Sts. Joachim and Ann PSR Newsletter Guardians of Hope
Volume 18 Issue 7 ______February 2018
Upcoming Events
We are collecting baby items such as diapers and wipes during February for Care Service
Feb 5 PSR Class, report cards
Feb 10 Anointing of the Sick during the 5pm Mass, Black & White Gala
Feb 10/11 Daughter’s of St Paul Christian Book Fair in Gathering Space of Church during all Masses
Feb 12 PSR Class
Feb 14 Ash Wednesday – Masses at 6:30AM, 8AM, 10AM & 7PM
Feb 17/18 Catholic Book Fair in Gathering Space before/after all Masses
Feb 19 No PSR – Presidents’ Day, PSR Catechist Meeting 6-7:30pm Adult Ed Room
Feb 25 Michael James Mette & Family Lenten Concert – 2pm in Church
Our February virtue is Cheerfulness, Looking on the bright side. Our Saints for this month are St John Bosco, St Philip Neri and Blessed Miguel Pro. Please take some time to read about the virtue and saint in the home activities. Thank you to all the families who returned their Family Crest. They are displayed throughout the hallways in the main school building. The Family Crests are wonderful examples of the many families we have in our parish!
All adults of the parish are invited to join a small adult faith group. Groups will begin either the first or second week in February and meet for eight weeks. Almost all the small faith groups have the opportunity to register and view the videos online through Ascension Press. A complete list is included in this Newsletter.
Lent begins early this year with Ash Wednesday on Feb 14. Mass times are at 6:30am, 8am, 10am & 7pm. Adults can pick up a daily Lenten journey book in the Gathering Space beginning Feb 14. A Lenten activity book, Children’s Stations of the Cross and Lenten calendar will be sent home with your child on Feb 12. Rice Bowls will also be given out and are a good way to remind children how we can sacrifice in small ways to help someone in need. Place it in an area where you will see it daily. They can decide to give us something like candy or soda and put the money it would have cost in the Rice Bowl. The Rice Bowls will be collected on Holy Thursday, or can be turned in on March 26 during PSR. There are also two free online Lenten programs: Dynamic Catholic Online Best Lent Ever, which will guide you on an incredible 40-day journey to become the-best-version-of-yourself, making this a truly life-changing Lent. Sign up at
Loyola Press Online Living Lent Daily This Lent, come to know Jesus as a friend, and experience God’s unbelievable love and generosity toward us. Living Lent Daily is a daily e-mail series designed to help you grow in friendship with God. Sign up at:
Our second Family Service day is March 11th from 10:30AM-1PM in the cafeteria. We will again have a variety of service activities for children, teens and adults to participate in. If you have ideas that you would like to see happen on this day or would like to lead a group, please let me know.
A Women’s Retreat “Walking with Hope as we Journey through this Life”, on March 18 from 3-5PM in the cafeteria. No cost to attend, just bring a dessert or appetizer to share. If you are interested in attending please register at or call 636 926-0021.
Please keep the 2nd and 8th graders in your prayers as they prepare for their sacraments. You are in my prayers and I ask that you keep me in yours.
Rose Wieschhaus, Director of Religious Education
The following are a list of programs being offered this spring:
Walking Toward Eternity: Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart – Monday 12-2:30pm , February 19-March 26 Facilitator -Pat Bennett (Available Online) Church meeting room ♦ Prophets - Monday 7-9pm , Feb 19-April 16 -(Available online) Facilitator - Pat Bennett Church meeting room ♦ Psalms – Mondays 7-9pm , Feb 5-April 9 (Available online) Facilitator- Betty Gravlin Betty’s home ♦ Follow Me, Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John –Weds–9- 11am Church meeting room, February 7-March 28 (Available online) Facilitator –Rose Wieschhaus ♦ Fulfilled – Wednesdays – 7-9pm Rectory meeting room, February 7-April 11 (Available online) Facilitator – Jayne Gilfoil ♦ Wisdom- Wednesdays – 7-9pm, Feb 7-March 28 (Available online) Facilitator – Jim Green Church meeting room ♦ Catholicism the New Evangelization Thursdays 7-9pm February 1-March 22 Facilitator – Rose Wieschhaus Room 100
Contact Rose at 636 926-0021 or if you would like to register or have questions. You are also welcome to form your own small faith group in your home or to meet on campus. Contact me for topics and time frame that fits your schedule.
