EdTech 2010 Author Guidelines


These will be made available on the ILTA website ()

1Oral Presentations:

General Instructions

  • This year for the first time, we are introducing Pecha kucha (pronounced pe-chak-cha) as a new session format for EdTech2010. Pecha kucha takes its name from the Japanese term for “chit-chat”.
  • The pecha kucha presentation format enables the presenter to deliver a short, focused, quick-fire presentation on their topic. Your presentation will demonstrate the benefits of your topic/research to teaching and learning.
  • Pecha kucha presentations consist of exactly 20 slides or images, each of which is displayed for 20 seconds. The slides / images move forward automatically as you talk along. Total presentation time is precisely 6 minutes 40 seconds. See for more information.
  • Timing is of the essence here – no exceptions, the slide move on after 20 seconds so you will need to practice your timing for the presentation or invest in some helium gas!
  • The Pecha kucha session will be chaired by an ILTA committee chair. Please make yourself known to the chair on the morning of your presentation.

Technical assistance

  • If you have any queries throughout the day, just ask the registration desk to direct you to the technical assistants for your room. All rooms will have a desktop, projector, Internet access and speakers for sound. We will also cater for most generic software. If you have any queries about the technology available on the day, please email
  • Please submit your presentations to 14th May. Please also bring your presentation to the event on a USB key. All presentations will be uploaded to the dedicated server to ensure there is no delay between sessions.

If you would also like to submit a paper in support of your Pecha Kucha presentation you are welcome to do so. Please adhere to the followingguidelines for papers.

2 PECHA KUCHA Paper Submissions:

Paper Types and Length Guide

PECHA KUCHA Papers: Practitioners reports and case studies; 1,500 - 2,000

Conference Themes:

  • Learning Technologies for challenging times
  • Informing policy and strategy
  • Industry / work-based learning
  • Sustainable models of innovation
  • Technology-enhanced learning and society

Paper Preparation: Acceptable Submission Format

  • Please submit your final version papers in a suitable electronic "source" format. The following source formats are accepted:
  • Open Document Text Format (ODT): Prepared using any suitable word processing system, such as Open Office or Google Docs.
  • Microsoft Document Format/Open XML (DOC, DOCX): Prepared using any suitable word processing system, such as Microsoft Word, Open Office or Google Docs
  • LaTeX/BibTeX: Prepared using any suitable text editor.
  • Please use British English spelling and idiom throughout. Ensure that the manuscript has been fully spell-checked and proof-read for grammar, punctuation etc., before submission.

PaperFormatand Structure

  • Thepapershould have a title pageand should alsocontain the following information:
  • Title (maximum 40 words)
  • Authors and affiliation
  • PaperType: PECHA KUCHA paper
  • Include a copy of your abstract (maximum300 words).
  • Keywords: A list of key terms for indexing etc.
  • Citation and referencing should be done in conformance with the Harvard (author/date) style.
  • Web Hyperlinks to resources external to the manuscript should be embedded and associated with relevant link text using the appropriate native mechanism of the electronic format in use. In general, web addresses (URLs) should not be exposed in the normally visible text. Where references are available online, the title in the reference list should be hyperlinked as appropriate.
  • Sections, subsections etc., should be numbered using a hierarchical decimal format with dotted separators, thus: "1", "1.2", "3.1.6", to a maximum hierarchical depth of three.
  • Tables and figures should be numbered in separate decimal sequences ("Table 3", "Figure 5" etc.). These should be incorporated in the appropriate locations in the running text (i.e., they should not be gathered separately at the end of the manuscript).
  • Footnotes may be used. These should be encoded and embedded with the appropriate native mechanism of the electronic format in use. They should be numbered in a single decimal sequence.
  • Internal cross-references, including citations, should be hyperlinked using the appropriate native mechanism of the electronic format in use.
  • The text should be single-spaced; uses a 12-point sans serif font; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Copyright Notice

  • ILTA is committed to Open Access Publishing. Accordingly, authors are not asked to assign copyright in their original works toILTAas a condition of publication. Rather we request only that authors grant a limited licence which is sufficient to conform to our open access policy. The licence currently in use for this purpose is Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial - ShareAlike 3.0.
  • If you would also like your presentation and paper made available through the NDLR repository, please contact

Privacy Statement

  • The names and email addresses entered inthis online publication will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

If you have any further queries, please email

Best regards,

EdTech 2010 Review Committee

EdTech 2010Conference: Author Guidelines for Online Paper SubmissionsPage 1 of 2