Southgate Band Boosters
Monthly Meeting
April 8, 2008
Meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm. Mission statement was read by band booster president Beckie Smith, and introductions were made. Those in attendance:
Eugene Abbaticchio Mary Jo Holbrook Patti Schmitz
Michelle Angileri Nina Hyder Randy Sidebottom
Debbie Austin Keith Killoran Stella Sidebottom
Brian Batko Mrs. Killoran Nina Solis
Laura Bellon Toby Kmet Beckie Smith
Margaret Beregazaszy Natalie Lunsford Colleen Solo
Clyde Bruley Rick Marks Cathy Szydlowski
Sue Bruley Danielle McGrath Gary Szydlowski
Al Carter Shelly McQueary Layla Valdez
Shirlee Crum Betty Millward Toni Wood
Sherry Edmunds Barb Moore
Barb Gratz Jeff Moore
Steve Gratz Shelly Noble
Karen Hodnicki Sue Poirier
Make Hodnicki Diane Rickman
Secretary’s report: Motion was made to accept the February Secretary’s report by Nina Hyder and was 2nd by Stella Sidebottom. Motion was made to accept the March Secretary’s report by Al Carter and was 2nd by Nina Solis.
Treasures Report: No Treasures Report this month
Scrip report: No Scrip report this month
Uniform: All collected but 2 one is out for pictures and one is to be dropped off the next day
Student Credit: Everything except March script or Ford Field has been posted. No Band Camp deductions have been made.
Newsletter: Deadline is April 15th. Please get your articles to Lisa.
Ford field: After the Super Cross on April 12th our contract will be complete. We are going to check with Ford Field and see if they will let us do a smaller booth and see if they will let us work contingent.
Fee/Volunteer: Everything is posted but March Ford Field. Please sign up for the bottle drive.
Web Page: Updates will be going up soon the districts server was down and not allowing us to but updates on the web page. It was mentioned none of the class info is on there under the class thumbnails; is it possible for a link to be put on the webpage to direct to class websites. The school district will not allow links to different sites on the web page.
Gerisch Band Camp: Plans are going well the kids are very excited. We have 8 section leaders from the high school going. We are in need of someone to drive one of the trailers up to camp and then bring it back to school.
Fall Color Guard: Everyone is welcome to come there will be no tryout this year.
Frankenmuth: Delivered Student credit is not yet posted.
Port Huron Camping: May 16th-18th 16 families are going but there is still more room please let them know you are with Southgate band if you call to reserve a site.
Anderson Band Camp: Applications are coming in slow. We have 30 rookies right now. Not many upperclassmen have turned their applications in yet.
Band Dinners: Are next dinners are Tubby’s, Fuddruckers, Cold Stone, and Buffalo Wild Wings Dates will be emailed and announced. Please go and support our music programs
Candy Bars: Starts May 1st. We do not have conformation on what student credit amount will be
Coney Dogs: 4/8 -5/9 Delivery will be 5/20 Marching students will receive $6.00 in student credit per kit.
Tiger Days: We have the opportunity to have Thursday June 12th for a 1:05 game it is a half day. We can do Aug 12th which will be an evening game. Membership voted to go for the August game and skip the afternoon game in June
Chamber Concert: April 29th will be performances by the students who went to Solo and Ensemble It promises to be a great evening. Please sign up if you can donate cookies
Bottle Drive: May 3rd 9-4 please sign up to work. We are not doing flyers we will have students in groups and with adults go door to door asking for bottles
Director’s report: Gerisch: No report this month
Davidson/Anderson: State solos and ensemble had 19 events go those events will be playing at the chamber concert. Had a meeting with Ms. Zeld regarding Gerisch Band Camp the focus at camp will be on music. Winter programs performed at Davidson it gave the staff the chance to see what the students do. Thank you Mr. Marks and Mr. Abbaticchio for helping with the equipment. The Marching season show will be called Counter Balance we are using a new music arranger this year and we already have the opener music Everyone is working on spring concerts the dates are May 15th Gerisch at Davidson, May 20th Davidson Concert May 22nd Anderson Concert. Our winter programs just competed at States Titan Guard took 4th SAWG took 7th and Winter Line took 1St Spring Visuals May 6, New Marchers, May 8th Everyone, May 13th new marchers, May 14th Wind and Battery , May 27th and 28th Everyone.
New Business: Fundraisers due to the amount of fundraisers we have on the calendar we are asking that the classes limit their fundraisers to one other then at the spring and winter concerts and Band A Rama. Some members feel that they will need more then one outside fundraiser per year with the music programs having over 70 fundraisers on the school calendar this is something will need to table and revisit at a later time. Stella Sidebottom and Barb Moore have done some research on some new fundraisers for the music programs such as a craft show, chili cook off, super bowl party, coffee, and several others. At this time we are going to forward all the information they have gathered on the purposed fundraisers and Beckie will forward the information on to the membership and get the memberships thoughts. We will table the purposed fundraisers and revisit after membership reviews
Misc: 50/50 Rick Marks won $18.00 donated it back to the Drumline
Motion to adjourn made by Al Carter and was 2nd by Clyde Bruley
Meeting adjourned at 9:04
Respectfully Submitted:
Patti Schmitz