Parking Lot Schedule
The following families are expected to help with the parking lot on their assigned days or switch with another family.
Feb 12 – Galvan, Freese, Fister (Bradford), Figgemeier, Geerling
Feb 26 – Feuerstein, Fann, Fann, Ervin, DelaPaz
March 5- Ernst, Erickson, Eiswirth, Eimer, Danneger
March 12-Edwards, Dunn (Taylor), Dungan, Clifton
If you are unable to make your night, please switch with a family on the list. Come to the PSR office, located in the junior high building to sign in, pick up an orange vest and flashlight. If you are asked to be a hall monitor, you are still expected to help with the parking lot at dismissal. Please remind your child’s teacher on your assigned night, and they will keep your child in the classroom until after dismissal. Thank you for your help in keeping our children safe.
Catholic schools 2018-19 Scholarship Application now available
Alive! In Christ is first-come, first-served for all new awards and younger siblings that may be eligible, so we encourage you to apply as early as possible. Approximately 500 new awards will be available. The application deadline for Beyond Sunday, SOAR!, Catholic Families Tuition Assistance (CFTA), and the Parish Employees Endowment Fund (PEEF) is February 28, 2018. Any family, who would like to be considered for these programs, even if you are applying for requalification, must apply between January 29th and February 28th, 2018. Up to 60 new elementary school awards and 35 new high school awards will be available in Beyond Sunday. Siblings attending the same school are not eligible in this program. Please visit our website for more information on acceptable documentation and application support. Click on Info for Parents under the Scholarships section.
Life in the Spirit Seminar
Wednesday nights Feb 21-Mar 28, 7-9pm. The Life in the Spirit Seminar grew out of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. It is a major instrument of fulfilling its mission to stir into flame the grace of Pentecost within and beyond the Church. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has no founder beyond the Holy Spirit, no membership criteria, and no initiation procedure. Join other Christians as we pray, worship, and study scripture in order to strengthen our gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will be meeting in the cafeteria. Please contact Linda Geringer at (314) 402-3333 or the Religious Ed office at , (636) 926-0021.
Catholic Book Club
Our February book is Four Scraps of Bread, by Magda Hollander-Lafon. We will meet on February 27 at 7pm in Room 100. Magda Hollander-Lafon was among 437, 000 Jews deported from Hungary between May and July 1944. Magda recalls an experience she had in Birkenau: “A dying woman gestured to me, as she opened her hand to reveal four scraps of moldy bread, she said to me “take it, You are young. You must live to be a witness to what is happening here.” Her book is not a simple memoir but instead, she invites us to reflect on what she has endured. After liberation, she eventually chose to be baptized a Christian. For more info about the Catholic Book Club contact or 636 926-0021
Lent is fast approaching, and you know what that means…..IT’S FISH FRY TIME!!!! Fish Fries take place every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday) from 4:00pm-7:00pm. Many hands make light work. Sign up to volunteer - help the cause - make some new friends - and have fun! Also a great opportunity for service hours! To volunteer please contact: Kitchen/Serving: Cathy Nute, 441-4835 Dining Room: Sharon Kinsella, 314-680-7733 Cashiers/Money Counters: Kathy Mueller, 441-7503 Desserts: Velma McCann, 314-856-3037, or Service Hours: Marjorie Bolton, , or Carry Out: Cindi Johnson, 314-724-8906. A flyer was sent home with the 7th & 8th grade students to volunteer. Days and times to work are on a first come basis.
