Title III & English Language Learner (ELL) Program

Monitoring Worksheet for Exited (Former) ELL Students

Student Name: ______ELL Program Exit Date:______

Monitor Year 1: School year 20____

School Name: ______Grade: _____

Complete the following for items in which the student participates:

AIMSWeb or DIBELS / NWEA / NDSA / Grades / Other
Test of Early Literacy or Phoneme Segmentation and Nonsense Word Fluency / o  Intensive or At Risk
o  Strategic or Some Risk
o  Benchmark or Low Risk / Reading / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Reading / o  Novice
o  Partially Proficient
o  Proficient
o  Advanced / Language Arts
Language Usage / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Math / o  Novice
o  Partially Proficient
o  Proficient
o  Advanced / Math
Oral Reading Fluency / o  Intensive or At Risk
o  Strategic or Some Risk
o  Benchmark or Low Risk / Math / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Science / o  Novice
o  Partially Proficient
o  Proficient
o  Advanced / Science
Science / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Social Studies

Concerns after 1st semester: ______


Concerns after 2nd semester: ______


After 1 year of monitoring, ______is performing successfully in the mainstream classroom.

After 1 year of monitoring, ______is having difficulty in the following area(s): ______

It is recommended that student:

o  Is reclassified back into the ELL program

o  Continues to be monitored for the second year

o  Other (specify):______

Name (printed) Signature

ELL Teacher
Mainstream Teacher

Monitor Year 2: School year 20____

School Name: ______Grade: _____

Complete the following for items in which the student participates:

AIMSWeb or DIBELS / NWEA / NDSA / Grades / Other
Test of Early Literacy or Phoneme Segmentation and Nonsense Word Fluency / o  Intensive or At Risk
o  Strategic or Some Risk
o  Benchmark or Low Risk / Reading / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Reading / o  Novice
o  Partially Proficient
o  Proficient
o  Advanced / Language Arts
Language Usage / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Math / o  Novice
o  Partially Proficient
o  Proficient
o  Advanced / Math
Oral Reading Fluency / o  Intensive or At Risk
o  Strategic or Some Risk
o  Benchmark or Low Risk / Math / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Science / o  Novice
o  Partially Proficient
o  Proficient
o  Advanced / Science
Science / o  Low
o  Average
o  High / Social Studies

Concerns after 1st semester: ______


Concerns after 2nd semester: ______


o  After 2 years of monitoring, ______is performing successfully in the mainstream classroom.

o  After 2 years of monitoring, ______is having difficulty in the following area(s): ______

It is recommended that student:

o  Is reclassified back into the ELL program

o  Continues to be monitored for an additional year

o  Will no longer require monitoring from the ELL program

o  Other (specify):______

Name (printed) Signature

ELL Teacher
Mainstream Teacher

(Original to cumulative file, copy to parent, copy to ELL office) Revised 9/10