Art of High Command Buffett Marshall Verses
Right Person In Right Job / Marshall's General Approach: Pick best possible person, back them with everything you have, reward them or move them on quicklyTraps, Inept High Leaders / Franklin, Marshall saw over and over with devastating consequences
Art of High Command, Right Person in the Right Job / Drucker: Placing people into Senior positions based on pre-defined results expected, then meaningful evaluation of results against the pre-defined targets is a discipline that the US Military leads the world in. This is almost unheard of in Corporate America. The US Military also regularly reevaluates its process for the selection and placement of High Command.
Art of High Command, Non-Interference
Art of High Command, Disciplining the Superstar
Art of High Command, Backing Subordinate
Art of High Command / Drucker: (Buffett) “I focus only on the performance of the CEO and on capital allocation.”
Disciplining Non-Values Leaders, Must / Welch, Marshall: Removing Leaders Who Perform, But Do Not Live Up to Values, Acid Test of Top Organizations
Micromanagement vs. Abdication / Marshall: Cannot send out a plan and just site back, but must not micromanage and "irritate the other fellow". Must find balance
Greatest verse for leaders in the bible?
This Generation of Leaders / Putting Self Interest, Indulgence Ahead of Responsibility / Lk 12:45-46 / Servant who sees master delayed, starts beating other servants, eats, gets drunk – will be cast out when master comesSee also lesson on ego-based mistakes
See also lesson on humility
Remember both Marshall and Ike put selflessness as the top criteria for choosing leaders
Godly Leader, Attributes / Servant Leadership / John 13 / Washing Disciples’ feetServant Leaders / Jesus Example / Luke 22 / Greatest to be youngest, leaders to be servants.
Servant Leadership / Matt 23 / (Assuming reader understands.)
Servant Leadership / No exceptions / Matt 20 / “You shall not…lord your authority over your people…great…must be servant.”
Self Over Right Conduct / Abusing Position / Matt 24:48-51 / Wicked servant, seeing that his master is delayed in coming, beats fellow servants, eats and drinks with the drunken.
Master will come, punish him, cast him out.
Politics / Gain for self at Master’s expense / Luke 16 / Wrong! Parable of unrighteous steward.
Stewardship Expectation / Given Much, Much Expected / Luke 19, Matt 25: 14-30 / God’s Kingdom (not mammon): More to be given to him who has. Has not will lose even what he has (10 talents parable.)
Dealing faithfully with God’s servants under your authority
***Godly Leader, Attributes / Justice, Ruler Attributes / Prov. 17 / Will not Fine/ Penalize a Righteous Man UnjustlyDoing Righteousness and Justice is more pleasing to God than religion / Proverbs 21 / (e.g. sacrifices, alms, service, witnessing, etc.)
Justice is joy to righteous, dismay to evildoers / Proverbs 21
Fairness / Justice / Num 6 / Extreme detail and most provisions of God’s law appear to exist to provide fairness & justice for all. (If a man does X, Y will result…)
Note: Value of employment contracts, statements of scope, work, authority
***Heart of the Leader / Conduct Under Trial / Is 56 / 56:1 “…Keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come and my deliverance be revealed.”
Note: Easy to do right in good times!
Heart of the Leader / Justice / Deut 21 / Wrong to give preference to son of wife who is “liked” over son of wife who is “disliked.”
***Heart of the Leader / Justice, Fear of the Lord / 2 Sam 23 / David’s last words speak of ruling in justice and fear of the Lord and blessing that follow.
**Justice / Equity / Ex 21 / Commandments, Law & Judges to interpret are from God, to see that fairness, justice, righteousness & equity is done. This is important to God!
***Misc. / God’s Expectations of Leaders / Micah 6 / 6:8 “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.”
***Traps & Snares / Politics / 2 Chron 19 / Verse 7 Jehoshaphat to Judges – “…let the fear of the Lord be upon you: take heed what you do, for there is no perversion of justice with the Lord our God, or partiality, or taking bribes.”
Heart of the Leader / Fairness / Nehemiah 11 / People cast lots to live in Jerusalem, fairly sharing burden. When unfairness prevails, organization breaks down – no one follows rules.
God’s Authority / Being Under Authority / Jud 9 / God clearly expects the people to deal faithfully with those He puts over them – avenged wrong conduct!
Ungodly Man, Attributes / Unfaithful to wife, workers, those who trust them / Proverbs 5 / Business (people that make decisions) have treated honest workers (the wife of their youth) unfaithfully, pursing the adulteresses of gold and self. Business has returned and repented from time to time, only to stray again.
Greek / Hebrew Word: To turn aside (negative) OR ISHSHAH = female, (one to all females). [Check Hebrew - Does word use indicate adulteress like Israel playing the harlot after other gods? Or unfaithful lover?]
Adulteress: KJV = “Strange Woman” = ZUWR =
**Manipulation / Response To / 2 Sam 18 / Joab wants man to kill Absalom against David’s order, man says, “No…if I had…you would have stood aloof.”
* Remember the test of the light!
***Accountability for You, but not Me / Historical Pattern / Matt 23 / Throughout history (e.g. Pharisees), men have sought faithful, righteous subordinates while evading the same standard for themselves.
Requiring Subordinates to Perform
Justice / fairness verses
Protecting the oppressed verses
Drucker / Marshall / Grote Concepts
Effective performance appraisals – how do without documentation?
Verses on dealing with subordinates, slaves
Decisions / No favoritism, Justice / Lev 24:22 / One law for all, sojourner and nativeInterference / Micromanagement
Micro Management / Response / 2 Sam 19 / David’s men save him and kill Absalom, but David mourns Absalom (publicly), shaming his men. Joab rebukes him. “You have covered…servants…with shame…commanders and servants mean nothing to you.”