Calling all Men of The Parish
The Harvester Knights of Columbus and the St. Joachim Men’s Club support the parish in numerous ways from frying fish for the Lenten fish fries to helping maintain the grounds and building for the Care Service. Informational booth and membership drive on Feb 4th in the cafeteria. All men of the parish 18 yrs or older are welcome. Stop by and learn who we are and what we do. More info on Harvester Knights;
The Daughters of St. Paul from Pauline Books & Media will be visiting Sts Joachim and Ann on Sat. & Sun. Feb. 17 & 18... The Daughters of St. Paul are religious Sisters whose mission is to communicate the Gospel with the media, in the spirit of St. Paul. Their publications of Catholic books, music, DVDs and Lenten reading --both for children and adults--will be available for perusal and purchase after the weekend masses. For more information or special requests call Sr. Laura at 314-965-3512.
Catholic Men for Christ Conference
The 10th Annual Catholic Men for Christ Conference, featuring Marcus Grodi, Rev. Art Cavitt, John Leonetti and Damon Ownes, will be held Saturday, February 18th at the Touhill Performing Arts Center. For more information and to register online visit Cost is $50.
Family Service Day - March 11 Our Parish Family Service Day will be on Sunday, March 11, 10:30am – 12:30pm in the cafeteria. Several activities will be set up for people of all ages, including: making sandwiches for the homeless, making casseroles for St Patrick's Center, items for Cardinal Glennon Children's hospital, police officers, nursing homes, and military. If you have other ideas for a service project that is easy to duplicate and all ages can do, please let me know. All families of the parish are invited to help with one or all of the service projects for as long as you would like to stay and help. We are in need of the following items: white bread, bologna, American cheese, boxed macaroni & cheese, canned tuna or canned chicken, cream of chicken soup, stick butter or margarine. Contact Rose Wieschhaus at or 636 926-0021.
Catholic Women For Christ Conference
March 10th at Touhill Performing Arts Center. Register online at, or call Touhill ticket office at 314- 516-4949. $40 fee includes lunch and lots of blessings! Parish rep: Diane Distl 314-954-4887
LENTEN CONCERT -Michael James Mette & Family –FEB 25th 2PM in church
Join one another for a special time of reflection and preparation for the most sacred time of the year. You will not regret this afternoon of prayer, worship, music & reflection! Free admission, offering to be taken. In the 4 years that the Mette family has been on the road, the music has changed, growing from a solo acoustic show into a full family band. Now, the family joins Michael on stage, each one sharing their joy and vibrancy in a unique way.
Encourage those you know to make use of this consoling, strengthening sacrament – even offer to bring them and pray with them.
COME HOME THIS LENTEN SEASON Is God calling you – or a loved one – to return to an active faith life in the Catholic Church? Through a program called LANDINGS, you are welcomed with open arms and someone to walk this path with you. No judgment, no pressure. Come explore, meet one- on one with someone who care, and discuss the practice of Catholicism in a group. For more info, contact Sherry at 636 928-0384, .
Shop For Our Schools / Shop with Scrip Saturday after 5pm Mass, Sunday after 7:30am Mass and Sunday after 9:30am Mass and before 11:30am Mass Questions, contact Lisa Walls, or 314-517-4237.
School Cancellation
Should inclement weather cause classes to be canceled, a message of cancellation will be announced on a recording from the PSR office at 926-0021. You can also check our Parish Website at There will be an update about school cancellation listed on the PSR link. Please do not call the rectory. Your child’s PSR teacher or classroom contact person will notify by phone as many families as possible. If Francis Howell or Fort Zumwalt School District has been canceled due to inclement weather, evening classes will automatically be cancelled.
Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service is seeking to fill an immediate need for a Part-Time (18 hours a week) Custodian to promote and maintain a healthy, safe, and sanitary building and grounds. Duties include: clean and maintain designated interior/exterior building areas through dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning, changing trash, blowing sidewalks, weed pulling, garden maintenance, etc., make adjustments and minor repairs to heating, cooling, ventilating, plumbing, and electrical systems, follow all health and safety regulations, and other duties as assigned. Candidate must have the ability to operate various cleaning equipment and provide safe use of chemicals, inspect structures or materials and if capable fix and or repair, and perform physical activities requiring considerable use of arms and legs. Previous work related skill, knowledge, or experience is needed. Please send resume or summary of qualifications and references to Kathy Henderson at . When submitting documents, title your email subject line with the following: Care Service Custodian 2018. Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.