Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the Priest for daily and weekend liturgies. Interested boys and girls, grade 5 through high school, must participate in training sessions and periodic refreshers. Adults welcome, too.

Contact: Larry Furman, 330-864-3041

Art & Environment

Members plan and prepare the church space for liturgical and secular seasons with an appreciation and understanding of Catholic liturgy. Parishioners are welcome to contribute their gifts of designing, decorating, sewing, woodworking or other visual arts

Contact: Barb Whitney, 330-836-3635,

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

During the Scripture readings and homily at Sunday Mass, children in kindergarten through 6th grade hear the Word of God at an age-appropriate level. Adults are needed to lead and assist in proclaiming the Word and engage the children in faith-filled activities.

Contact: Carolyn Humston, 330-836-2233 x129,

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

(formerly Eucharistic Ministers)

EMHCs distribute the Eucharist under both species for liturgies and special events. (Visiting Eucharistic Ministers take communion into the community. See separate heading.) Parishioners are nominated by current EMHCs and must be approved by the pastor. Both diocesan and parish training are required. For those seeking more involvement, an EMHC may take additional training to become a Mass Coordinator, one who oversees the duties of the liturgical ministers at the weekend or holy day liturgies.

Contact: Karen Bader, 330-864-1863,

General Intercessions

This committee meets to pray, reflect on the Sunday readings and write the Prayers of the Faithful proclaimed at Sunday liturgies. They meet every few weeks at the convenience of the committee.

Contact: Marga Bohm, 330-867-7081,


These men and women proclaim the Scriptures during Mass. As the Word is a central element of the liturgy, lectors must be willing to study the readings and proclaim them with understanding. Training is provided. Passion is required.

Contact: Ted Varga, 330-873-1475,

Nursery (9:00am Mass)

A warm, safe, and comfortable environment for children, infants to four years, is provided for parishioners who are attending the 9:00am Sunday Mass. Adult and teen volunteers are needed to care for the children.

Contact: Ann Grass, 330-864-0337


Sacristans work quietly behind the scenes, keeping the sanctuary and altars clean and dusted. They order and replace candles and hosts; clean and repair linens, priests’ albs and servers’ robes; set-up for daily Mass, funerals and weddings with the proper vessels. Sacristans also work hand in hand with Art and Environment.

Contact: Nancy Demeter, 330-836-8758

Transportation to Mass

Volunteers are needed to take individuals to Mass who cannot drive due to health or other reasons. This important ministry ensures that every member of our parish family is present at Mass as we celebrate together.

Contact: Steve Marks, 330-867-1536


The ushers’ ministry is one of welcome and service. Responsibilities include assisting special needs people, distributing and collecting material, etc. Ushers are trained in using a defibrillator. Parishioners of all ages are welcome.

Contact: Jim Dettling, 330-666-2952

Visiting Eucharistic Ministers (VEM)

VEMs bring the Eucharist to parishioners in hospitals, nursing facilities or their homes who can’t attend Mass due to age, illness, or other circumstances. Visitations times are flexible according to the schedules of the ministers and recipients. Diocesan and parish training is required.

Contact: Elaine Fechko, 330-836-2233 x103,

Worship Committee

This committee works with the pastor in planning and evaluating aspects of all worship; meetings are the forum for input from all the liturgical ministries.

Contact: Karen Bader, 330-864-1863,

Music Ministries

Contact: Lynn Frey, 330-836-2233 x111,


Cantors lead the assembly in worship and song. A pleasant voice and a welcoming demeanor are essential. The ministry is open to anyone Junior High age or older. Training is provided; rehearsals are held seasonally.

Children’s Choir

Children of the parish, grades 2 through 8, are invited to be a part of the Children's Choir, a seasonal group that sings for Christmas and Easter. Students may be involved in the choir for one or both seasons. Rehearsals are held seasonally.

