA cannot be double-scheduled.
  2. Unsatisfactory grade: ATF and pink sheet must be completed and delivered to student training immediately after all of IP's flights are complete. SNA will report to student training following debrief. Notify ODO.
  3. Incomplete event: Annotate items graded on additional ATF for SNA to present at next brief
  4. Crew Rest/Crew Day: Notify ODO if changes to schedule are necessary