Monarch Library System
All Directors Council
West Bend Community Memorial Library
Date; Thursday, October 12, 2017Called to Order: 9:31 AMAdjourned at: 11:20AM
Present: Amy Becker – West Bend, Alixe Bielot – Mayville, Mary Alice Bodden – Theresa, Tom Carson – Port Washington, Elizabeth Daniels – Iron Ridge, Jennifer Einwalter – Hartford, Garrett Erickson – Mead, Jen Gerber – Saukville, Emily Goad – Kewaskum, Candy Graulich – Hustisford, John Hanson – Grafton, Alex Harvancik – Horicon, Craig Jacobson – Mequon, Sue Kinyon – Brownsville, Nicole Lynaugh – Cedar Grove, Betty McCartney – Elkhart Lake, Linda Pierschalla – Cedarburg, Jackie Rammer – Random Lake, Martha Rosche – Plymouth, Mark Rozmarynowski – Sheboygan Falls, Trisha Smith – Germantown, Paula Torgeson – Fox Lake and Vanessa Taylir - Slinger
Online Participants: Bret Jaeger – Waupun, Kay Kromm – Reeseville, Jamie McFarlane – System Staff, Sue Mevis – Beaver Dam, Ann Penke – Lakeland University, Camrin Sullivan – Lomira and Trixine Tahtinen - Oostburg
Absent: Erin Coppersmith – Kohler, Gail Duernberger – Lowell and Connie Schuett – Juneau
Also, Present: Annie Bahringer – Port Washington, Amy Birtell – Monarch System Director, Patrick Busch – System Staff, Heather Fischer – System Staff, Mark Hanson – Monarch Board President, Alison Hoffman – System Staff, Lynn Huether – System Staff, Robert Nitsch – System Staff, Doug Rakowski – Monarch Board Member and Nancy Szatkowski – Monarch Board Vice President
- Call the meeting to order
Amy Birtell called the meeting to order at 9:31AM.
- Public Comment and Correspondence.
Amy Becker spoke about the Garet Grimm’s Fairytales exhibit at the Museum of Wisconsin Art in West Bend. If you are interested, visit
- Approval of the agenda.
Candy made a motion to approve the agenda, Jen Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes: September 14, 2017
Jackie asked for a change: instead of the last sentence in b. ILS Committee Report, iii Polaris 5.5 Follow Up., on p. 4, change it to:
Alison said most searches in the PAC are set to default to relevancy ranking, but she is not aware of any changes having been made to how that works. She asked for examples to help check. Amy Becker made a motion to approve the minutes with the changes, Candy seconded. Motion carried.
- Monarch System Reports
- Director’s Report
Amy asked that directors please schedule a time with her to visit the library. She spoke about the 16 Friends groups that came to the get-together at Mead. Frontier Days was a great event with almost 500 people. She said all different groups of people came. Amy noted that it would be awesome to see more directors and library staff at the event, and Nancy S. from the Monarch Board agreed with that. Random winners received 2018 state park passes. The state budget passed, and there will be additional money for libraries in 2018 and 2019. Amy and Lynn put together envelopes for each library with thank you cards for legislators, governors, and the two people who helped secure the money. If you need more, contact Lynn. Amy will present at the Ozaukee County Board today about library funding. Amy said there is a prospective buyer for the Horicon building.
- Technology Update
Robert said almost all libraries have been moved over to the Monarch server except for a few. The biggest impact will be felt in West Bend, Germantown and Slinger. It took two weeks to complete this project. Robert said eCommerce is not working inside libraries, but works outside libraries. The Circulation committee is working on getting a report created for fines versus damaged item costs. Elizabeth asked about the increased bandwidth, and Robert is not sure about the consensus so far. Heather’s Libby brochure is available! You can print your own or have her print. Please let her know of any changes by Tuesday the 17th. Sue asked about the computer slowness in Polaris. Robert thinks it is a Dodge/Washington issue.