Handbell Choir

Through the unique sounds of bells, members enhance liturgies during the year and participate in other musical outreach programs. The ability to read music is not required. Rehearsals are weekly from September to June. Membership is open to teens and adults.

Men’s Quartet

This group sings both traditional and cross-cultural repertoire from all style periods. They sing occasionally for Sunday Liturgy as well as for other special occasions. Rehearsals are held twice a month from September to June.

Parish Choir

Parish Choir sings traditional and multicultural music for weekly Liturgies as well as holidays, special occasions, funerals, and weddings. Open to teens and adults with pleasant singing voices, they rehearse weekly from September to June. They offer prayer and social gatherings. No audition is required and the ability to read music is optional.

Praise and Worship Ensemble

This group provides a wide variety of instrumental, vocal, and ensemble presentations for Sunday Liturgies, special occasions, funerals and weddings. Teens and adults with a pleasant singing voice or capable instrumental skills are welcome. Vocal audition or the ability to read music is not required. Rehearsals are held weekly year round and include time for fellowship and prayer.

Spiritual Ministries

31 Club

Sponsored by the Serra Clubs of the Cleveland Diocese, the 31 Club fosters and promotes vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Members commit to attend Mass one day each month for the intention of past, present, and future priests and religious of St. Sebastian parish. It is critical that we pray for them to have the courage and fortitude to answer God’s call and to be faithful to their vocations.

Contact: Louise Hellwig, 330-864-6057


Parishioners are invited and encouraged to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition is on Tuesdays after the 8:00am Mass until 8pm, ending with Benediction. Twice monthly, the last hour is set aside for the special intentions of parish families and vocations. Volunteers are needed as the exposed Eucharist cannot be left unattended. Jesus waits to hear your footfall coming to visit Him!

Contact: Marga Bohm, 330-867-7081,

Book Rack

The parish bookrack in the church vestibule provides a means of adult faith formation by offering Catholic periodicals for sale, including newspapers and monthly Bible study booklets. Pamphlets from Christian social service organizations and prayer cards are available free of charge. Volunteer duties include restocking, organizing, and record-keeping. The parish office oversees the suitability of materials placed here.

Contact: Pat Clark-Varga, 330-873-1475,

McDonough Resource Center

This library, located in the rear of the church, is the perfect quiet spot to read or study about the Catholic faith. It houses an extensive collection of books, periodicals, audio and video tapes, and equipment for the use of parishioners and catechists. Additional volunteers are needed to help maintain this valuable resource.

Contact: Joseph Kastelic, 330-865-1837

Memorial of Fresh Flowers

Remember your loved ones, honor our patron saints and brighten our church. Donations of cash, bouquets, planters, cuttings from your garden or your time are welcomed.

Contact: Marga Bohm, 330-867-7081,

Prayer Line

When parishioners request special prayers, their intentions are passed to many people via the Parish Prayer Line. This is an effective way to intercede for important prayer intentions. New intercessors are always welcome.

Contact: Joanne McDonagh, 330-867-2596


Retreats, held at Loyola of the Lakes Jesuit Retreat House in Portage Lakes, are offered to parishioners as a way to deepen and continue their spiritual journey and build a faith community. Both the men’s and women’s retreats are held on a weekend in Lent. Additional retreats are scheduled in autumn pending interest. Volunteers are essential to the success of these retreats.

Contact Men: Tom Burkely, 330-864-8694,

Contact Women: Marge Burkely,

Rosary Cenacle of Prayer

Based on a practice of Marian-ordered priests, parishioners gather weekly to pray for the needs of the Church, vocations and individual petitions.

Contact: Joan Brownfield, 330-864-1708,

Vocations Promotion

This organization fosters vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Members grow through fellowship, education, and service. They provide material for the bulletin and arrange for speakers to share inspirational testimony about their vocations. This ministry includes the devotion to the vocation cross - a devotional that helps families focus on prayer for priestly vocations. Parishioners sign up to receive the Vocation Cross with accompanying materials and prayers at Mass and keep it in their home for one week.

