MEETING: VCC Administration Board
DATE: Friday, July 10, 2015
MEMBERS: Chair Mayor Law, City of Renton
Mayor Cooke, City of Kent
Mayor Haggerton, City of Tukwila
Mayor Ferrell, City of Federal Way
Mayor Backus, City of Auburn
VISITORS: Chief Thomas, Kent Police
Rod Younker, Summit Law Group
VCC STAFF: Lora Ueland, Executive Director
Vonnie Mayer, Operations Manager
Kristin Meitzler, Technical Services Manager
Mary Sue Robey, Administrative Services Manager
Tracy Fitzgerald, Administrative Services Assistant
Welcome and Introductions. Chairperson Mayor Law welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 1000 hours. Introductions were made around the room.
Report from Member. Mayor Backus thanked VCC employees for their hard work and dedication during a busy 4th of July. Mayor Law extended his appreciation and will write a letter to VCC employees on behalf of the Administration Board.
Report from OPS Board. None.
Report from Executive Director.
July 4 Recap. Operations Manager Vonnie Mayer provided a recap of call volume and incident types from the 4th of July. She will email the statistics and detailed information including a 2014 comparison to the Administration Board members.
Personnel Update.
- VCC has opened the CAD Administrator position which will remain open until filled.
- VCC is promoting 4 Call Receivers to Dispatchers.
- 10 new Call Receivers started the academy on June 16.
- There has been a recent increase in FMLA and extended leaves. VCC would like to explore unfunded overhire positions.
PSERN. The PSERN Project Team has formed a task force to help work through technical and operational decisions. Director Ueland plans on meeting regularly with the VCC agency Task Force members to ensure appropriate communication to the Steering Committee. With the County Executive signing the Implementation ILA, the Steering Committee will be transitioning to a Joint Board.
King County E-911. Operations Manager Mayer provided testimony at the June 23 King County Council Committee meeting regarding the impacts new technology have on PSAP employees. The ordinance for the Regional Oversight Committee was transmitted by the Executive’s office to Council and had been assigned to the Committee as a Whole. The RPC met on July 8 and was briefed on the issue resulting in the ordinance being bifurcated and now is with the Regional Policy Committee. The PSAP Directors are preparing a letter to Council requesting two voting seats on the Oversight Committee. There is support from Council Members Hague and Lambert.
An update on the Com room console furniture replacement and Data center remediation projects was provided in the packet.
Minutes. Mayor Haggerton moved to approve the minutes from the June 5, 2015 meeting. Mayor Backus seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Mayor Law called for executive session at 1037 hours to discuss labor negotiations. The executive session is expected to last approximately 30 minutes. Executive session ended at 1107 hours. The regular meeting was called back into session.
With no further business, Mayor Law adjourned the meeting at 1108 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracy Fitzgerald,
Administrative Services Assistant
A Nationally Accredited Communications Center
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