- Committee Reports
- Circulation Committee Report
- Recommendation to change the number of times the overdue notices runs from 4 to 1 time per day
Amy made a motion, Betty seconded to make this change. Alison stressed that this is not actually changing what we see with frequency of overdue notices, but just eliminating processes that don’t generate new data. Motion carried.
- ILS Committee Report
- Hold routing sequence (discussion)
Betty explained routing sequences. According to standards, we should change them twice a year. We look to make our next change in January. There are two main choices: random picks or a sequence based on net borrowing/lending ratio. Mark asked about how the in-demand collection is impacted or where that falls on the ratio. This will be investigated.
- Snippet Display in PAC (informational)
The snippet can show information from anywhere on the bib record, even if it is confusing to patrons. If the snippet is causing confusion with patrons (for instance, a patron searches for a keyword, and that keyword shows up in a bib record line that says, “print version” even though the book is an ebook, you can have that suppressed on your library’s PAC. The snippet feature will remain on the general PAC.
- ILS Standards—add to the standards a requirement to check a patron’s address at least every 18 months (action)
Jackie made a motion that the phrase “Each library shall have a process in place that requires them to check a patron’s current address at least once every 18 months.” Linda seconded. Motion carried.
- Governance Committee
- Bylaws
The circulation committee should be included under 1.3. Garrett brought up 3.1 and asked if telecommuting counts for votes and a quorum. The consensus was that it does. He also asked under “Removal” why it says 2/3 and not 75%. This was a mistake and will be changed to 75%. Garrett asked about the role of the system board versus the group. He looked at other systems that have a clear hierarchy. It sounds like we are an advisory group, but we should work with the board to define the role of the group. It is vague. The governance committee will work with the Monarch board. There was discussion about how this division becomes complicated when the ILS is involved. Some minor typographical errors were noted.
- Resource Ad-hoc Committee
- Workforce Development
Gale and Lynda courses are being considered. Amy is planning a demo for both. Lynda has a YouTube-like format and costs about $20,000 a year. Gale has several week-long courses and costs $30,000 a year. These courses would be considered CEU for staff.
- Lifelong learning
We could work collectively with a theme of dementia/memory cafes, and libraries would get money to do what they like under this theme. Another idea is mental health.
- Broadband Expansion
Monarch could have hotspots that the library can check out to use with Leap so that we can access the internet with outreach. 3 hotspots would cost $1000 a year. Jen said we need to get something to show legislators that we cannot do without this money. Tom said we need to set aside money for marketing with Gale or Lynda. Betty said we need to market this to smaller business that don’t have training materials.
- Old Business
- November Meeting
We could have a short meeting with a party. Jackie said she does not think we need a December meeting. Jennifer said she wants to wait until November to decide on a December meeting. On December 14th, we will have our regular meeting and then a party at the Riverside. Lunch will cost $10, and checks can be made payable to Monarch Library System.
- New Business
- Committee Nominations and Positions Available
Bylaws state that there must be representatives on committees from each size library and from each county. Amy suggested a nominating committee to find people. There was little interest in that. She asked if the governance committee would be interested in finding people. Jackie suggested that each committee try to find their own members.
- Evaluating 75% voting threshold requirement
Garrett said this is a huge amount that would be required for any vote to pass. Amy will bring examples of what a 75% threshold looks like versus a 2/3 at the next meeting.
- Board meeting location 2018
Amy will have a sign-up for board meeting locations in 2018—2nd Thursday of each month.
- Directors Meeting locations 2018
We will keep the meetings centrally located in West Bend, and there will be a monthly sign-up for treats.
- Next Meeting is November 9. 2017 at 9:30AM in West Bend.
Tom asked about talking about directors’ goals and projects in 2018. Come with a list of goals! Mark asked about South Central’s investment funds and wants to hear from anyone who has done that. Germantown and Cedarburg both have youth services positions open!
- Adjourn
Amy Becker made a Motion to adjourn, Alex from Mayville seconded. Adjourn at 11:20.
Respectfully submitted by Jackie Rammer, Lakeview Community Library Director