Contact: Marga Bohm, 330-867-7081,

Votive Lights

Volunteers are needed daily after the 8:00am morning Mass to maintain the votive candles in the church and collect donations.

Contact: Don Adams, 330-867-9342

Faith Formation Ministries

Baptism Preparation Team

A dedicated group of lay leaders prepare parents and godparents to understand and appreciate the responsibilities that come with the sacrament of Baptism. Members prepare the sacramentals to be used during the baptism and assist the families that day.

Contact: Bobbie DeKemper, 330-865-6539

Bible Study

Participants of this ministry are given an opportunity to grow in their faith through an understanding and appreciation of Sacred Scripture.

Contact: Larry Furman, 330-864-3041,

Christian Faith Formation Team

The mission is to coordinate the spiritual needs of the St. Sebastian community. Through study, education and the strengthened prayer life of all our parishioners, we will be led into a deeper relationship with Christ and a better understanding of our Catholic faith. People of strong faith are needed to assess opportunities for spiritual growth on a parish-wide basis.

Contact: Elaine Fechko, 330-836-2233 x103,

Marriage Preparation

Established married couples meet with engaged couples to spend an evening and discuss the results of their diocesan marriage assessment. Training is provided.

Contact: Elaine Fechko, 330-836-2233 x103,

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

1st through 8th grade public and home-schooled students have the opportunity to grow in their faith by attending weekly PSR classes. Students participate in sacramental programs, discover the richness of their faith, and learn how this faith will become the foundation of their lives. Volunteer teachers and assistants are vital to the program. Teachers must be certified or in the process of certification. Classes meet September to May.

Contact: Melane Francis, 330-836-9107,

Carolyn Humston, 330-836-2233 x129,

Pre-Cana/Cana II

An important part of wedding preparation is the Pre-Cana session. The program helps couples entering marriage for the first time to better understand each other and the importance and dignity of married life. If one partner has been married previously, Cana II is the more appropriate preparation program. Volunteer couples are needed for a variety of tasks in support of this program.

Contact: Dave Blischak, 330-867-0365,

Pre-School Religion

This program gives three to five year olds an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with others and supports home learning in the early stages of Christian formation. Classes are held during Mass from September to May. Volunteers teach and share their faith with these young children. Teachers must be certified or in the process of certification.

Contact: Melane Francis, 330-836-9107,

Carolyn Humston, 330-836-2233 x129,

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Team (RCIA)

RCIA is the process by which adults become Catholic, return to the Church, or receive sacraments they missed as a child. Catechists and sponsors are needed to provide education, hospitality, and support and to guide catechumens on their journey toward a fuller practice of their faith. The program runs from fall through spring.

Contact: Elaine Fechko, 330-836-2233 x103,

Vacation Bible School

VBS is offered in the summer for any child in grades 1-5. Adult and teen volunteers lead activities which encourage the children to grow in their relationship with Christ while having fun.

Contact: Carolyn Humston, 330-836-2233 x129,

Parish Life Ministries


Archivists compile the history of the parish family through words, photos and videos. They review parish records and documents to preserve the history of the parish for future generations.

Contact: Ralph Witt, 330-864-6019,


Catholic Youth Organization is a group that fosters participation in athletics for youth. All children of the parish no matter what school they attend may participate in CYO sports. The program is always in need of women and men to coach all sports.

Contact: Mark Constance, 330-869-6328,

Boy Scouts/Troop 96

For young men in grades 6 through high school, the mission of the Boy Scouts is to prepare them to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Volunteers help with all activities.

Contact: Dave Tschantz, 330-864-0646,

Bridge Flights

Both singles and couples with an interest in bridge or euchre, fellowship and fun are encouraged to join! The flights meet once a month from October through May. A portion of the dues are donated for parish needs.

Contact: Anne Hergenrother, 330-836-5834,

Cub Scouts/Pack 3096

Through participation in den meetings and outings, boys in grades 1-5 play games, build crafts, earn advancement, and learn to do their best. Activities are used to achieve the aims of scouting: citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Many parent volunteers are needed.

Contact: Don Salyers, 330-865-0780,

Donut Sunday

Donuts and coffee, provided by the parish, are served after Mass on two Sundays of the month. This hospitality ministry enables parishioners to socialize after Mass. Individuals and/or groups are needed to staff this event.

Contact: Position open for coordinator.
Call Rectory, 330-386-2233

Girl Scouts

In an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adult volunteers, Girl Scouts cultivate leadership, social conscience, and conviction about their own self worth. They enjoy outdoor fun, crafts, and community service projects, as well as the ever-popular cookie sales!

Contact: Pam Wilde, 330-836-7163,

Gratitude Ministry

As a parish, there are many people for whom we are thankful. This ministry gives us the opportunity to express our appreciation to groups and individuals for their contributions to our parish and local community. This can be accomplished through phone calls, cards or personal notes.

Contact: Anne Hergenrother, 330-836-5834,

Junior High Youth Ministry

Jr. High Youth programs provide a safe, caring and accepting environment for 7th & 8th graders in the parish and offer a wide range of activities designed to promote the spiritual, social, and service components integral to effective Catholic youth ministry. Activities include monthly faith-based meetings, social and service activity, as well as one annual retreat. Volunteers help chaperone, drive, and assist at meetings.

Contact: Cathy Sivec, 330-835-1427,

Little Flower Garden Club

Under the patronage of Saint Theresa, the Little Flower, the mission of this ministry is to stimulate the knowledge and understanding of all growing things. Volunteers, with or without gardening experience, help promote gardening and conservation efforts in the parish and community. The nationally sanctioned garden show held annually in August is one of the area’s premier gardening events.

Contact: Mary Jeanne Cochrun, 330-666-1673

Sanctuary Society

Sanctuary Society, which includes all women of the parish, is financially responsible for all items relating to the sanctuary: altar breads, wine, candles, flowers, vestments for the clergy, etc. Monies are raised through various functions, dues and donations. Sanctuary Society is always looking for volunteers to help with their fundraisers as well as serve on the operating board.

Contact: Kathy Holaday, 330-836-8447,


Members gather to meet, make friends, and maintain social contact. Monthly meetings include refreshments and Bingo.

Contact: Diana Lias, 330-733-2089

Senior High Youth Ministry

Sr. High Youth programs provide a safe, caring and accepting environment for high-school students of the parish and offer a wide range of activities designed to promote the spiritual, social, and service components integral to effective Catholic youth ministry. Activities include monthly faith-based meetings, social and service activities, as well as an annual retreat. Adult volunteers are needed for the success of this ministry.

Contact: Cathy Sivec, 330-835-1427,

Single and Divorced Ministry

Adult singles find a network of Christian support and fellowship in this group. They hold social activities, pray together, and perform service projects.

Contact: Carolyn Humston, 330-836-2233 x129,

Ski Club

All parishioners are invited to hit the local slopes during the winter months.

Contact: Katrina Stoneman, 330-869-8705

Web Site Team

The purpose of this group is to keep the information on the parish website current and ever-changing. "Reporters" are needed to act as liaisons between the various parish ministries and the web designer. No knowledge of computers is necessary, just a willingness to be proactive in seeking out new information. Those with experience in web design and systems are also welcome to help keep our technology current.

Contact: Carol Seaman, 330-869-2070,

Welcoming Committee

Members of this ministry welcome new parishioners through personal contact and by hosting various events to make them feel at home.

Contact: Virginia Scott, 330-745-0067

Young Adult Group

This group seeks to welcome all in Christian hospitality and grow in the Catholic faith. Group members are single or married, between 18 and 39 years old, living in the greater Akron area that are committed to deepening their relationship with God through weekly study of scripture and teachings of the Church.